• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

So it's official.


The 2014 season has just begun.

I planted the first six, on the right, 7 days ago. The second six a few days later.

First up is c. pubescen Canario.

More details later.
Spicegeist said:
These look great :dance:
Judy's bhuts. :D
These are from another plant.

Some of Adam's pods!

Yel brain.


That pod was plenty hot!

One of Paul's not GWH.

Looks like the gigantic not yel CARDIs are not going to be yellow.

SB7J showing a hint of orange up top and on the side. Hoping it stays yellow, but might not.

Jonah thimbles shaped red growing true this season.

Dude, those bhuts are ginormous   :shocked:  good grown', brother!
Glad to see the not GWH is making some nice pods for you.  Andy
reports the same thing.  Awesome!
My Jonah yellow thimbles doesn't have any pods like your reds,
yet, but is a great producer with some gnarly pods!
PaulG said:
Dude, those bhuts are ginormous   :shocked:  good grown', brother!
Glad to see the not GWH is making some nice pods for you.  Andy
reports the same thing.  Awesome!
My Jonah yellow thimbles doesn't have any pods like your reds,
yet, but is a great producer with some gnarly pods!
Thanks Paul! The plants are really starting pod up!
My first yellow Jonah thimbled, is crossed. Still a couple more going though. I'm hoping for yellow, shape or not. Yours look great btw! I am happy about the red though. Neat looking pods.
Hopefully it won't be long on the not GWH!
Jeff H said:
All of the peppers look fantastic, but those bhuts look friggin awesome. Red, I assume?
Those are nice! Thanks Jeff. And yep, red bhuts.

A few Picts.

Adam's reaper got chomped.

Heat was up there. Flavor same as mine from last year, but this pod a tad hotter I think than mine. A tasty pod.


And the pod on the right, first pict, came off my buddy's bbg7 from chileplant.com (or whatever it is). It actually taste a little like a bubblegum. We think it's a cross after tasting. Heat is hab like. Thin skinned little pod.

Still haven't found that pod.

So looks like there is an orange SB7J.

Doesn't look like it is going to turn red.

MOA bonnets

Almost ready!

Adam's big sun habanero and funky reaper.

The big sun is delicious. Lovely yel hab flavored pod. Nice low to med hab heat.

This funky reaper got me good. I had Scott's and it was hot, but this pod lit me up. Could have been the combination of all the other pods ate with it, or it was just fire. The bottom half of the pods was mellow and tasty. The top half with the placenta had me tearing up for a few. Intense stinging in many places across my mouth and throat. Was pretty serious for about five, then mellowed to a good warm mouth that lasted for ten or so.

Also sampled a bradley's bahamian pepper today from my buddy's plants. Super juicy frutescen that was quite enjoyable!

Happy hump day!
Glad you're enjoying them! I took a super break yesterday but today I got some ripe primos ready for sampling. Got to figure out how to use all these jamaican mushrooms too! That is a heck of a prolific plant.

That datil/goat cross you left me was like candy. You got something in the soil up there man... I can grow the same strain down here and it comes out meaner, but yours all have a crisp sweetness to em. Got to learn from the masters.

Also really enjoying those CGN 23257's. Ate em so fast I almost forgot to save the seeds.
GA Growhead said:
The other scotch brains have set flowers. Hoping for one with pods as gnarly as yours. The first one's pods have some size. The other smaller pods are not as blocky, and a bit more bonnet shaped.
My green jalabanero is making exactly what you think the two would make. That neat you green is looking like a super hot. My purple definitely looks like a super was involved somewhere in the mix. Cool plants, the both of them.
Still waiting on the first not CARDI purple-ish to ripen. Any guessed on final color?
The cream fatalii are kinds long verses the width. I picked one yesterday that was about 10cm long. The plant that it's producing red pods also had no heat. I have two more plants in pots that I was going to pawn off, but keeping them to see what they produce. Yes... More plants to take care of. ;)
Same to you Stefan. Always enjoy your insight and attention to detail.
Slackers reply again ;) Great view on your rows!
Good to hear on the Scotch Brain, more and more pods are starting to ripe here and more are being set in the meantime. The plants are huge, did not expect this since last season they were rather small so I put them at on the third row. Hard to reach and with them being huge, it's almost impossible now to get to them.
Sounds like the green Jalabanero is putting out the same kind of pods as mine did last season, they weren't super hot however but did had a lot of oil inside. Was really remarkable. Looking forward to your progress on them :)
Not CARDI purple looks like it's going red, maybe Burgandy?
Great to see your Jonah thimble are growing true again! Lovely shape. And what about that Orange SB7J!? Really cool color and the shape resembles a lot of an Scotch Bonnet.
OCD Chilehead said:
Thanks for the great pics and reviews. MOA and Bhuts look great.

