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Freeze Warning for Michigan

it only seems like last week you northerners were putting your plants outside, and now to have to drag em back inside. I'm glad it doesn't freeze here, let alone frost!

ring sting said:
it only seems like last week you northerners were putting your plants outside, and now to have to drag em back inside. I'm glad it doesn't freeze here, let alone frost!

Oh pfftttttttttttt RingSting go blow it out your A** I hope a Bearded Dragon or a Sugar Glider bites you on your arse :lol::lol:I am kidding of course as I used to own a Bearded Dragon and Sugar Gliders lolol
Had a warm night here but hasn't stopped raining hard all night,
Previous two nights like you R.B i have been putting a frost fleece over the plants to keep them warm and brought some more in,House looks like a botanical gardens inside :)
talas said:
Previous two nights like you R.B i have been putting a frost fleece over the plants to keep them warm and brought some more in,House looks like a botanical gardens inside :)

Yeah I need some of that frost fleece stuff for myself. You know it only pours with rain the day after I have spent a load of time watering the plants.
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
Oh pfftttttttttttt RingSting go blow it out your A** I hope a Bearded Dragon or a Sugar Glider bites you on your arse I am kidding of course as I used to own a Bearded Dragon and Sugar Gliders lolol


hpff, I was sypathising not bragging! pls, not offence intended.:oops:

I hope that everyone's season was good, and have stocked up on pods like squirrels with their acorns!
I am dreading the first frost...but frost is nowhere in site on the forecast...lows in the mid 60s (18C) for the next week except one day and the low is 57 (14C)...

I feel bad you guys are losing plants because it means I am not far behind you...

but it has been a good year and I have learned bunches about growing peppers from seed this year...

like I said in an earlier post...we can live thru our down under brothers pics until plantout next spring....
A duvet is like a comforter I think...it'll keep you warm anyway! We skimmed by the first frost threat barely but next to come is a much harder frost so that will probably take care of ours. I have a LOT of peppers inside in bags to ripen and think I will have to do that to the remaining ones in the garden. There's just too many peppers left on the plants to let the frost have them. Definitely starting my seeds earlier next year and hoping the weather will be good not like this year.
Yeah, I covered my plants Friday night. We did get frost as well. Covering it did the trick though. The ones that are staying out and don't fit in my closet I'll have to let go. I'm sure I'll still beable to get the pods to ripen. Also, I'm normally used to the cold in the winter, but when I was sitting in my treestand deer hunting with the frost Saturday morning I was freezing my nads off:shocked::lol:
I dodged a bullet last night...frost was here, but it didn't hurt my plants much. Yippppeeee....the season is not over yet! :) Maybe I can get a few more plates of ripe pods before the big one hits.
