GA GH's garden picts & more

Hey man i just thought id stop by and check out your grow!
I too am from GA and im getting ready to start in-grounding
my plants and i was wondering what you mixed with the clay
to make your soil? It would be greatly appreciated! And if you
dont mind me asking, what part of GA You from?
Grow on my friend!


Thanks Lucas.
I ended up tilling a new plot this year in April to expand just for peppers. The area is about 12' x 40' so the soil varied from the top to bottom. I grabbed all the naturally composted leaves and pine straw and what not from around the yard and mixed it in. Anything under the trees that was sitting since last fall. Went light on the pine straw for fear on too high of PH. But have used as mulch with no problems and will till in in the fall. Also added some osmocote 10-10-10 to help. Retilled it all in. Then when i planted in, i mixed in a ton of Sphagnum peat moss with a shovel in & around each hole as i made rows. Also mixed in some Black Kow. The stuff in the yellow bags. Its composted cow manure with sand added. Love the stuff! And some mushroom compost too.
Plants grew well and didn't fertilize until new growth started looking light, which was about two months. And then made some compost tea. And that turned everything on overdrive.
I planted all the supers up top where the soil was better, trying to keep things separated by height also. And you can barely walk threw the rows now.

But highly suggest the sphagnum peat moss and composted manure.
And im just above Marietta in Acworth.
And just because of your name... here is my single tabasco plant.

Take care & thanks for checking me out.

Awesome pics! I hope to have a garden like that some day!
Thanks Orangello.
A little work is all it takes.

Very nice pics and plants! Looks awsome!
thank you also! FadeToBlack.
Im really happy with the photos. Just using my phone (droidx), but getting good shots.
this ones for you.
Another red yellow brainstrain turning, but caught in a orange transitional stage.

As always, excellent photos...keep em' coming.

And thank you again bigbodybussey.
these photos are for you.

This is my favorite pepper of them all. Its a giant marconi crossed with a jalapeno hot. If you ever had a marconi you would understand. This accidental cross had the wonderfull taste push really good heat. So good. Ate the first peppers and finally sarting to throw out some more pods. And baby assassin bug on the one flower.

What i assuming is a pequin of some sort. Giving to me as spouts in a handfull of dirt from a hispanic fellow at work. I hook him up with peppers all the time so he gifted me these. And i mean scraped up spouts and handed to me. Eight survived. And put them in the worst spot. The whole garden drains on them. They show signs of over watering. But letting them roll.

A Bishop's crown flower. Love the baccatum flowers. And love these peppers too!

And since i am doing flower shots ... i can't forget the purple jalapenos. Always Beautiful!

And what i assume is firecracker pequin. Came out of a pack of pepperjoe's firecrackers. Got two plants. A green leafed and this purple variegated one. Beautiful says it all.

And i have my first yellow brain turning yellow. Yip ehh! And figured out how to combine images on the phone today while i was bored.

Also saw my first douglah ripening. Ripening to red that is. See alot of that happening this year.
Will grab a pict tomorrow.
everyone take care and eat a pepper.
had a chocolate bhut earlier on a sub sandwich, so got mine in.
Great variety. Interesting about the Douglah. Would like to know if it packs the heat of a brown one.

DocNrock, not sure, first year going douglahs.
I have had two red douglahs this year, both from my buddies two plants.
Little background for myself, so dont forget later.
We bought seeds together and split the seeds. I planted four seeds, in early march & then the rest in mid march. Ang i only got one plant. He got five plants. Lost one, gave me one, and gave another to a guy at work. His two plants and the other Guy's at work both have turned to be red douglahs. My buddy had one in the garden and the other on his deck in a 5 gallon bucket. The bucket pod was like a hot coal on my tounge. Got me on the back of the tongue, boardline throat. Was almost setting off the gag reflexes. But hurt like hell. The second red pod was from the in ground plant. Its was hot!!!, but could tolerate the heat. I liked the flavor and snacked on little slivers to keep a burn the rest of the day till he left. We have been trying the supers after our lunch break as the ripen.
here is the second red douglah I've tryed, got a pict after the first cut was taken.


