GA GH's garden picts & more

That's and a coworker eat my peppers at work and compare the taste, heat, length of burn, etc. I love those tails on the to get my hands on those next year. How do the hot chocolates taste? So far my best peppers have been bhut jolokia, Nagabon, and Caribbean red habanero. Got some douglas, yellow 7's, and t scorp in the works...can't wait.
bigbodybussey, that awesome. We get about ten people or so tgat will try them. As the hotter super have come in, i think we have scared a few people from continuing, but got a few back with that yellow brainstrain. I thought we were alone in doing so. But obvious not. Keep it up!

That's some Awesome porn you are posting here man!!! That pod from your friend at work looks killer!!

Keep up the great work.

Robert :dance: :dance: :dance:
That pepper is huge! How did you like the Yellow Brain?

That pod was huge and scary looking. The smaller ones we ate were pure fire and tasted really good. The scorpion shapes were tripping me out. I have read the TS morugas were pretty consistent shaped wise. And all mine are normal shaped. So was tripping that one of his plants were growing that way. And from the same pack of seeds as my plants.

DocNrock, that yel brain is yummy. Really good. Im mean really good. Prefer it over my other yellows, bhut or fataliis. And it was pretty damn hot. Gave the illusion of it not being that hot, but kept building at i ate more. Cant wait to try the reg yel 7s and the yel 7s LRG which i am loving to watch grow.

That yellow brainstrain is a beauty! Looks a lot like my Devil's Tongue. There's something about yellow that makes you think its not going to feel like razor blades in your mouth.... and then you actually eat one. hahaha!

Enter PEPPERMEISTER'S Pepper Photo Contest and win a Chile Roasting Rack!
Yeah man! So awesome looking and so good to eat. Will have to see if i can find a pict of your devil's tongue.

You should deff send some of those my way! :rofl:
we maybe can work something out this fall.

huge and wonderful looking pods!

also love one of your taglines "Everyone take care and eat a pepper"
Thanks so much.
Everyone needs to eat one pepper a day at a minimum. So good for us.
So trying to remind everyone. Did you eat one yet?

I just ate a couple Bishop's Crowns and a cayenne with my lunch. Was excellent!

Ok. Some more picts.

TS Sweets

Butch Ts coming along finally. Six of my eight have budded up. Two still just growing.

Jamaican hot chocs

Another TS moruga blend harvested

And again.

And i am so excited. The long tailed douglahs are going to be brown.

Here are the stringer tailed douglahs gone red.

And the blobby douglahs gone red.

And the yellow 7s LRG. love em

Still have them grand diddy long legs on look out!

Everyone, thank you again for your comments.
take care & of course, eat a hot pepper already!

Looks awesome my friend! Those pods are awesome and those plats are giving like crazy!

Thanks realxspice, everything doing quite well. Loving every moment that i can spend in the garden. And still some surpise as this season progresses. Hope your plants are doing well too. Keep holding the hood down. Keeping hot in the ga!
ga gh
Can someone bump me here.

Ok. Trying anyway since gave a seperate post.
A few pods picts.

Douglah gone red, blob shaped. Big pods!


Trin Scorp moruga blend

Red 7 pots - long pod phenotype

Red 7 pots - smaller phenotype

Peter red

Yellow brainstrain - red phenotype

Yellow brainstrain

Choc bhut & one i accidental pulled with the ripe one

A cayenne next to my accidentally cayenne x jalapeno cross.

Take care and eat that pepper!
Nice n beautiful pics as always...the Douglahs are monstrous.
thanks bigbodybussey. Those red douglah blobs were damn good. I managed to eat half of one in one sitting with some food. Thought it was that bad, but it built up and put the hurt on me. Hot! Got a few more about ready. Looking forward to them.

Great variety, especially amongst the Douglahs.
Thanks docNrock. Stoked on them too. Have ate two of the three. Pulling the long brown one in the morning to take to work. Can't wait to taste it.
On a side note. Saw you said had gullwings, then trackers, then indys on sicman's blog. I had trackers, then gullwings, the thunders ( the one with a knife only & lizard only on the other truck, the ventures, before final making it to indys. And i got the gullwings pro threes right when they came out. Was so excited at the time. But you brought back major memories when i read that. Still got indy on my old man board. :)

Here is the last pict of the first brown douglah, long shaped, pulling it in the am.

