• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

So it's official.


The 2014 season has just begun.

I planted the first six, on the right, 7 days ago. The second six a few days later.

First up is c. pubescen Canario.

More details later.
Everything. Looks good
Nice work on that sbj7.... first red.. then yellow.. now orange. . Nice.. the pod from judy. Possibly a evergreen. .?
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Everything. Looks good
Nice work on that sbj7.... first red.. then yellow.. now orange. . Nice.. the pod from judy. Possibly a evergreen. .?
Thank Denniz!
The mystery green had the same shape the first year, but was red. Next year, what I am considering F2s, I had one plant throw out green pods. Happy to see that carried over. If I remember correctly, the seed was either from trin cherries, sweet scorp, or red douglah. I had some jiffys that seeds never popped that I mixed up, and finally that one came up once moved outside. Could have crossed with her evergreen originally. They aren't very hot, but neat taste.
Devv said:
Looks like you're in full swing there Jason!
Nice poddage pics!
And it won't be long before you're wondering just what the heck to do with all those pods!
Thanks Scott.
You say that, but the wife is already trying to take anything I don't necessarily want and pawn off. There are people waiting for fresh pods already. We had great success moving my extra pods last season, and have moved a few already this year.
I have to repack the freezer and dry a ton for powder too. Going to try AJs puree method and some sauces, fermenting and not, will be had.
I say bring it on!
Yeah, we cleaned the freezer the other day. 10 gallon bags of habs and Reapers with freezer burn. I guess we both grow too many ;)
Oh, puree, the clean up is the dangerous part. As I'm sure you will find out. AJ's method makes a nice puree, I had a request for more Reaper puree the other day from a buddies wife. The sad thing is my Reapers did nothing this year, which is why I'm going to try a fall planting next season to see if it works out. The spring planting is such a challenge here.
Pods bodkins, Jason!  Some really great shapes in there,
not to mention color, and nice graphics work!  I need to
get out and get some pics today of some of your plants
We're in a real heat zone lately, and the pods on a lot of
my plants are getting super bumpy.
My Charapita and Wild Brazil are very similar to each other, 
too, but the Charapita's pods are probably 3 or 4 times the size
of the WB pods.
Outstanding grow, Jason!
PaulG said:
Pods bodkins, Jason!  Some really great shapes in there,
not to mention color, and nice graphics work!  I need to
get out and get some pics today of some of your plants
We're in a real heat zone lately, and the pods on a lot of
my plants are getting super bumpy.
My Charapita and Wild Brazil are very similar to each other, 
too, but the Charapita's pods are probably 3 or 4 times the size
of the WB pods.
Outstanding grow, Jason!
Thanks Paul. I enjoyed having all those beautiful colors together.
My charapits are the same size as the wild Brazil's. Was hoping for something different from the WBs. It has been a relatively mild summer here. We just had a nice few days with night time lows in the sixties. Really nice.
PIC 1 said:
Rock'in with the high key photog !
Thank you Greg!
maximumcapsicum said:
Love the pics Jason! What's the flavor like on those greens?
Will get you some to try soon. The mystery greens have a stronger chinense flavor than last year, but still a nice flavor. Hard to put a label on it, but I like it. I haven tryed a green scorp yet. Other pods kept cutting in line. ;)
Sawyer said:
Great colors in those pods.
Thanks John!
jedisushi06 said:
I'm loving those orange pods
They taste as good as they look! Very much scotch bonnet/Bahamian goat flavor. The placenta had a good bit of heat, hotter than your standard bonnet.

Speaking of....
I sample the orange SB7J with another reaper x bbg7 (reaper/moruga pheno) this week.

And sliced.

The SB7J was as described above. Awesome bonnet/Bahamian goat flavor. A keeper, as that's my favorite flavor. Neat darker orange color too.

The reaper cross was fire! Like the other pod as expected. Tasted much more reaper. And damn hot!

My buddy brought in a reaper from cross country nursery that he ordered. His pod was the strangest reaper ever. It immediately, and I mean 10 to 15 seconds or even less, got a physical reaction (raccoon mask, back of the neck, and head sweats) out of us, but heat/ pain was very slow to build and wasn't as painful as it was hot. Flavor was true to reaper. It seamed very friendly compared to my cross. Neat pod on the way it burned alone. Pod shape wasn't perfect, but still was gnarly with a thin tail
OCD Chilehead said:
Great job on the pics Jason. Fantastic pods.

Thanks for sharing
Thanks Chuck!
MeatHead1313 said:
Absolutely stunning photos! Beautiful looking peppers for sure!
Thanks Chris. The make shift germination area/light box helps. Need to get a decent camera still.

A few more.

Not trin choc scotch bonnets. Saved seed, crossed with something badass.

More reaper x bbg7, moruga/reaper pheno.

The better pod shapes out the 40 plus I picked.

Reaper x bbg7, bubblegum pheno.


Neat darker red to this plant.

My third plant of the cross has baby pods that are more reaper looking. Calyxes are over sized, but can't tell if they are bbg7s calyxes yet.

Happy Friday to all!
Nice looking not trin choc scotch bonnet. Those Reaper x bbg7, bubblegum pheno's are magnificent.Thanks on the review. It's crazy how you get different reactions. Tried to explain to a friend sometimes you get something that way hot off the top, like putting your tongue to a hot plate, but it doesn't build or last that long. Sometimes it builds and peaks out after several minutes. He looked at me like I had completely lost it. Needless to say he won't try anything I make.LOL

Have a great Friday and weekend as well.

Thanks for sharing. Great pics Jason.