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pests Fruit from aphid infested plant

I just noticed that a few of my 15 plants have some late season aphids. There was no sign of aphids for most of the growing season until the last couple of weeks or so. The plants don't even look stressed yet. I'm just waiting for the last few pods on each plant to ripen then I'm closing up shop for the season. My question is do the aphids affect the fruit in any way, such as make it unedible or unhealthy to eat?
nah, they just suck the sap out of the plants, might give the plant a virus but thats not really transferable to you... the stress on the plant might give the peppers a little extra kick tho...
I don't have an answer to your question but I actually experienced the same thing. Didn't have them all season and then had them for about the last 2 weeks.
I noticed last week that my indoor plants have aphids, I killed most of them with my fingers.

Thankfully, they are the brown-redish kind and not the green ones or I'd never find the suckers.

They are soft bodied, so just crush them with your fingers when you see them.
think a number of us are having a last minute invasion,Doesn't affect the fruit no but to get rid of them introduce them to the outdoors in the rain and if your having night time lows but them outside..and then bring them,I hardened a few of mine in my entry and all are dead :)
The peppers should be washed since the aphids poop honeydew all over the place.


Err..nvm... I seen Honeydew Melons, and I seen Aphids...poor aphids, that HAS to hurt. ;P
i fi were you id try to get them off the plant, spray them with as strong a stream as you think your plant can handle, theres no real health hazard to you but your pods may become dwarfed due to the aphids sucking all the life out of your plant, ive actually seen aphids sucking straight off the fruit before, greedy little buggers...
most of the damage caused by aphid feeding in peppers is due to virus transmission but can cause damage to your crop by their feeding also. the honeydew they secrete serves as a medium for the growth of sooty mold fungi which reduces photosynthesis. other diseases spread by aphids on pepper plants includes alfalfa mosaic virus, broad bean wilt virus, chilli veinal mottle virus, cucumber mosaic virus, egglant severe mottle virus, henbane mosaic virus, indian pepper v (sick of typing virus so v will have to do from here on in), marigold mottle v, peanut stunt v, pepper mild mosaic v, pepper mottle v, pepper severe mosaic v, pepper vein banding v, pepper veinal mottle v, peru tomato mosaic v, potato aucuba mosaic v, potato v's A and Y, beet western yellows v, carrot mottle v, and potato leaf roll v.

I believe the only impact on the actual fruit (apart from the sticky honeydew that Potawie pointed out) is one of aesthetics however the above diseases will impact on your plants ability to produce foliage, bud, blossom, fruit and then ripen fruit adequately. if it's your end of season and you aren't going to overwinter your plants just get the bugs off and don't worry too much about it.

my plants pretty much got smashed by aphids last year and most still fruited adequately, though I naturally still wanted more!!!