• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

So it's official.


The 2014 season has just begun.

I planted the first six, on the right, 7 days ago. The second six a few days later.

First up is c. pubescen Canario.

More details later.

Meet with Adam (maxcap) yesterday downtown at one of our garden shops. I needed a few things, for now and for later.
I complicated Adam's grow list and in return I came home with two new friends


Cheiro roxa cuttings!

We also grabbed some lunch and talked peppers for a bit. Was a good day!
maximumcapsicum said:
The Rococo is pretty gnarly. Does it grow at the same rate as the others? I know the pubes take a little longer to mature, was wondering if this was true when they are at this early stage as well.
The four-coty jigsaw is very cool looking. I wonder if you're going to have some interesting leaf-shapes come out of that plant.
Thanks again for the chile-loot! Can't wait to get started!
Keep on going strong!
The pubescens seem to be keeping up with rest so far, but looks like the chinenses are going to by pass them. My first time going them, so will see soon.
The jigsaw is pretty cool. Was hoping it would have put out two sets of true leaves, but that didn't happen. So looks like it will just be growing normal.

Hope you grow out many productive plants from those seeds!
RocketMan said:
Nice, things are looking good Up there. Now that the Pubs are going nicely when are you going to start the rest?
Thanks Bill! Starting some chinense soon. Maybe this upcoming weekend or the next. Then about 3 or 4 week later, a round two of chinenses and the frutescens as well.
Waiting till March to start the annuums.
That's the tentative plans ATM. Hoping for a warm early spring so I can get everything in the ground by mid April, early May. Fingers crosses!
capsidadburn said:
Score on the cuttings!  Beautiful plants.
Thank you Mike! Adam saved me a step _or two and took me straight to plants, and one already with flowers!
No snow buddy. Little freezing rain last night tho. Bit chilly today but im used to that. Been givin them things a little juice yet or just plain water? I might start some seeds today. I been having anxiety like you wouldnt believe and a touch of homesickness. I think itll get better tho. Still got that rennie clone for ya too.
 Nice babies J . I am growing some pubes as well. Look out cause when they take hold they start branching out like crazy .
Just wanted to thank you and Conor for the sweet package you sent me today. The powder is amazing and the seeds . Well they are top notch 
Jamison said:
No snow buddy. Little freezing rain last night tho. Bit chilly today but im used to that. Been givin them things a little juice yet or just plain water? I might start some seeds today. I been having anxiety like you wouldnt believe and a touch of homesickness. I think itll get better tho. Still got that rennie clone for ya too.
It will get better my friend. Spring is just around the corner too! Stay positive!
Flurried pretty good and any water on the roads froze. But nothing bad here. Cold as all get out though!
Can't wait to see that cutting grow!
Devv said:
Very nice Jason! Love the pubes, they're so photogenic...
Thanks Scott! I do enjoy looking at them. ;)
HillBilly Jeff said:
Sounds like a good day
That is was! Now it's just cold! berrrrr!
romy6 said:
 Nice babies J . I am growing some pubes as well. Look out cause when they take hold they start branching out like crazy .
Just wanted to thank you and Conor for the sweet package you sent me today. The powder is amazing and the seeds . Well they are top notch 
You are very welcome Jamie!
Hope it was still a surprise. Wanted to get a bunch of seeds out before Xmas and just couldn't make the time.
Thank Conor for sure. He is the mastermind, I only furthered is plan. Hope you didn't have any of them already. Let me know if you want any additional info on them.
Limited edition powder mix! Hope you enjoy it!
I also ment to show this madballz 7. I picked off the overwinter in the garage. I thought it was much more ripened in the low light, but it was still a delicious addition to yesterday's lunch. Even the seeds/placenta looked mature. Tasted awesome.

Not sure what the temps are in the garage, as it was 5°F this morning. Hope the ones that still had leaves, still have them.
GA Growhead said:
I also ment to show this madballz 7. I picked off the overwinter in the garage. I thought it was much more ripened in the low light, but it was still a delicious addition to yesterday's lunch. Even the seeds/placenta looked mature. Tasted awesome.

Not sure what the temps are in the garage, as it was 5°F this morning. Hope the ones that still had leaves, still have them.
Pretty fantastic pod! It still strikes me as a bit surreal that folks get all these ow pods. Delicious way to keep warm in the current temps.

Tried some of that powder today with my eggs. Fantastic! Nice hot punch followed by all kinds of citrusy and fragrant notes. A work of art man!

You got anything else in the garden right now? Hopefully it's surviving the weather... A bit worried about some of my greens...
maximumcapsicum said:
Pretty fantastic pod! It still strikes me as a bit surreal that folks get all these ow pods. Delicious way to keep warm in the current temps.

Tried some of that powder today with my eggs. Fantastic! Nice hot punch followed by all kinds of citrusy and fragrant notes. A work of art man!

You got anything else in the garden right now? Hopefully it's surviving the weather... A bit worried about some of my greens...
Yeah Adam. I have twenty or so overwinters in the garage. About 5 continued to grow against the odds, while the others dropped leaves and went dormant. Low light and cold temp are no problem for the few I see. So still grabbing a pod every now and then.
Glad you liked the powder. Lovely flavor with some heat! I sprinkle some on almost everything I eat. :D
Well... had a pipe break between the shut off valve and the out side spigot. Luckily, or unluckily really, my back is killing me so I was home from work... I heard a loud rushing noise coming from below me. Went to look and water is spraying 12 feet across the overwinters. So they got watered today. :P
Everything still had leaves that had them before. Plugged in a space heater to help warm up and dry up some of the water. I am glad that I was home to catch it. Can only imagine a frozen driveway as the water overfilled the garage, and my driveway is steep!
Devv said:
Looking good Jason, hope the garage temps stayed acceptable for your plants.
Nice gift to Jamie, just love the pepper love!
Stay warm!
Thanks Scott. Everything is still kicking it. And got a bath/watering!
Was a warm 21°F here at the house today and is 17°F now. So warming up!
Crud man, sorry about the burst pipe. Management told us to leave our faucets dripping... Hopefully all our neighbors are listening as well.

Least the OWs got a drink!

Thanks for the recommendations in my glog... Gonna mod the list tomorrow.

Have a good one!