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GA GH's garden picts & more

So today, i ate my first ever fatalii. Had it with a burrito for lunch. Shared part of it with coworkers but they only took slivers. And it was really yummy. Much hotter than i expected it to be. Glad to have this pepper in the garden. And the plants are loaded and putting on more pods. Here is the first fatalii pre lunch.

More picts to post...
choc bhut changing, rasta looking red bhuts, bishops and more...
but gotta crash.
So keep an eye out soon.
Btw.. thanks guys for the comments.
Long day. Only got a peek at the garden before hurrying off to work, and at nightfall when i got home.
Here are a few picks i wanted to share.

Love this picture. Rasta pepper be jamming.

Chocolate bhuts starting to turn. Should be eating my first ripe one by thursday.

Bishops turning. Yay!

and an outy bishop. He didnt know he was growing the wrong way.

Spidey on the watch tower.

Them damn ants. Farming aphids like there's no tomorrow. These are the big black ones. I have little black one on the other end of the garden doing the same thing. Attemped to take care of them naturally. Will see if it worked.

And a yellow ghost sunset.

Had yellow ghost on my sub sandwich for lunch and scotch bons on my chicken salad for dinner.
Calling it a day.
Thanks again guys.
everyone take care and eat a pepper already.
Thanks datildaddy & bigbodybussey.
Just using my phone. It does have a macro focus setting. I use it on all the close ups. So makes the pictures look sharper.

It's been dry for the last couple days... until today. A few thundershowers rolling through today. Finally got my rain gauge installed so I can measure the rainfall. Took a few shots before and after the rain. Here they are.

Orange habenero.

Bishop crown almost red.

Another red ghost and my harvest in the corner there.

Some blurry fatalii.

My first yellow brain starting to turn. Cannot wait to try this 1.

And a beautiful chocolate ghost!

Thanks again guys. Wish you were here to enjoy a pepper with me.
A few more picts.
Todays harvest minus a few that went with my daughter for her and my son.


Last year ghost. To make a long story short.. these originally came from CPI, grown in 2010 in Texas. Then pods sent to Georgia. Seeds extracted and grown (F1) last year. Those seeds grown so now at F2 generation and showing serious variation. Each pod below are from different plants from the seeds. One is growing like last years pods, which matched the original pods sent here. The others are twisty turny peppers. Will find out if they retained the original taste and heat. And i still don't know what they really were since multiple pepper from Nagaland area can be called ghosts. But lasts years were yummy! Check them out.

Decided to ate something with a sandwich. Ate a scotch bonnet. But just wasnt what i needed. So... i chose this little guy. A red 7pot from one of the pale podded plants.

Smaller than than the others. Next to one from the other phenotype.

And cut open.

So i cut up slivers and put them in a turkey sandwich.

Damn good!
Still got a little burn going.
Thats living.
Seems like not much is going on. So thought i could do a quick update.
& i Pulled that chocolate bhut. Excited on thst one. Made some pepper art for pepperjoe's free seed thread. And snapped a few picts in the garden. Its hot today in the hotlanta btw.

Trin scorp sweet. Love the lite lime color.

Still waiting on these Jamaican hot chocolates. Plants are loaded. Not a single one turning yet.

Not sure if this yellow brain is going to be yellow or not. In person it is looking like its going to be a red yellow brainstrain.
which is cool. I didn't buy red brainstrains. So would be cool to have one. Hope the other four plants have pods that are yellow though.

And saw my first TS moruga blend starting to blush today. Will share a pict soon.
Eat a hot pepper today!
Todays update.
Broke out the dehydrator. Got two trays solid full.

Making powder soon!

Here is that red yellow brainstrain. Kinda wish i had a red brain to compare too. Wondering is the flavor is going to different or the same. But stoked. Definitely red.

And here is another yellow brainstrain. Hope it ripens to yellow.

Here is a yellow 7 large. Just started getting pods on the two plants i have. I still dont have a single flower on the regular yellow 7s yet. I also have two plants, both three feet fall. They are taking their sweet time. Both yellow 7s are from pepperlover. But here the large.

Here is an original trin scorp.

And my first trin scorp moruga blend starting to turn.


Another choc bhut is coming along.

And one of last years ghost. Liked this shot.

Can some bump me? Got a few more pict.
Thanks Kevin!

Here are my three douglahs. Each with a different shape.
the blobs...

The long ones...

And the one with stringers

Stoked on the three distinct phenotypes.

