• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

So it's official.


The 2014 season has just begun.

I planted the first six, on the right, 7 days ago. The second six a few days later.

First up is c. pubescen Canario.

More details later.
stc3248 said:
I'm here now...carry on.
Finally. ;)

Now that Shane made it in...
Here are the plants from last night.


Jigsaw number two decided to break ground.


Some hairy leaves...



Looks like jigsaw number two is going to have three cotyledons.


And finally. Yes finally, my empty pellet shows signs of life. This is a white 7pot from SLP.

So germination stands at:
Giant Rocoto - 3 of 3
Brown Rocoto - 3 of 3
Mini Rocoto - 3 of 3
Canario - 2 of 3
Rocoto Inca - 3 of 3
Orange Manzano - 3 of 3
Pimenta de Neyde - 2 of 3
PI-441598 cross (F3) - 2 of 3
My Reaper cross (F1) - 2 of 3
Brown Bhutlah SLP - 3 of 3
Jigsaw - 2 of 3
White 7 SLP - 1 of 3

That's 80.5%
GA Growhead said:
Finally. ;)

Now that Shane made it in...
Here are the plants from last night.


Jigsaw number two decided to break ground.


Some hairy leaves...



Looks like jigsaw number two is going to have three cotyledons.


And finally. Yes finally, my empty pellet shows signs of life. This is a white 7pot from SLP.

So germination stands at:
Giant Rocoto - 3 of 3
Brown Rocoto - 3 of 3
Mini Rocoto - 3 of 3
Canario - 2 of 3
Rocoto Inca - 3 of 3
Orange Manzano - 3 of 3
Pimenta de Neyde - 2 of 3
PI-441598 cross (F3) - 2 of 3
My Reaper cross (F1) - 2 of 3
Brown Bhutlah SLP - 3 of 3
Jigsaw - 2 of 3
White 7 SLP - 1 of 3

That's 80.5%
Them things are rockin' bro! Seedling look beautiful man!
Great shots Jason! And a pretty sweet germination rate too. I can't believe how fast your seedlings grow... are roots coming out of the bottoms of the pellets on those jigsaws?
GA Growhead said:
I have read about the shading of these pubescens. Thinking grow bag/root pouches so I can move then as needed as the season progress. You know how that sun just won't stay in the same place all year. :)
No problem on the jiffy guide. I really like the ability to freely move as needed. I just think treating like a small self-contained pot with starter soil already added. Different things work better for some but not for others. There are many right ways to do anything. Everyone's situation is different, and we have to find out works best with what we have/use. Sharing knowledge is good as to give another route if one's is failing.
I'm eyeing your seeds in bags right now. I have had success that way before too.:)No prob maxcap!
I'm think warmth could have been the issue with yours last season. I had seedlings sitting in a south facing window in Feb/ march two years ago and they poked along at a very slow pace. I ended up putting the humidity dome back on and keep something in the side to leave a crack and they started taking off again. It would condensate once the sun started hitting it so I know that heated them up. Last year was the first with the lights inside for the starts. Hardening off became the new challenge and I burnt a few good.
If you can try a few routes and see what works out the best this season, then do it. The peat pellets and shelving combo ended up being the easiest and most consistent.
I feel you on the organics. My garden plot is completely organically grown. The potted plants get supplemented with some slow release or miracle grow. Haven't got it down enough yet to not have too. But working on it.
Good luck on working this out.
& let me know if you are looking for any seeds in particular. I could help you out with a few if i got'em.
So today I decided to go through the rest if my seeds and get everything I have inventoried into a spread sheet.
First I had to go through this.

Each folded up paper towel/napkin is from a lunch or dinner. Normally one pod per paper unless I was deseeding before going in the dehydrator or eating multiple of one kind at that meal.
I need to be better next year, cause I found a few without writing. Who know knows what they are.
A downside to this method is the pepper gas bomb syndrome, as I will call it. It seem that opening the paper towels, more so than the napkins, does release small particles into the air. These particles of capsaicin will choke, tear up and just hurt you as you cough and sniffle your way though it. The more placenta with the seeds, the worse. Yes, I got good and gases today. And of course. I also got fingers that burned any other part of my body they touched.
So I made it throught it. Roughly six + hours off and on thought out the day. I have everything recorded digital and can start putting together a germination list soon.
Step one, accomplished.
Let the beginning continue!
I need to get an alphabetical order file cabinet for all my seeds. LOL. :)
Jamison said:
Them things are rockin' bro! Seedling look beautiful man!
All great selections Jason. One of these days I need to start tossing some wilds in the dirt. Im eagerly awaiting for your season to start unfolding with some poddage! Have a good New Year bro and take care.
maximumcapsicum said:
Right. I think following your glogs has shown me some of the errors I made last year. Got to loosen the pellets up, move them around, and transplant them as soon as I am sure they aren't going to dampen off. Looking forward to starting, just a couple weeks. 
When are you starting your big germination? I was thinking chinenses around the 14th and annuums at the start of february. Maybe tomatoes then too. Last year our last frost date was the 24th of March.
Right on Adam.
My frost date is a bit after yours. In just in some hills north of the city. Downtown always stay a good few degrees warmer than my place. A bit jealous I am.