And here is the douglah gone red, scorp stinger variation. Ate this bad boy today. Was yummy! And damn hot. Got to a... almost panic as my mouth burned painfully. But resided within 5 minutes or so and continue on with my lunch.

Another angle.

Thought this orig trin scorp looked way cool in its transitional stage into becoming red. One plant from Judy @ pepperlover. Awesome shaped pods. She obviously knows how to pick them.

Till next time... eat a pepper a day and keep the ___________ away! (Fill in the blank)

Douglah long brown.
My only douglah that went brown.
Only a red brain from my friend, grown in a bucket (his bucket plant have been hotter than his garden plants in general), was hotter. Good flavor. Completely happy with this one.

From all four sides.

And cut open.

Douglah blobs. More to pull today!

Trin scorp sweets

And again

Eat pepper, live healthier!
Till later.
On a side note. Saw you said had gullwings, then trackers, then indys on sicman's blog. I had trackers, then gullwings, the thunders ( the one with a knife only & lizard only on the other truck, the ventures, before final making it to indys. And i got the gullwings pro threes right when they came out. Was so excited at the time. But you brought back major memories when i read that. Still got indy on my old man board. :)

Ha! Nice. Started with trackers, then the gullwings, then went with Indys. Never heard of thunders or ventures. Guess they never made it to the US.
DocNrock, both thunders & ventures are made by one of the owners of independent. Two guys started indy, after they seperated business wise, they both still owned it. But the guy who owned the manufacturing side eventually started the other two brands. They are both around still. My son skates, so still up with it. But it took me a while to get to indys too.

And thanks... needed that bump.

Trin scorp moruga blend cut open. Oily!


Got a good amount of peppers processed!

Douglahs red blobs. These got dehydrated.

Picked this guy off.

Trin scorp sweet almost ready.


My first Butch t turning.

Pretty in purps

Take care everyone.
Thanks for looking.
Very nice! Nothing like an axle grind across the coping for a chili bump!

Four wheelz docNrock! Nothing like grinds and ollies! Keeps this old man felling young.

Nothing like eating this thing too! Trin scorp. This baby had some serious burn!

Rushed home from work and had just enough time to hit the garden with some AACT! everything has been a little light the last week or so. Was needed to get on it earlier... but work has been demanding the last couple weeks. And wanted to hit everything before the rain rolls in. Yep. Tropical storm. Expecting an inch of rain in the next two days or so.

Foamed up very well and smelt like dirty feet.

A mystery plant final throwing out some flowers. This one could be a red douglah (don't need that now), a Trinidad cherry, or brown 7 pot. What do you think?

Super glad this giant marconi x jalapeno cross is podding up again. These are so good!!! And hotter than one would expect.

Some yellow brainstrains... some variation going on.

And more classic shape.

And the red pheno

The the red pheno is HOT! And has a very floral smell and taste compared to the other 7 pots and scorps.

Douglah gone red - blobs.. one turning. These are fire, but not like the long brown dougs. And havean excellent flavor.

And it seem everything is now putting out hotter pods than the first couple harvest. And loading up. Green pods everywhere! That butch T is about ready. Trin scorp needs a couple more days. And my reg yellow 7 are final starting to put out some buds. They are almost chest high and haven't had a single flower, so happy to finally see them budding. Hungary hot cherrys finally has some pods.
So more picts to come.
Everyone take care and eat something Hot!
Ga Gh
Man, congrats on season so far!! Everything looks great. I'm still waiting on my Butch T's to rippen. They will be my first supers of the year. Long time comming but hopefully worth the wait. Let us know how your Butch T is. :fireball:
Man, congrats on season so far!! Everything looks great. I'm still waiting on my Butch T's to rippen. They will be my first supers of the year. Long time comming but hopefully worth the wait. Let us know how your Butch T is. :fireball:

Thanks for the comment. Everything is doing well. I feel you on the butch Ts. I almost have my first ripe pod. Just looked in the dark with a flashlight and saw eight or ten new flowers on the tallest from pepperjoe. The first ripe pod is on plant from judy @pepperlover. Out of the eight total, i think they all now have a pod or two on them. Man... they take their time!
Where did ur butch Ts come from, if you don't mind me asking?

