• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

So it's official.


The 2014 season has just begun.

I planted the first six, on the right, 7 days ago. The second six a few days later.

First up is c. pubescen Canario.

More details later.
I totally jinxed you on that pipe! Glad you were there. Madballz ftw. I like them things! Looking like warmer weather the rest of the week. I think once ee get all settled in and in a routine things will get better. And if not it was a good learning experience for me. I can always sell this house and move back up to WI if need be, and maybe a little equity as well. I gotta start some seeds tomorrow. I been saying that for days tho. Hope your back feels better!
Tough news on the pipe Jason! Glad wasn't to bad. Twenty OW's! You're going to town and the farmers market aren't you!

I checked out the park I told you about. Had my board and my daughter with me. Too many grommets running around and BMXer's everywhere. Next time anyway, took pics of the place. I missed the main bowl though.

Later Mike
Devv said:
Wow broken pipes sux, been there done that, but it was lightning. Blew a hole in the hot water heaters incoming, wife calls me at work, just got home and waters running out the front door...
Glad you were there to stop it quickly!
I was very glad. Yesterday, A guy at work had a neighbor, who just happens to be cop, come up to work and tell him he turn his water off as it was flowing like a river out of his garage door. Sound like it was a common theme here. We aren't use to that kind of temps down here, or are the houses completely insulated for it. Was in the mid 40s today and no freezing temps tonight. Yay!
Your story sounds worse. Could you get her to turn the water off?
capsidadburn said:
Tough news on the pipe Jason! Glad wasn't to bad. Twenty OW's! You're going to town and the farmers market aren't you!

I checked out the park I told you about. Had my board and my daughter with me. Too many grommets running around and BMXer's everywhere. Next time anyway, took pics of the place. I missed the main bowl though.

Later Mike
A small farm in the garage here. ;)
Pm me those shots! Would love to see the bowl when you get a chance. I keep wanting to grab a few good Picts of the park here. Will do next time I roll by there. :)
maximumcapsicum said:
Alright Jason... had a quarter teaspoon of your powder on a couple pizza slices tonight. Fantastic! Tons of flavor there, and a full-mouth slow building heat. Very much enjoyed it. I have a feeling it's going to go fast!
You better be careful! Next thing you know... you will putting it on everything! :)
Seriously, The chili powder we make is not even in the same class as store bought powders. Flavor and heat is unmatched! Glad you are enjoying it!
I got a burrito for lunch today. A California style burrito from a local spot. I put some apple wood smoked reaper powder, Thanks Jamison!, in the salsa. Mixed it up good. Chip spooned it onto the burrito for each bite! My mouth was on fire and the flavors where out of the park good. It went very well with the salsa! Yum!
Spicegeist said:
I noticed a few burst pipes around town here too.  46 degrees today though... back to the normal unpredictable fluctuations..
Let's hope so! I'm OK with the norm. I saw what looked like a frozen stream running down this hill in front of this business two days ago. I though that was a bad sign for sure. Today... a backhoe digging up top.
The statistics from those three days would be interesting.
stickman said:
Bummer about the burst pipe Jason, but at least you were home at the time to deal with it. Nice action with your "hookers" too... ;)
Thanks Rick. It was sent to be I'm guessing (saying ;) ), That I was home when it happened!
Have my third jigsaw coming up, speaking of hookers! ;)
I think that puts me at 91.67% now!

I saw Scott got you some Tobago treasures. They were awesome flavored yellow pods, with med heat and prolific as could be. Worth growing!
Let me know if there is anything I can send you or you might need!
Pinoy83 said:
evrything looks good, you gonna have a great 2014 season ahead of u :onfire:
Thanks Pinoy! Working toward this season! Already in over my head and haven't even started. Have the germination list cut to 211 and just added 20 or thirty more. Back to the drawing board. :D
capsidadburn said:
Jason, your mailbox must be full.  Get in there and throw some stuff away so I can send ya pics.
Yep. Was completely full.
Made some room! I hate to delete anything, but gotta do what ya gotta do. :p
Jamison said:
I totally jinxed you on that pipe! Glad you were there. Madballz ftw. I like them things! Looking like warmer weather the rest of the week. I think once ee get all settled in and in a routine things will get better. And if not it was a good learning experience for me. I can always sell this house and move back up to WI if need be, and maybe a little equity as well. I gotta start some seeds tomorrow. I been saying that for days tho. Hope your back feels better!
Madballz 7, I'm really digging too. Yummy yum! It's all gonna work out my brotha!
Get them seeds going!
GA Growhead said:
I saw Scott got you some Tobago treasures. They were awesome flavored yellow pods, with med heat and prolific as could be. Worth growing!
Let me know if there is anything I can send you or you might need!
Thanks for the offer Jason, but I'm fully extended for this season... maybe we can arrange a swap later when I have some Frutascens seeds to kick in...
Thanks Penny and Adam! And we can talk later in the season Rick!

I'm feeling a bit under the weather today. Not sure if I got a bug or the flu, but something has got me.

Thought I would update quickly.

Had another 7 pot White SLP come up! The third of three.
And the third jigsaw has three cotyledons.


I'm now at 94.44%! Going to pot up everything, if I'm up for it, today or tomorrow.
Happy Saturday!
Was feeling good enough this evening and wanted to be creative. Got that urge. I have been trying to come up with a new avatar for a while. So decided thst was the plan.
Was looking through last years images of peppers and the garden. Then got side tracked looking to see if I had a shot of this cross I ended up with. I was looking the other day and found the dried pods I saved for seeds. It was supposed to be a douglah from saved seeds, but grew as a frutescen x chinense cross. Pods about a inch and half long that went juice when ripen and tasted similar to a ripe tobasco. Grow was strange, chinense look with wide open branching and with multi flowers per node. The peppers angled out then hung down.
So in this search I didn't find a Pict, but I did get an idea and it sounded like fun. A bit of illustrator and Photoshop and... woo la
My new avatar.

Didn't make it to the potting up yet.
That's my plan for tomorrow!