I'm thinking somewhere between the first and second week of the new year for the chinense and frutescen, but doing those in two rounds about 4 weeks apart. That will give me those weeks in between for germination before starting round two. Makes it a bit easier for me to stagger when planting so many. And then the annuums march 1st. Shooting for April 15th plant out, so that's about six weeks for them. Weather is never predictable, but hoping it will be above 50°F at nights by then. Tomatoes mid march also.
maximumcapsicum said:
Great shots Jason! And a pretty sweet germination rate too. I can't believe how fast your seedlings grow... are roots coming out of the bottoms of the pellets on those jigsaws?
Oh yeah!
Here is the Neydes.

Going to pot these up soon. Going to buy some new soil first. Afraid to bring in the soil I have. It's been in the garage since summer. Something to do this week.
megahot said:
I need to get an alphabetical order file cabinet for all my seeds. LOL. :)

All great selections Jason. One of these days I need to start tossing some wilds in the dirt. Im eagerly awaiting for your season to start unfolding with some poddage! Have a good New Year bro and take care.
Thanks Jon. I now have a shoe box full of seeds in baggies. And last year's seeds in their own shoe box. Need to figure out a better way. I can spend five minutes digging thru to find what I'm looking for. :)

I know how time flies, so it won't be long. Going to make the germination list soon. Will post it when I do. This year is going to be bigger than last. Going for 300+ plants this season. Had 256 last so a minor step up, but with all the killer seeds that have come my way, thank you to you also!, it may be more. :)
Nightshade said:
I'm going to try 3 different methods in ground, Walmart bags, and plastic pots. I have a feeling they will all die but I'm going to be doing some strategic planting.
That's the way to do it. I may need to do the same, experiment that is. You got me thinking now. I should be able to try a few different things with as many of each that I have. Thank you for mentioning that.
Jamison said:
Them things are rockin' bro! Seedling look beautiful man!
Thanks brotha!
GA Growhead said:
Right on Adam.
My frost date is a bit after yours. In just in some hills north of the city. Downtown always stay a good few degrees warmer than my place. A bit jealous I am.

I'm thinking somewhere between the first and second week of the new year for the chinense and frutescen, but doing those in two rounds about 4 weeks apart. That will give me those weeks in between for germination before starting round two. Makes it a bit easier for me to stagger when planting so many. And then the annuums march 1st. Shooting for April 15th plant out, so that's about six weeks for them. Weather is never predictable, but hoping it will be above 50°F at nights by then. Tomatoes mid march also.
Oh yeah!
Here is the Neydes.

Going to pot these up soon. Going to buy some new soil first. Afraid to bring in the soil I have. It's been in the garage since summer. Something to do this week.
Thanks Jon. I now have a shoe box full of seeds in baggies. And last year's seeds in their own shoe box. Need to figure out a better way. I can spend five minutes digging thru to find what I'm looking for. :)

I know how time flies, so it won't be long. Going to make the germination list soon. Will post it when I do. This year is going to be bigger than last. Going for 300+ plants this season. Had 256 last so a minor step up, but with all the killer seeds that have come my way, thank you to you also!, it may be more. :)
That's the way to do it. I may need to do the same, experiment that is. You got me thinking now. I should be able to try a few different things with as many of each that I have. Thank you for mentioning that.
Thanks brotha!
Thanks for the pellet pics Jason! When I used the pellets (coco) last year, the roots shot out of the bottom of the plug very quickly. Most didn't even have true leaves. I am not sure how well they rooted along the sides. I think it's likely I hadn't loosened up the media sufficiently.
300 plants is going to be quite a jungle. Going to be an amazing sight. Looking forward to sein git as it all comes together.
Thanks for all the help, and in case I don't get back around before the New Year, Happy New Year!
Nice looking roots.  Your plant out is about a month ahead of mine.  Usually May mid twenties are safe here.  Last year I had to hillbilly up a heat tent in the garage to keep my hardening off plants for getting tagged and I also had a close on the first weekend after I planted.
Good luck.
Pinoy83 said:
what a hairy fellas you have....babies lookin great
Why thank you Pinky! They are getting hairier by the day!
HillBilly Jeff said:
Nice looking roots.  Your plant out is about a month ahead of mine.  Usually May mid twenties are safe here.  Last year I had to hillbilly up a heat tent in the garage to keep my hardening off plants for getting tagged and I also had a close on the first weekend after I planted.
Good luck.
This year had to wait into may. Hopefully the weather will be more cooperative in 2014. Here's to a warmer spring! :cheers:
Devv said:
Plants look great Jason!
Love the pubes too!
Keep it green man!
And have a happy New Years!
Thanks Scott!
Happy new beer to you! :beer: :cheers:
GA Growhead said:
Happy Tennessee my brother! Has the rain started turning into snow yet?

Update for ya!

Overall shot. Still haven't transplanted any of them yet. Just got all my supplies ready so will this week.

Second white 7 SLP up.

Rococo Inca is winning the hairiest award so far.

And true leaves on the four cotyledon jigsaw.

The Rococo is pretty gnarly. Does it grow at the same rate as the others? I know the pubes take a little longer to mature, was wondering if this was true when they are at this early stage as well.
The four-coty jigsaw is very cool looking. I wonder if you're going to have some interesting leaf-shapes come out of that plant.
Thanks again for the chile-loot! Can't wait to get started!
Keep on going strong!