Have a great week.
Thanks Chuck. Hope your week was good. Mine was busy busy.
jb_orchidguy said:
Forgive this noobie question but what is MoA?
If you haven't found the answer yet... It stands for the Ministry of Agriculture. A fellow member on here, Steve, was able to get some seeds from Jamaica's breeding program, from their Ministry of Agriculture. They are trying to re-stabilize the true scotch bonnet and also make it immune to some native diseases down there. They have a list criteria that they are trying to achieve to make the perfect bonnet and redistribute to the growers on the island so they can export the best bonnets, to improve on the economy, to the rest of the world.
Hope that clears it up. & Thanks for stopping in too.
romy6 said:
 Must be that Ga clay making for some crazy ass crosses and gnarly ass pods .
 You my friend have it going on .
 Very perplexed about that shell of a pod you got growing WTF ? 
Thanks Jamie. You know this GA red clay is like crack to the peppers ;)
I'm perplexed myself. Never seen that before.
meatfreak said:
Slackers reply again ;) Great view on your rows!
Good to hear on the Scotch Brain, more and more pods are starting to ripe here and more are being set in the meantime. The plants are huge, did not expect this since last season they were rather small so I put them at on the third row. Hard to reach and with them being huge, it's almost impossible now to get to them.
Sounds like the green Jalabanero is putting out the same kind of pods as mine did last season, they weren't super hot however but did had a lot of oil inside. Was really remarkable. Looking forward to your progress on them :)
Not CARDI purple looks like it's going red, maybe Burgandy?
Great to see your Jonah thimble are growing true again! Lovely shape. And what about that Orange SB7J!? Really cool color and the shape resembles a lot of an Scotch Bonnet.
That not CARDI purple is definitely red. Going to pull one over the weekend.
The orange SB7J has turned a blood orange. Neat color. Stoked it never went red.
Here are a few...


The very much resemble a bonnet. Long pedicles like a bonnet too.

New pods forming on the other scotch brains plants. Shapes look good at the baby stage.
Hope you have a great weekend!

First pink tiger to ripen looks more peach lion.

Better luck with plant two of three. ?

Another brown Rennie to pick. The first was plenty hot!

Oh yeah.. Stefan, here is one of the hurricanes. Peach it is. The photo doesn't (had to correct this) capture the true color. These are really peachy.

My mystery greens, that originally came from some pepperlover seeds, are ripening. Neat color on these. I really liked the taste last year too.

Should be 7 pot Congo SR. Neat pods regardless.

Black nagas looking bad ass.

Bhut Jolokia Chocolate x Douglah (F2) from Charles. I have three plants going. This is the only one showing the bhut side of the cross. The other two are more douglah without a doubt.

jb_orchidguy said:
Thanks for that GA Grow head!!
No problem. You got me thinking and I would like to find that list of criteria again. Will post it here if I find it.
jb_orchidguy said:
Those peppers are amazing!!
Thanks JB!

Here is one of the other choc bhut x douglah F2s. More douglah looking.

These were supposed to be aji charapita. Look just like my Wild Brazils. ?

A few orange blobs are about ready.

In trying to find the MOA breeding criteria list, I found a bunch of random things. One suggestion was to only save seeds from the first four pods to ripen on a plant.