• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Gassy's 2012/2013 Glog thingy

Well, Spring has arrived here in the Land of Oz and it's all starting to happen. I thought I would quit being a lazy bones and start a glog this season. Even though I'm so far behind where I had planned to be at this point, things are running along smoothly enough. I released some Neoseiulus californicus predator mites about a month ago to take care of my broad mite problem and so far, they are being amazing. A month later and I have yet to see any new signs of broad mite activity. It is still early days though and time will tell just how effective the little buggers are. And of course, I still have to get on top of the fruit fly problem (not looking forward to that one). With Spring here and new pods forming, the little bastages can't be too far around the corner. :(

A few piccies to get the show on the road. Not gonna backtrack or anything now... just some random shots of some of what's going on.

Rooster Spur - putting out first pods:


Aji Amarillo x Yellow Trinidad Scorpion F2's:


Naga Jolokia Purple x Hot Summer F1:


Naga Jolokia Purple x Hot Summer F1:


No chemicals in use here anymore - ladybug and lacewing eggs: :cool:



NOT Dorset Naga - coming into third year:


Trinidad Scorpion ButchT - coming into third year:


CGN 21500 - coming into second year:


CGN 21566 - coming into second year:


Pimenta da Neyde - coming into second year:


Thanks for looking! :dance:
Nice pics Gassy, keep 'em coming! How strange that people are complaining that the Biker Billy Jalapenos aren't as hot as they wanted. I don't know anybody who grew them, so I haven't tried them yet, but I suspect that people who regularly eat superhot chiles perceive them as being milder than they are. With our short growing season, I wasn't able to grow enough Jalapenos to the red-ripe stage to smoke for Moritas, so I supplemented the ones I grew with some I got from a local farmstand. They grew a variety from a Pennsylvania seed company called Seedway that had a very good burn. I think they said the variety was called "Tormenta".
So much going on, Gassy. Ripening pods of Morugas, Bondas, Bhuts. Cool crosses, also. Forgot to mention earlier that the Wasp volunteer has a killer phenotype. Keep it coming and don't let the fruit flies get ya down!
More Morougies :hell:

I get a really good ripper of a burn from 'em. I love it! Freakin' over-the-top intense but strangely bearable at the same time. :crazy:


Chicanna Purple. Beautiful plant.

Not a great photo and pods still very small, but Bhut x PDN

Nice pics Gassy, keep 'em coming! How strange that people are complaining that the Biker Billy Jalapenos aren't as hot as they wanted. I don't know anybody who grew them, so I haven't tried them yet, but I suspect that people who regularly eat superhot chiles perceive them as being milder than they are. With our short growing season, I wasn't able to grow enough Jalapenos to the red-ripe stage to smoke for Moritas, so I supplemented the ones I grew with some I got from a local farmstand. They grew a variety from a Pennsylvania seed company called Seedway that had a very good burn. I think they said the variety was called "Tormenta".

Thanks stickman!

There was a lot of talk a couple years back of how good and how hot the Biker Billy's are... and yeah, even from the regular superhot eaters. By the sounds of it, a lot of people have been getting "duds" since then. It is claimed to be a hybrid though so perhaps that has something to do with it. If the whole "hybrid" naming is more than just a marketing ploy (to keep the consumer coming back), perhaps subsequent generations are just not delivering now. Major bummer because these things are bloody huge and do taste great!

The Jalapenos I got from the local organic markets a few years ago (and ended up growing myself) had a ripper of a burn. Tasted fantastic too but unfortunately were *very* small in size. I would actually grow them again (despite the small size) if I could only find where I put the seeds! ;) Oh well... giving Trippa's HTM's a burl soon. We'll see how they go!

Pasilla Bajio x Bhut Jolokia F1... very nice! I hope that keeps growing...


So much going on, Gassy. Ripening pods of Morugas, Bondas, Bhuts. Cool crosses, also. Forgot to mention earlier that the Wasp volunteer has a killer phenotype. Keep it coming and don't let the fruit flies get ya down!

Thanks Doc!

Another Waspie...

Yeah, fruit fly giving me a really rough time ATM so it's hard to not let them get me down... but I'm trying. :) What's really getting to me ATM is having to spend time I don't have inspecting pods every single bloody day and disposing of the damaged ones. It really does take the fun out of the whole chilli growing thing!

WARNING! some audiences may find the following images deeply disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.


