• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

So it's official.


The 2014 season has just begun.

I planted the first six, on the right, 7 days ago. The second six a few days later.

First up is c. pubescen Canario.

More details later.
wahlee76 said:

welcome to another show of "That's amazin'!!" :onfire:
I liked that show as a kid. :P
Thanks Wahlee!

Spicegeist said:

That red bhut looks like one I'm growing from pepperlover...
Those are Judy's.

jedisushi06 said:
boom! Bump bump! Did you grow those bhuts in the picture above? How are the flavor on those carmel bhuts? I think my unlabeled bhut plant out back is a carmel bhut.
Them my bhuts :D
I haven't sample the caramels yet. It will happen soon. Been tasting other things, but it's on the list. I have four caramels and they all are making the similar shaped pods. Thin longer pods. They go thru a quick color change to the brownish red. No light caramel in between.
The caramel bihs next them are impressing me even more. Awesome looking pods. Should give me some color soon.
Hope you got yourself a caramel!

Devv said:
Great stuff Jason!

Glad to see your plants are pumping out the pods! Almost nothing is more fulfilling than realizing the fruits of your labor, because you did it ;)
You reap what you sow! Finally starting to see the benefits of my labor! Thanks for stopping in Scott. Jealous of the new chipper/shreader!

ribbedturtleneck said:
Fantastic shots of a beautiful crop.
Thanks ribturtneck. Turtlenecks always made me feel claustrophobic. The horror!

OCD Chilehead said:
Nice looking pods Jason. I like the Peach Bhut. BG7 looking good as well.

Great grow. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Chuck! I hope the peach bhut grows true. I am pulling up one if the plants today that has ripened to red. Little red pods at that.

Mr spiky

Lots of these guys!


Pimenta Lisa.

Peach lions, not pink tigers. :D


True Jamaican. I like the standing pods.

Donni sali

And first ripe one.

Looked it up and the spider I posted is a green lynx spider. They can spit vemon in defense. She was still on the same leaf this morning.
Spicegeist said:
Wow lucky guess on the bhut :) 
Donne Sali looks great... let me know if you want to grow my cumari do para x donne sali (yellow)... just pm if you do, no pressure though, only if it's something you want to try ;)
That would be a yes!
Had my first chintextle. Way juicier than I expected. Nice mellow burn that had my lips warm for a while.
Have a CAP501 ripening too.
GA Growhead said:
Had a orange blob tonight with a burger. Actually an orange blob, MOA, and an orange SB7J on the side. The orange blobs are good. Lower heat than the other two. Nice flavor.
The Freeport orange look the exact same but have a bit if spikiness to them. Will taste test the two soon.
Hurrikanes are quite yummy. Nice flavor like the other peach pods, peach bhut or peach Jay's, but without any bhut flavor. Moderate hab heat. Really similar to the CGN 23257s in flavor actually. Trying to remember the taste if the pods Pia sent, and I'm positive these taste better. Definitely not orange hab flavored. There were a couple 3cm in diameter. The plants are loading up too, one plant stated to fall out from the weight of pods and had to be staked.
Happy to be back connected. The upgraded at the street and new line has download speeds higher than before! I worked late all last week anyway, but still missed my THP time.
Have a great week Stefan!
Yeah the Orange Blob are only about 100k scoville would be my guess but that doesn't make it any less good. Taste is just as good as an Scotch Bonnet although perhaps a bit more earthy? The Freeport taste the same but is textural more gnarly indeed. I'm surprised to hear about the taste of the Hurrikan, when I grew them they tasted like an orange hab. So the flavor has improved :D The pods over here were hardly a cm in diameter, very very good yield. Also early compared to other Chinense.
The not trini SB Chocolate almost looks like an Brain Strain type. Excellent pictures again my friend, beautiful display of the varieties you are growing.
How are the temperatures over there? Over here it has been the coldest August since years, wet and cold :(
Your P. Lisa are pretty big! Looks like yours are going Peach also... means I am the only one that has the correct phenotype (although the peach phenotype taste a lot better :P). Pink Tigers are the same over here, no stripes and peach. The standing pods from the True Jamaican is the only trait I found different between the Foodarama and True Jamaican. In taste, heat and shape I found them very similar. When the pods of the TJ grow bigger they will hang like any other variety.
You have a great week as well my friend!
Garden got beat down today. Crazy storms blew thru, one quite violent. Insane lightning, one strike making contact in front of my property. Serious down pours and strong winds.
Did I mention the winds?



I took those two picts quickly, before I rushed into action. I had ran out of stakes along time ago. Any unstaked plant was leaning or laying flat out. At least twenty plants were down.
I broke out the machete and fashioned stakes out of any branch or fallen limb I could find on my property. After almost an hour, everyone was back up right, just I'm time for another storm.
A few pods lost, a few branches broken, but all main stems were still intact. Glad I was home today... Other wise I wouldn't have made it home from work till after dark, and would have had to wait till the morning to get the plants back standing.
Thanks Guys. I have survived a few more micro blast since.
Been MIA for a bit. Life gets busy, as you all know.

Few Picts.

Caramel bhuts, Trin Scorp Green, Tobago scotch bons, Not ts CARDI yellow Lemon hab pheno, Bahamian goat , and some SB7Js.

Yellow Jonahs. I thought I lost these, but they turned up.

Awesome color on the Bahamian goat and BOCs. Love the flavor on both, which is very similar to me. The BOC is way way hotter of course.

7 pot Rennies

Mystery Greens. Olive as can be.

Caramel bhi jolokias on left, caramel bhut jolokias on right. The caramel bhuts are delicious. Not bitterness at all, just sweet tasting. The bhi is on the test list for this week.


Orange, I mean yellow trin scorp. ;)

Scotch brains

Was surprised how yellow the inside of the green scorps are. And huge seeds too.