And what was sold to me as scotch bonnets. Really tasty. Only hot in the placenta. Thick and crunch. Not even habenero hot. But just enough heat that i like them. Been putting on everthing.

First hot cow horn.

Orange habs. Pulled my first yesterday.

Pretty in purples. These things haven't let up. Pulled a ton of red peppers over the last few weeks. And now starting to throw out a ton of new flowers.

And another red bhut going tri color.

Thanks again Kevin. Your douglahs looked awesome btw. Can't wait for mine to ripen up.
Everyone take care and eat a pepper.
till next time...
Awesome peppers GA!! Nice work. Growing some hot cow horns peppers myself. I have picked a couple but they were still green not red like yours. I put one on some hot dogs today they had a nice kick. I will have to see how they are when they turn red. Thanks for sharing the great pics!!
Really, Really, Great photos enjoyed looking at them. :P

Thank Glock4u. I have spent hours just looking at people's photos on here. Glad to help someone get some good visual entertainment.

Awesome peppers GA!! Nice work. Growing some hot cow horns peppers myself. I have picked a couple but they were still green not red like yours. I put one on some hot dogs today they had a nice kick. I will have to see how they are when they turn red. Thanks for sharing the great pics!!

Goad you liked the picts ncbeerbrewer. The hot cow horns are pretty good. I ate my second one last night with my dinner. I also ate my first orange hab. I have picked a handful. But didnt try one till last night, so many other peppers to eat. And... i still dont like them. I much prefer red habs over the orange.
Its been a busy week. Barely got to look at the garden. My buddy at work, that is also a pepperhead, brought in his first ripe douglah. We have bought seeds together and shared the varieties between us, which works out great. But he had the first ripe douglah, that went red also. And all i can say is... PURE PAIN! There was no heat for almost 30 seconds, then it came on so strong that it was like having a hot coal sitting on my tounge. I have been eating a good bit of supers, so my tolerance is up. So of course i took a big chunk and chewed it up, not realizing what i was in for. So i got about a good ten minute before it started to plateau and then dramatically dropped off within 5 more minutes. We managed to get a few other people to try a small sliver, the brave ones anyway. They reacted the same. Might not be able to get them to try anything else after that.
And since in talking about the douglah, here is my first starting to ripen. The photo does do justice but there is some color up top.

And will be picking that red yellow brain soon.

This brain looks like it actually is going yellow on top. Yay!

And first trin scorp moruga blend almost ready.

and again. I like all the yellow bhut in the background.

The choc bhuts are Beautiful! And delicious! On the top of my list for sure out of this years grow list.

And super excited to see that the first Jamaican hot chocolates are starting to ripen. One of the first to pod up. But just sitting, torturing me me this whole time as i wait and wait and wait. But looking sweet!

These picts were from last night. Was getting dark. Will get some good shots today so be on the lookout.
Eat, drink, sleep peppers!
Take care everone.
Wow, everything is coming along well. Love the "rasta pepper." Need to make a rista of those and have a "rasta rista!" So many good shots. Great growin'!

Wow, everything is coming along well. Love the "rasta pepper." Need to make a rista of those and have a "rasta rista!" So many good shots. Great growin'!


Thanks for the comment. I loved the tri color bhut. And them damn aphids. Stopped some the ants. But they just show up somewhere else in a day or two. Endless cycle.
Thought i would add a few picts from today. Looked like rain. But missed the house. Had to water the garden in the afternoon. Had some serious drooping going on. Even with the overcast sky, i still took a few picts. Check'em out.

First up... the large yellow 7s. I like how they grow up then fall over to be pendents. Had no idea that would be the case.

And another larger pod.

Something got into my first Trinidad sweet scorpion pod. :(

Luckily more pods on the way.

My butch T's are final setting a few pods. Have eight plants total. Four from pepperlover and four from pepperjoe. I think this one is from a pepperlover plant. Only three of the eight plants have set any pods. They are behind everything, in time, size, and literally in back behind the other plants where they get less light. So maybe that why. But regardless they are coming along.

TSMB slowing ripening. Another shot of the same pods from above.

The red yellow brainstrain is going to be picked tomorrow, or today since this is past midnight.its friend is turning more red up front here.

And looking forward to consuming one of these JHCs. Getting closer everyday!

Thank for checking me out.
Hey man i just thought id stop by and check out your grow!
I too am from GA and im getting ready to start in-grounding
my plants and i was wondering what you mixed with the clay
to make your soil? It would be greatly appreciated! And if you
dont mind me asking, what part of GA You from?
Grow on my friend!