Looking good sir. I hear that 'blondie' is real tasty? What do you think? To answer your question if it is time for me to start up... no,but I gave these guys a soaking last night and hopefully some will sprout. Say some prayers for me!!!!

gasificada those Morougies look awesome and so do the rest of the pics! You certainly have a nice crop coming :)

Thanks mate! Unfortunately the time of "a nice crop" is passing though. It's that time of the year when fruit fly are at their worst. Recently I've been throwing away more pods than I've been keeping. :( It's pretty much a case of only what I bag is what I get to keep.

Looking good sir. I hear that 'blondie' is real tasty? What do you think? To answer your question if it is time for me to start up... no,but I gave these guys a soaking last night and hopefully some will sprout. Say some prayers for me!!!!


Thanks Pr0ds! The Blondie? I don't find them all that. Bit of a disappointment as the good things I heard about the taste is half of what sold me. I dunno, maybe I need to munch a few more. Sometimes it takes a while for me to really start to appreciate a taste. Nice plant though and really nice pods!

Good luck on them there wilds! Can't wait to hear that they've ALL popped and see the action! ;)
Thanks mate! Unfortunately the time of "a nice crop" is passing though. It's that time of the year when fruit fly are at their worst. Recently I've been throwing away more pods than I've been keeping. :( It's pretty much a case of only what I bag is what I get to keep. ... ...
That sucks :/ and I wish you well in that battle. Luckily I've not had to battle them yet but I've heard they're bad here with the orange crop. I also have a good friend that has to bag his mango's with mesh to keep certain bugs and birds away, a lot of work from what I've seen :o
As always, nice looking pods. The Blondie looks sweet. I've got that one growing this year, as well. I too was sold on the flavor description, so we'll see. I saw the spoiler pics. Really sorry to see that.
Hey Gas I'm after some bags for isolating. Are the ones you use for fly protection organza bags? Did you get them off ebay and what size are they? Or are they from a cheapy red dot store or something?

All my plants are sending out buds like crazy and I meant to get the bags sorted before now :P
That sucks :/ and I wish you well in that battle. Luckily I've not had to battle them yet but I've heard they're bad here with the orange crop. I also have a good friend that has to bag his mango's with mesh to keep certain bugs and birds away, a lot of work from what I've seen :o

Yeah, it really is a PITA! And I seriously hope it's nothing you do ever have to battle. :)

As always, nice looking pods. The Blondie looks sweet. I've got that one growing this year, as well. I too was sold on the flavor description, so we'll see. I saw the spoiler pics. Really sorry to see that.

I dunno... I can see the flavour being one that some people would really dig but it just doesn't seem to do much for me. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad flavour.... I just find it, I dunno, kinda bland or something.

Hey Gas I'm after some bags for isolating. Are the ones you use for fly protection organza bags? Did you get them off ebay and what size are they? Or are they from a cheapy red dot store or something?

All my plants are sending out buds like crazy and I meant to get the bags sorted before now :P

Yeah, organza bags. I got mine from an el cheapo store but at the amount I ended up getting, I'm kicking myself for not getting them off ebay now! Would have worked out MUCH cheaper but oh well. I'm using various sizes from the smallest I could find (for very small pods obviously) to the largest. The largest ones I have I will be using to cover whole branch tips for the purpose of pure seed isolation and all the other sizes I'm using for fruit fly exclusion.
Nice pics Gassy, keep 'em coming! How strange that people are complaining that the Biker Billy Jalapenos aren't as hot as they wanted. I don't know anybody who grew them, so I haven't tried them yet, but I suspect that people who regularly eat superhot chiles perceive them as being milder than they are. With our short growing season, I wasn't able to grow enough Jalapenos to the red-ripe stage to smoke for Moritas, so I supplemented the ones I grew with some I got from a local farmstand. They grew a variety from a Pennsylvania seed company called Seedway that had a very good burn. I think they said the variety was called "Tormenta".

I grew the Biker Billy this season and to me it was one of the hottest Jalapeno I had growing, but then again my heat level tolerance isn't up to superhots. Habs are even hot for me :lol:

Great update again, Gassy. The Blondie has great color, to bad you didn't like the taste that much. How is the taste of those Waspie's? The podshape of those is awesome :D
My efforts must be paying off... harvested more pods today than I threw! :dance:

(Not a huge amount or anything but I've been throwing about the same daily)

Gnarly Bhut

Stonker Spanish Naga

Superhot pornz

Some more cool Waspies

For whom the bell tolls. First pod on this plant but I hope the rest look the same!

