Mr Jack
Dave here in Ga. I would also like a pound..If you don't mind ..Thank You..
got it mopeppa...thank you...
No thank you sir...
AJ is one responding fool haha.. good stuff, you got everyone buzzing im excited fo sho!
gotta be...I hope everyone enjoys them...
I took one down to the White Elephant yesterday and was going to cut it in small pieces for some people to try...
long story short...a hispanic guy sitting at the bar perked his up his ears and his eyes started gleaming when he saw the pepper...he said, and I quote "May I have the honors"...I said what, eat the whole pepper?...he said, I will eat a large bite...well, he took the top 3/4 of the pepper, cut it in half, put it on his hotdog and ate it in two bites...he handled it like a man but 30 minutes later during our first set, I saw him sitting at the bar still licking the air...he was one hurting puppy...he came up to me and said "I don't want to ever see one of those peppers again!"...he didn't go into it blind...I told him exactly what he was getting himself into but I don't think he believed me...needless to say, he will believe me in the future...