Thanks for the ID's, Toby!
#5 These were planted as Red Savina. Never grown those before this year. I really don't think they grew true. Not that hot but nice flavor.
A 6-year old Red Savina was one of my few full-sized pepper plants to survive the great aphids war!

I remember it being a very finicky plant to grow at first - it didn't like a lot of fert, and took a year or two to get established, before it was finally happy. It also didn't produce very well, at least compared to my other habs.
More importantly, while this variety held the world's record for many years, it was
repeatedly reported to have
VERY inconsistent heat levels

(even for a hab), particularly when grown outside it's native climate?
I recall one year NMSU grew-out the Red Savina, to see how well it compared with other hot peppers, and IIRC it got beat-out by two other kinds of habs, including being measured wimpier than even the Orange Hab!
Let me see if I can find a link about this for ya...
Ah, here we go! -
Later tests by Dr. Bosland of the Bhut (which included the Savina and Orange Hab) also confirmed this, with the Orange Hab measuring well over 350,000 SHU, while the Red Savina clocked-in at less than 250,000!

See -
The general consensus at the time among many hobbyist growers was that the Caribbean Red was at
LEAST in the same ballpark as the Red Savina, but was
MUCH more consistent heat-wise, and was thus considered by many to be the better pepper!
So given the flaky heat reputation, getting a Red Savina that's only as hot as a mid-range hab is not surprising. But the appearance and color is not what I would expect to see from a Red Savina either, so I think your assumption is correct, you've got some kind of cross there.
#3 Bhut, Dorset Naga, or Bih Jolokia. Sorry I can't tell which. Earlier in the season the bhut were longer and bumpier...and hotter!
OK, I took a closer picture of just those four pods, to make them easier to identify -
I also made a detailed examination & comparison/contrast of each of these pods. Here are my observations -
- A - has a bunch of bumpy spiny things poking-out of it, almost like a cactus!
- Except for the curve at the tip of B, B & C look nearly identical.
- From a brown scar at the bottom, it appears D used to have a pointed tip like the others, but got broken-off somehow while it was growing.
- Unlike B & C (which are roughly triangularly-shaped), D is more unevenly shaped (kinda reminds me of huntman's avatar!), with the bottom part actually fatter than the top!
- A, B & C all are sloped at the top, while D has a flat top.
- A is 2.5" long, B & C are both 2" long, and D (with the broke-off tip) is 2 1/8" long.
With the better pic & more details, any idea now what any of these four might be?
By the way, tried some of the pods Friday night -
quite a mind-blowing experience! 
(I am writing-up something about my first taste of a fresh superhot now, will probably post in a new thread later!

) Will probably try the Bhuts or whatever they are next, held off on those until I could get the pic / details posted above, so I knew what it was I was trying?
Thanks Again!!