One of the coolest Waspie phenotypes yet

Bhut x PDN. The shape so far looks promising

Peach TS. First pod that looks like it might resemble a TS. The rest so far look like Bhuts

To be continued....

Wow, very cool...

I was hoping it was going to turn out more bumpy... oh well, can't control these things! ;)

I saw your update on your Bhut x PDN. Can't believe they are turning brown! :crazy:

I grew the Biker Billy this season and to me it was one of the hottest Jalapeno I had growing, but then again my heat level tolerance isn't up to superhots. Habs are even hot for me :lol:

Great update again, Gassy. The Blondie has great color, to bad you didn't like the taste that much. How is the taste of those Waspie's? The podshape of those is awesome :D

Thanks meatfreak!

I have to admit, I didn't like the taste of the parent Waspie (Yellow Wasp) at all at first but the taste has REALLY grown on me. How to describe it... ummm... it's one of those florally tastes maybe. I really hope the taste gets passed on to one or more of the next gen plants I am growing now.
Your grow is really taking off Gassy. Glad you've achieved parity between the keepers and the ones you toss because of fruit fly damage. Hopefully it only gets better from here.
Awesomeness incredible pod porn Gas :onfire:

You are getting some stunning pods. I like the way the PDN x bhut is going too! Have to keep an eye on that one.
Jonny excellent pod porn pics, sad to hear you have to throw any away but seems the ones you’re keeping are some real beauties :) I had to throw one away yesterday, I know how it feels :/ I really like the look of the Bhut in your hand along with the Waspies and other pics! Only one that ruins the pic is “gallery_2730_26_23362” which you place the watermark right onto the pornage :( Keep up the great grow and enjoy, oh thanks for being honest on your taste take of the Blondie, from what you say I’d pass on it for my pallet.

lol, wife saw what I wrote and asked "what's pod porn," ROFLMAO as you know what she was thinking :D
Bhut x PdN looks amazing, great color. Mine are getting a brown sun tan, I'm sure they'll ripen some other color. I'm curious about the taste... and of course F2s which I'll be growing as soon as I can...
Awesomeness incredible pod porn Gas :onfire:

You are getting some stunning pods. I like the way the PDN x bhut is going too! Have to keep an eye on that one.

Thanks moo moo!!

Jonny excellent pod porn pics, sad to hear you have to throw any away but seems the ones you’re keeping are some real beauties :) I had to throw one away yesterday, I know how it feels :/ I really like the look of the Bhut in your hand along with the Waspies and other pics! Only one that ruins the pic is “gallery_2730_26_23362” which you place the watermark right onto the pornage :( Keep up the great grow and enjoy, oh thanks for being honest on your taste take of the Blondie, from what you say I’d pass on it for my pallet.

lol, wife saw what I wrote and asked "what's pod porn," ROFLMAO as you know what she was thinking :D

Thanks mate! Sorry to hear something is getting stuck into your pods. I used to get possums eating mine at my old place. And you know what? The heat didn't even deter 'em one bit. They actually waited for my Fataliis to ripen before they started pinching 'em. But the strangest thing, every time they pinched one, I would find Fatalii vom around the plant. Couldn't handle 'em but must have loved the taste. Gotta give it to 'em... they know a good thing! lol

Yeah, for some reason the watermark looked even dumber everywhere else I tried to put it. Out of place or something. I probably should have made it more transparent or something. Oh well, now it's like: these are MY pods! :D

Don't take my word for the taste of the Blondie. Don't forget everybodies tastes are different! ;) I dunno, I reckon I will still find a use for 'em. I'm saving up my Snow Whites to make a white sauce. I'm thinking I might use the Blondies as a filler or something. :think:

How did you explain that one to the wife? No matter what way you put it, it's still gotta sound suss! :rofl:

Bhut x PdN looks amazing, great color. Mine are getting a brown sun tan, I'm sure they'll ripen some other color. I'm curious about the taste... and of course F2s which I'll be growing as soon as I can...

Black as black. :D So yours haven't started going black at all yet? Hope you have better luck with the F2s ending up black! (Or you can cheat like I did and get 'em from Grant. :lol:)

One thing I want to try is backcrossing this one with a Bhut and see how they turn out.