Back to my douglahs...
in early april, i purchased more douglah seeds. Lost story short, non- bubble envelope stamped with "non-machinable". So ended up picking out four non broke seeds and got another plant. So with my two, plus the one from my buddy. I have three.
And noting that so far, out of the first purchased seeds, three of the four that made it, have ripened red. And now mine first from that set is also going red. It's the blob shaped douglah.

Here is the one my buddy gave me. The douglah wth Stinger tails, tucked up or protruding from pod to pod.

And again...different pod same plant and blurry.

And here is the loner from the second purchase, the long podded shape douglah. Hoping this one turns brown.

And this week ate that first Red Yellow Brainstrain. It was good. Right under that red douglah above heat wise. Kept adding to a burrito is was eating. And it was awesome. I enjoyed this pepper. Here it was.

Picked my first Jamaican hot chocolate. Having it for lunch with something tomorrow. Looking foward to that.

That first TS moruga blend is finally starting to turn on the stringer tail botttom. Have another moruga ripening on two other plants also.

The Yellow brainstrain that is turning yellow is getting close. Oh yeah!

I have five plants of the yellow brain. One that went red. One that just started to set its first pods. Another that hasn't even set a flower yet. And two that are yellow. Yep. Two. Here is number two plant making is debut appearance as a yellow pod.

So I am going to find out how the two vary, the one that went red versus the true yellow, soon!
I do understand that recessive traits, and even dominant trait, can show up anytime. Seen more red douglah this season. But excited to start selecting for my future generations. Just hoping for a brown doglah this year. We will see.

Till tomorrow,
think about that pepper u are going to eat, and then enjoy it when u do.
Great variety you have there. Thanks for the Douglah story. I had sowed about 12 Douglah seeds and got 2 sprouts. One died before it got its first true leaves and the other I transplanted too early into a 2 gallon pot and it got root rot and died. But no worries, knowing this was my first season growing and I might kill the seedling, I had bought an established Douglah plant. Glad I did.

I've seen more and more of these "Red Doughlah Offspring" plants on this site. Still seems worthwhile to grow. Enjoy.
Great variety you have there. Thanks for the Douglah story. I had sowed about 12 Douglah seeds and got 2 sprouts. One died before it got its first true leaves and the other I transplanted too early into a 2 gallon pot and it got root rot and died. But no worries, knowing this was my first season growing and I might kill the seedling, I had bought an established Douglah plant. Glad I did.

I've seen more and more of these "Red Doughlah Offspring" plants on this site. Still seems worthwhile to grow. Enjoy.

Thanks for reading! I needed to write that down or i will forget which douglah came from where. Well they all came from same place, just different orders. Out of everything i started this year, the douglahs, choc bhuts, and Jamaican hot chocs gave me the lowest germination rates. I have tryed to let the browns stay on the plants longer to make sure the seeds are mature. have read on here that could be the problem, that the pods were picked to early.
I also have the "red douglah offsprings". I only planted two seeds late in the spring and they got mixed up. So i have two mystery plant that have three possibilities, the red douglah being one. So my other dougys should not be red, i really wanted the brown.

And i started 45 different peppers in spring. Only those i strugled with. But... Serious variety. Only have one or two of some, but plenty of plants. Thanks for noticing! This fall, i will send you some seed.

Really wanting to narrow down what i want, and grow those with a few additions. Have seen judy's @ pepperlover new additions and am having a hardtime not making an order. Did buy some choc scorps already from somewhere else. So yes i have problems.
And with different phenotypes, like the douglahs, i will have more seeds to separately save. Its getting out of hand.
The red yellow brain & the choc bhut are definitely going to find homes next year in the garden. Looking foward to trying the yellow brain and the other yellow 7s too. And all the others, who am i kidding!
Going eat that JHC shortly with lunch.
Eat a pepper DocNRock! And take care.

