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Frickin Sweet

You guys are just AWESOME! I can feel the power of the masses behind me, we cannot fail!

The only thing we can figure out as to the reason they want us out is that we reported a foul smell coming from the drainage pipes in the bathroom and requested that they look into it.
The sent a plumber that same day and he said that whilst it was not a major job it would take a little time to rectify, one of the pipes had dislodged from a union and the water from the shower cubicle was bypassing where it was supposed to go and draining directly onto the ground.

Me thinks that they don't want to pay to have it fixed and are hoping that the next tenants will be willing to put up with the smell. I will be sure to tell any prospective tenants about this problem.

Rents always been paid in advance, we look after the place. When my girlfriend moved in there the backyard was nothing but a hard dirt patch, we applied LOTS of grass seed to that area at our own exspense and it's looking great now. We also planted around fourty native plants around the fence line, so im pretty sure that they have only one reason to be doing this, the plumbing.

Now, should i remove all the native plants before we go and apply liberal amounts of round-up to the grass OR should i leave the plants and the lovely grass there for the next tenants?? The fact that we beautified the area means that they can charge more rent for the place and i really don't think they deserve that, however i wouldn't mind leaving them there for the next tenants to enjoy.

Whatcha think?
Tough call....

I believe I'd take the high ground and leave the lawn and plants where they are.. Just smile, pack up your stuff, and leave quietly.....

....knowing you left 20 pounds of ground meat in the crawlspace to rot.

I say pot up your plants in some nice old oak barrels that look pretty and take em with you down the track.

Good luck with finding a pad!

Down here their starting to auction rentals, the highest bidder wins the fight to be able to apply!!! @#$## is all I can say to that.

Happy house hunting.
Just start feeding all the local cats and birds :)

Cat poo, bird crap and bits of birds poo'd around the place is always a lovely look.

Didn't expect that did ya....

or just plant a nice scorp in the back yard :) I'm sure some newbie will give it a taste later on down the track :)
Yeah ive heard of rental auctions what a joke, i bet that heaps of desperate people are paying waaaaay more than they can afford.
Have to agree with Paul, take the high ground here. Then they have nothing to ding you on should a new landlord call for a referal. Besides, what comes around goes around and they'll get twice what they gave. Karma can be a mofo ya know...
Rents always been paid in advance, we look after the place. When my girlfriend moved in there the backyard was nothing but a hard dirt patch, we applied LOTS of grass seed to that area at our own exspense and it's looking great now. We also planted around fourty native plants around the fence line, so im pretty sure that they have only one reason to be doing this, the plumbing.
Wow, what an absolute kick in the nuts!!!

I still agree with taking the high ground though. Retribution is so not worth it.......
Take the high ground. Granted a landlord from years ago could never prove I put the white mice from the pet store in the heating ducts(late spring so not in use), BUT now I feel bad as a year later I heard of the infestation that ensued. With 14 years of time comes hindsight and sometimes remorse.
Karma cuts both ways... leave the place better than you arrived and reap the benefits ;)

I think thats the plan, we haven't had an inspection since the work in the yard has been done. When the agent tells the owner what the place looks like now he will probably shit bricks in the full knowledge that the chances of the next tenants taking as good of care of the place are next to none. I would love to see the look on his face :lol:
See if the agent can convince him to fix the pipe and let you stay since you did raise the value. OR he already saw what you did and figures more rent possible.
I probably would try that approach however we had been discussing moving out anyway. Not this soon i may add but not too far in the future.
This gives us the kick in the backside that we needed!
Do you Aussies have tenant whistle-blower laws? In America we call them anti-retaliation provisions or retaliatory eviction laws. They generally prohibit a landlord from evicting a tenant if they do so after a tenant has reported (usually to a public authority) problems with the property. If you were going to move anyway, it may not be worth the hassle, but if you have such a law and report he landlord, it could give you some bargaining power if you want to stay for a while.
Those laws are there, but it is done via a tribunal. If it means enough it is a good idea, but might not be worth the time spent.
Nova, if this is the kick in the butt to get things moving (not LITERALLY..I HOPE!) :lol: )then good things are working your way.

If you need or want to stay in the place a while longer, then seek or act with mediation in mind.

It's not always ME-v-THEM. If there can be a compromise, it might be a solution.

Think of the landlord in his adversarial position. You, being the smarter warrior that you are...offer something, or point out something the landlord hasn't considered. Not something like telling the next tenants about the bad smell...

Maybe ask him how much it would cost to repair the plumbing. Ask him why he would risk losing a good renter for the cost of one repair?

Landlords really do not want to get rid of tenants, but those who squeak the wheel will get attention! How you focus that attention could help you stay there for a little while longer and leave your gardens in tact for the next tenant after you move on to your larger, greener pastures!

All the best to you, NovaC. You really do have the world behind you!
You guys are just AWESOME! I can feel the power of the masses behind me, we cannot fail!

Rents always been paid in advance, we look after the place. When my girlfriend moved in there the backyard was nothing but a hard dirt patch, we applied LOTS of grass seed to that area at our own exspense and it's looking great now. We also planted around fourty native plants around the fence line, so im pretty sure that they have only one reason to be doing this, the plumbing.

Now, should i remove all the native plants before we go and apply liberal amounts of round-up to the grass OR should i leave the plants and the lovely grass there for the next tenants?? The fact that we beautified the area means that they can charge more rent for the place and i really don't think they deserve that, however i wouldn't mind leaving them there for the next tenants to enjoy.

Whatcha think?

Well if you believe in karma or other such things, leave it.
If you're out of lease then they can ask you to leave.. it could be any reason, not necessarily the plumbing, but maybe the owners (or their family) want to move in.. or maybe reno or sell.. who knows?

Dont go undoing all the hardwork you've done making the place look better.. karma after all :)

What area are you looking for the new place in? I'm sure you're going to find somewhere awesome :)