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Gambia Red Habs??

I bought these as 'Gambia Red Habs', but I can't find much info on them on the interwebs. The only info Ive found is on US-based sites.
Can anyone shed some light on them?

Here's a cpl of pics (not the best, but it's windy!);



cheers, John
Here's the most I can find:

Very hot; Habanero Type; 1.5 to 2.5 inches long by 1.25 to 1.75 inches wide; medium thick flesh; matures from pale green to red; pendant pods; green leaves; 18 to 24 inches tall; Late Season; from Africa; C.chinense.


Hope that helps some!
Thanks Gasificada!
I can't believe just how sturdy this plant is - it already has a stem around 13mm thick! And the pods are huge....
cheers, John
Ok, lots has happened since my last posts. Separated from the wife, had to transplant everything I have (which is sweet FA at present...) into pots and now at my brothers. I lost my Bhuts and the 7pot pretty much died the day they were carefully relocated. Everything else looked to be struggling except for my two ornamentals - Trinidad Perfume and Pink Hab....I was just howling!

But, everything started to turn around, and the Gambian Reds have really taken off. I got to sample one the other day and it lives up to the Hab name. Really intense heat. Not as long lasting perhaps as some of the others, but hey, sometimes a quick game is a good game ;)

Here's some dodgy pics from this afternoon any way. The pods are bigger than golf balls and ripen to an incredible colour.



**If anyone wants a pod or two, esp if you are in Australia, let me know and I'm happy to part with a couple of these footballs!** I'm in Brisbane, and you are welcome to come pick up as well. PM for details and Ill send my moby number.
If anyone outside of oz wants some seeds, let me know the best way of preserving seeds and I'm happy to forward them on. For free of course.

I know whats I be eatin' tonight ;)

cheers, John
Hey John, bloody great name you got there (tis one of my middle names :D)

If you haven't got a dehydrator the best way i have found to dry seeds is to place them in an open container on top of your fridge for about a week. After that put them in a ziplock bag and keep them in the freezer. (i don't keep them in the freezer but i have heard that it is the best option).

I would like some seeds if you are willing to receive some others in return ;) I will pm my addy kind sir!
Sorry to hear the bad news bro, (I've been in the same situation twice before, I guess some of us never learn) anyways good luck with your season...I just remove the seeds and place them on some tissue and let them dry naturally for abour 2 to 3 weeks,
take care
No worries at all mate. I've only got a few ripe pods at present, but they are surely coming through! Is there a way I could send you a pod through the post, or would it deteriorate? Express Post would do the trick wouldn't it? Let me know your thoughts, and I'll send a cpl to you via EP on Monday. That way I can't arse up the seeds... haha
Cheers for the advice - I'll look into it a bit more.
Cheers JR. As dumb a question as it is, will seeds from a nearly matured pod do? As in, if it's not fully (or partially) coloured, are the seeds OK to start preserving?
You are very kind in your offer John, i have sent my address already. If you feel that you could send some pods that would be killer!
Thats only if you allow me to do the same with some of my pods ;)
Replied to the PM mate, and I am humbled by the offer! Let me know the best way of sending the pods and I'll have them off to you on Monday arvo.
Anyway, I work therefore I deserve beer. And darts. So I'll go indulge in both. I'll check this tomorrow anyway.
Cheers lads
Thanks for that AC - there isn't much info about hey!
We'll have to change that ;)
I'm happy to send a few pods off to you tho'. Are you in Liverpool NSW or the scouse L'pool?
Either way, let me know a postal address and I'll get something off to you this week.
cheers, John
Hey Nova castrian, tried to send a PM to say thanks for letting me know you got 'em but youve got too many messages in your inbox apparently!! haha
Time to get out yer cyber broom..... ;)
Ah ok mate, cheers for the heads up and for the pods. The others were not in good shape but the reds held up ok.