Here is my butch T about ripe. It was still a little orange on the tip when i took this earlier this morning. Was hurry off to work so pict is a bit blurry.

And a blurry douglah gone red, stinger shape... showing an old school scorp shape (like cmpman1974s scorp picts from 2008).

This is a original trin scorp... i think. If not a moruga blend.

Douglah gone red, blob shape. Ripening quite quick.

Douglah longs browns.

Trin scorp sweet greating riper by the day.

And my first yellow 7 LRG starting to change. These are not much larger than the yellow brains next to it. But they do grow straight up and fall over as they grow.and really prolific.

And a trin scorp moruga blend.

Everyone take care and thank for looking.
Have you eaten a pepper today?
I got 3 plants from Bakers Peppers, I started late so had to buy small plants. When I got them they were 4"-6" tall, and now they are over 4' and finaly putting out pods. I have one pod that should be turning soon...I hope. I have TONS of [sub]tiny [/sub]pods on there....counted 65 last night and lots of flowers. They just take so freaking long to mature. How big are your Butch T pods getting? My biggest pod is about golf ball size and still green. BTW those Douglah Longs look sick!!! I bet they pack some heat! :onfire:
Gorgeous pics!

Thanks peppermiester1,
if i wasnt so slack i would have sent you an image for your picture contest. I thought about it one night, but couldn't decided on just one pict. And then think i might get a better one tomorrow. I do like this one i took this morning.


I got 3 plants from Bakers Peppers, I started late so had to buy small plants. When I got them they were 4"-6" tall, and now they are over 4' and finaly putting out pods. I have one pod that should be turning soon...I hope. I have TONS of [sub]tiny [/sub]pods on there....counted 65 last night and lots of flowers. They just take so freaking long to mature. How big are your Butch T pods getting? My biggest pod is about golf ball size and still green. BTW those Douglah Longs look sick!!! I bet they pack some heat! :onfire:
i pulled my first this morning. Took it work and ate a quarter of it with my lunch. And it was severely hot! One of the hottest i have ever had. Only a red brainstrain was this hot. Anyway here a pict with a quarter for reference.

And a better shot of it.

Those douglah longs are hot too. And really yummy. Also ate part of a yellow brainstrain tonite with my dinner, and this one was way hotter than the last. Like instant pain. Wasn't expecting it. Super yummy! But double damn Hot!. Seems all my pods as of lately are hotter than the firsts, as expected. So thats a plus right now. Here is that yellow brain sliced open.

Stoked on these. Hungary hot cherries.

Going to pull this Trinidad scorp sweet and eat it soon! I have lost more than a couple pods to caterpillars. This one has survived untouched. Will let everyone know how it taste. but beautiful nevertheless!

The choc buhuts are podding up again. Who am i kidding, everthing is podding up now like crazy. This choc bhut must have fifty or more pods with flower galore. Yes. Im happy about this.

This another red pheno of the yellow brainstrain. Wicked hot but very flavorful with a floral overtone.

And a true yellow brainstrain just hanging out.

Yellow 7 large! Picking this one soon to try. The sister plant next to it also a pepper riping. These two have a ton of podsalready and are throwing out a ton of buds/flowers. Very prolific! And still a joy to look at.

That was my ten picts for this post.
Direct me to a pict of the butch Ts, Dawgbite. Looked but could not find one from you. I would love to see.
and hope you enjoyed the picts peppermiester1!
you two get a pepper in if you haven't already! Gotta eat something hot everyday!
Peace and peppers,
Quick update.
had the yellow 7 LRG with my lunch yesterday. Had a jerk chicken cuban sandwich with rice and beans, and it was a prefect compliment to the meal. Had some heat, but not overly powerful. Great flavor! Could have eaten it by itself. Knowing it was the first pod off the plant, they may get warmer. Wish i would have gotten a pict cut open, so will next time. Here is the pod before consumption.

And pulled my first trin scorp sweet.

And again with a douglah gone red, stinger pheno. Like this one, has the old school scorp shape.

Jamaican hot choc pod.

Douglah long browns. Showing a few shorter pods. These are awesome.

Yellow brain - red pheno showing some rasta.

Another ready to pick.

Butch T pod.

And my peters are starting to put out some pods that resemble the picts you always see online.

Take care everyone and eat a hot pepper.