• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

So it's official.


The 2014 season has just begun.

I planted the first six, on the right, 7 days ago. The second six a few days later.

First up is c. pubescen Canario.

More details later.
OCD Chilehead said:
Nice looking not trin choc scotch bonnet. Those Reaper x bbg7, bubblegum pheno's are magnificent.Thanks on the review. It's crazy how you get different reactions. Tried to explain to a friend sometimes you get something that way hot off the top, like putting your tongue to a hot plate, but it doesn't build or last that long. Sometimes it builds and peaks out after several minutes. He looked at me like I had completely lost it. Needless to say he won't try anything I make.LOL

Have a great Friday and weekend as well.

Thanks for sharing. Great pics Jason.
Thanks Chuck.
I agree. I like Nigel's take on it. Some have heat, some have pain, but usually its a combo of the two. That seems to describe it well for me. That reaper was a strange one though. Even the heat wasn't very painful, but it was hot.
The instant or delayed burn and then the amount of time of the burn is really neat to discern between pods.
I'm sure dude was confused. Start him off with something mellow. He might get hooked.
capsidadburn said:
Beautiful pods and pics Jason! They look kind of hot!
capsidadburn said:
Jason, I just read about Jay Adams having a heart attack and passing.  Age 53.  Very sad for the old school skaters.
Such a bummer. :(
jedisushi06 said:
i love that mourga pheno you got there.  Thanks for letting me try the other two phenos.  Save me some seeds from those orange pods please!!!!!!!
I got you on those seeds!
rick_pitcher said:
Mean looking pods man!
Thanks rick!
PaulG said:
Gnarly3, Jason!
:D thanks ³ Paul!
wahlee76 said:
That stuff looks evil :evil: .
Just put the rennies on my wishlist
Jamison scored me a cutting from his plant from last year. It's making some cool pods. Will drop some more Picts of today's pods tomorrow. And I'm sure we can work something out come fall.
Devv said:
Very nice Jason!
Great looking pods and and pics!
Thanks Scott. Been listening (reading) in on your camera discussion. I want to score a SLR of some type.
meatfreak said:
Beautiful pods, Jason. Looks like your hard work is starting to pay of! Love the orange SB7J, although it's not the shape that the F-1 had. I don't think anyone got that shape with later generations.
Finally getting some color around! First orange blobs tonight, & the first Freeport orange. It is texture slightly verses the Bahamian goats I have, from grant @junglerain originally, that are smooth all over. Thanks again Stefan.
I agree on the SB7Js. These are more scotch bonnet for sure, in heat and shape.
There are some hurricanes in those first glamour shots btw. The more round peach pods. They have a nice taste and hab heat. I ment to point them out to you before. I picked ten or more tonight.
Pepper-Guru said:
Great poddage! Those calyxes are crazy. 
Thanks Rich. Those are crazy. Much stranger coloring than the regular bbg7s.

My internet connection has been jacked all week. Had to reset the modem multiple times and then it would finally connect for a few hours... Until Thursday anyway... Then nothing since.
Have an appointment with a tech here tomorrow. Hoping to get back connected.
I have some catching up to do and a few more photos to share.
GA Growhead said:
Jamison scored me a cutting from his plant from last year. It's making some cool pods. Will drop some more Picts of today's pods tomorrow. And I'm sure we can work something out come fall.
Would be fantastic. Wanted to send you a pm, but doesn't seem te work.
Yeah my Internet has been up and down since the lightning we had earlier last week. It's wireless that connects to a tower 6-7 miles away. Normally fast and flawless.
Thanks Scott. Been listening (reading) in on your camera discussion. I want to score a SLR of some type.
SLR is the way to go, my son bought an 18mp Nikon body with 2 Nikon lens'. He spent around $800 for a package deal. The newer cameras are far superior to my older SLR and the choices one has for a lens is amazing. Mike shoots with a D-60 too, his pics always look great!
Can't say enough about those BB pheno reaper crosses. Great pods. Ate one outright... has all the strengths of both the peppers... the cinnamon of the reapers and the sweetness, shape of the bb7. And they're meaty pods... tons of utility. I smoked the other one and dried it. Really opened up the flavors. I sure hope it stabilizes... you may be on the way to something like a giant bb7.
GA Growhead said:
Finally getting some color around! First orange blobs tonight, & the first Freeport orange. It is texture slightly verses the Bahamian goats I have, from grant @junglerain originally, that are smooth all over. Thanks again Stefan.
I agree on the SB7Js. These are more scotch bonnet for sure, in heat and shape.
There are some hurricanes in those first glamour shots btw. The more round peach pods. They have a nice taste and hab heat. I ment to point them out to you before. I picked ten or more tonight.

My internet connection has been jacked all week. Had to reset the modem multiple times and then it would finally connect for a few hours... Until Thursday anyway... Then nothing since.
Have an appointment with a tech here tomorrow. Hoping to get back connected.
I have some catching up to do and a few more photos to share.
Happy to hear your starting to get color on the pods. Don't know how temps have been over there but it's not looking good over here. Looking forward to your taste review on the Blob and Freeport. The Freeport is pretty identical to the B. Goat I believe. Oh wow those Hurrikan are pretty big then aren't they?! Since they kept their color maybe crossed with an giant white hab or something? It's obviously crossed but looking very cool. Do they taste like an Orange hab?
Good luck with your internet connection. Can be frustrating not to have something your used to having ;)
Will reply after dinner.
We are reconnected to the world again! :dance:

Quick pict post.

Tobago scotch bonnet yellow

Jay's peach ghost scorp

Daisy cutter, pixie, or Jonah yellow. Cool which ever it is.

The best peach bhut plant. They are all over the place this very shape wise. Hope this one ripens to peach.

BOCs are starting to ripen!


Choc scorps

Not scorpion. Neat lime green pods of size.


Orange daisy cutter
Spicegeist said:
Your peach bhut looks a bit like a jay's peach...
That is the one plant making bhut looking pods out of six plants. The Jay's are a bit gnarlier shaped.

More Picts...
First for Charles.
Black nagas, caramel bhut, red bhut, & yellow bhut from Charles.

The not trin scotch bonnet chocolates have caught me eye.
Same pod as before.

And more from that plant.



The not CARDIs are huge.

Rennie in hand too.

Orange blobs, orange SB7Js, some scotches (maybe MOAs) and a Rennie.
Jamison said:
Damn brotha man!   Been slacking on everyones glog but them Rennie's are awesome looking!  Are those from that clone?   Also where are the Chocolate scorp seeds from?
Yeah brother. That's the cutting from you. Thank you again. She is a beaut!
The choc scorps are either from you, my saved seeds, or buckeye. I planted some from all three, and I ended up with plants from two of the three. Not sure what that plant is. I ended up labeling them all the same in the mass confusion called my grow with so many plants!

These are from buckeye. Orange scorpion.
One plant looks good.

This one is a bit off.

And this one way off.

Found this crazy looking spider today.

Gotta love this.

Making the Rennie's look good.

Green Trin Scorps

wahlee76 said:
Would be fantastic. Wanted to send you a pm, but doesn't seem te work.
No worries. I guess I need to delete a message or two. My bad.
Devv said:
Yeah my Internet has been up and down since the lightning we had earlier last week. It's wireless that connects to a tower 6-7 miles away. Normally fast and flawless.
SLR is the way to go, my son bought an 18mp Nikon body with 2 Nikon lens'. He spent around $800 for a package deal. The newer cameras are far superior to my older SLR and the choices one has for a lens is amazing. Mike shoots with a D-60 too, his pics always look great!
They upgraded me at the street and ran a new line to the house. Back in business!
I'm leaning toward a Nikon. Need to research. Thanks for the info!
maximumcapsicum said:
Can't say enough about those BB pheno reaper crosses. Great pods. Ate one outright... has all the strengths of both the peppers... the cinnamon of the reapers and the sweetness, shape of the bb7. And they're meaty pods... tons of utility. I smoked the other one and dried it. Really opened up the flavors. I sure hope it stabilizes... you may be on the way to something like a giant bb7.
Awesome Adam. I'm about to dry a bunch for some powder. Look forward to trying it now! We will see what next year brings. Hoping for stability in the long term.
Will roll downtown soon and we can get into some pods. Lots of new taste coloring up for us to try. We should grab something to eat with a bag full of pods.
meatfreak said:
Happy to hear your starting to get color on the pods. Don't know how temps have been over there but it's not looking good over here. Looking forward to your taste review on the Blob and Freeport. The Freeport is pretty identical to the B. Goat I believe. Oh wow those Hurrikan are pretty big then aren't they?! Since they kept their color maybe crossed with an giant white hab or something? It's obviously crossed but looking very cool. Do they taste like an Orange hab?
Good luck with your internet connection. Can be frustrating not to have something your used to having ;)
Had a orange blob tonight with a burger. Actually an orange blob, MOA, and an orange SB7J on the side. The orange blobs are good. Lower heat than the other two. Nice flavor.
The Freeport orange look the exact same but have a bit if spikiness to them. Will taste test the two soon.
Hurrikanes are quite yummy. Nice flavor like the other peach pods, peach bhut or peach Jay's, but without any bhut flavor. Moderate hab heat. Really similar to the CGN 23257s in flavor actually. Trying to remember the taste if the pods Pia sent, and I'm positive these taste better. Definitely not orange hab flavored. There were a couple 3cm in diameter. The plants are loading up too, one plant stated to fall out from the weight of pods and had to be staked.
Happy to be back connected. The upgraded at the street and new line has download speeds higher than before! I worked late all last week anyway, but still missed my THP time.
Have a great week Stefan!
PIC 1 said:
Never ending awesome-ness here !
Beautiful pods.........can't wait to see the pods on the plants ripen up !
Thanks Greg. I still feel backyard compared to your grow. Your on the commercial level!
I see green pods everywhere. Will be good when they all give up to some color!
Always a honor to have to in, gracing the glossy pages of magazines and all. ;)
Was thinking about you early this week as I caught part of a cubs game on wgn. I don't really watch sports but happen to be on that channel while trying to get the modem to connect. They weren't doing so well, but I did see they took one tonight though.
Yeah man you name the time! I want to come up there before August gets done too. They're asking me for some sauce down at the farm... I am bringing them my first batch of mango-bhut and I may crack open my first ferment and see how it turned out. 
Saveur has a pretty basic looking sauce recipe too I may try... just grind, age for two days, and mix with vinegar and a little salt. Interesting.