Im layed up in bed from a procedure on my back. Hoping to get out and spend some time with the peppers and grab a few more picts. Really sore, so will see. If not over the weekend.
Some more picts. :)

Yellow 7 LRG


Douglah... red blobs.


Trinidad scorp moruga blend

And another TSMB

Red 7s light green pods pheno

Red 7s other pheno

Yellow brainstrain.

And the other Y brain

Will be eating that first yel brain soon!
take care.
Those yellow brains have a fantastic taste. Awesome chopped up on pizza. TSMB's look daringly hot.

Thanks. Cant wait. Pulling this one in the morning to take to work.

Just pulled my first TS Moruga blend.

And from the bottom. Looks way cool.

Moruga flower.

Peter flower. That fly flew in and out super quick. Somehow the shutter opened within that split second.

A red yellow brainstrain. Actually gifted this to my waitress last night at the mexican restaurant down the road, with a few other hots. Her husband is into peppers.

Love the colors.

A Jamaican Hot Chocolate. Yummy pods!

Yellow 7 Large. Hope i love the pods as much as the plants. Cause these are a joy to look at.

And again.

Just spent last two hours deseeding pods and filling up the dehydrator.
i didnt have any gloves. So... went for it anyway. Been licking my fingers.
Mouth is on fire!

That was ten images. Someone hit me up & enjoy these.
Everyone take care and eat a pepper with your next meal.
Ohhh man that Jamaican Hot Chocolate Looks sooo Good haha and the pod looks to amazing!
If youve ever got some extra seeds, Id be willing to take them off your hands!! :rofl:
Ohhh man that Jamaican Hot Chocolate Looks sooo Good haha and the pod looks to amazing!
If youve ever got some extra seeds, Id be willing to take them off your hands!! :rofl:
Thanks. They are quite yummy. Saving seeds like crazy. Should have plenty this fall.

Those chocolate pods look killer, great pics!
Thanks for sharing, can't wait to see more.

PEPPERMEISTER! Hot Pepper Gardening, Recipes and Chile Info

Thanks peppermeister. Im loving the browns. Definitely keepers.
here are two that i have sitting out. They avoided the dehydrator.

Damn...salivating looking at those peppers...that moruga looks wicked. Where did you get you seeds GH?
hey bigbodybussey. The TSMB seeds came from Judy @ pepperlover. I split an order with my friend at work.
check this pod. He brought in a couple, this being the biggest, that all have the old school scorp tails (that's what I'm calling them) versus the butch T / 7 pot tails like all mine have and we see posted of them. Every pod of this one plant are long like this one.
cool variation for a moruga for sure and the one we ate was way hot !

Also ate another douglah gone red of his. I think the douglah was a bit more painful than the moruga with todays specimens. The moruga came on instantly. The douglah was super sweet and gave you thirty seconds or so before the heat came on. Fun peppertime at work. I forgot to bring mine to work, so will in the am. Here a mid consumption shot from todays fun. Two long tailed moruga blends and one douglah gone red.

Absolutely beautiful garden Man!!!~

Awesome peppers!!!
and fabulous piccys!!!

thanks kevin. That does mean alot coming from you, with your amazing garden.
im trying with great success. & Glad you like the picts. I have spent days just looking at picts on here. So gotta give back.
& it was finally my time this weekend. Two plus hours and got the dehydrator full.

gotta another .25" of rain today. Hope you got some that way too!

Yellow brainstrain ready for the picking.

Thanks eveyone again.
That's and a coworker eat my peppers at work and compare the taste, heat, length of burn, etc. I love those tails on the to get my hands on those next year. How do the hot chocolates taste? So far my best peppers have been bhut jolokia, Nagabon, and Caribbean red habanero. Got some douglas, yellow 7's, and t scorp in the works...can't wait.
That's some Awesome porn you are posting here man!!! That pod from your friend at work looks killer!!

Keep up the great work.

Robert :dance: :dance: :dance: