• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Gassy's 2012/2013 Glog thingy

Well, Spring has arrived here in the Land of Oz and it's all starting to happen. I thought I would quit being a lazy bones and start a glog this season. Even though I'm so far behind where I had planned to be at this point, things are running along smoothly enough. I released some Neoseiulus californicus predator mites about a month ago to take care of my broad mite problem and so far, they are being amazing. A month later and I have yet to see any new signs of broad mite activity. It is still early days though and time will tell just how effective the little buggers are. And of course, I still have to get on top of the fruit fly problem (not looking forward to that one). With Spring here and new pods forming, the little bastages can't be too far around the corner. :(

A few piccies to get the show on the road. Not gonna backtrack or anything now... just some random shots of some of what's going on.

Rooster Spur - putting out first pods:


Aji Amarillo x Yellow Trinidad Scorpion F2's:


Naga Jolokia Purple x Hot Summer F1:


Naga Jolokia Purple x Hot Summer F1:


No chemicals in use here anymore - ladybug and lacewing eggs: :cool:



NOT Dorset Naga - coming into third year:


Trinidad Scorpion ButchT - coming into third year:


CGN 21500 - coming into second year:


CGN 21566 - coming into second year:


Pimenta da Neyde - coming into second year:


Thanks for looking! :dance:
works for me, who knows what kinda magic the bees 've worked.

Take a gander at my list, so I can return the favor.Right off I'd say the 7 Pot Chaguanas would be highly recomended, several other much warmer ones as well if you peek in the glog(gnslngrs" not the shortest grow log anymore).I'll be on dirt in 36 hrs
Trippa you'll see some as well.
"Sounds like something I'd do."

You make your giving nature sound like a bad thing. :P

The ones you sent me were from your US source.

I just think its a bit odd that I'd send you seeds, as well as periodically sneak up to your property and throw little colonies of mites and other nasties over the fence... :shocked: oops I've said too much.

Despite all of that you are getting some nice pods :D
Great looking plants and the harvest shots are growing! You'll have to let us know how the Blondie tastes; I'm growing it this year but have not yet tried one. When your harvest exceeds your ability to use the pods fresh, what do you do with them? Sauce? Powder? Freeze?
hey gasificada!

very cool glog. very nice pods and harvest. :onfire:

the Super spikey Bhut impressed me a great deal - is that a special BJ strain? :hot:

btw. the mushrooms are not Copelandia cyansescens (which are deadly illegal in Aussie) but Coprinus comatus. none the less both are edible to a certain degree albeit the first mentioned one would show you the secrets of life :rofl:
works for me, who knows what kinda magic the bees 've worked.

Take a gander at my list, so I can return the favor.Right off I'd say the 7 Pot Chaguanas would be highly recomended, several other much warmer ones as well if you peek in the glog(gnslngrs" not the shortest grow log anymore).I'll be on dirt in 36 hrs
Trippa you'll see some as well.

What is it with people wanting to throw seeds at me? Trips just dumped a pile on me, Spicegeist is going to send me some, and now you want to send some also?? (Ha! I appreciate it guys. :D)

I will check out what you got and let you know. But don't be offended if I don't take you up on your offer! I'm already past my set limit on plants this season and still have a bundle I've yet to even start.

Like I said too, give me a couple weeks to get yours out. Got a couple pods nearly ripe now which I will deseed and put on the dry.

I just think its a bit odd that I'd send you seeds, as well as periodically sneak up to your property and throw little colonies of mites and other nasties over the fence... :shocked: oops I've said too much.

Despite all of that you are getting some nice pods :D

I should be pissed but I'm actually impressed by your dedication. Do you drive or fly here? And next time stop in for a beer or something, won't ya? :D

Great looking plants and the harvest shots are growing! You'll have to let us know how the Blondie tastes; I'm growing it this year but have not yet tried one. When your harvest exceeds your ability to use the pods fresh, what do you do with them? Sauce? Powder? Freeze?

Thanks Doc!

ATM I've just been munching 'em like they are a snack or something and giving 'em to friends. Usually I end up freezing a bucketload but this season I'm thinking I'll get stuck into making powders, sauces, and even jams, etc. Spicy deserts are always good too!

That being said, I'm not expecting huge harvests or anything with the fruit fly around. Unfortunately there's only going to be so many pods I can bag. :( (Better than nothing though, I guess!)

hey gasificada!

very cool glog. very nice pods and harvest. :onfire:

the Super spikey Bhut impressed me a great deal - is that a special BJ strain? :hot:

btw. the mushrooms are not Copelandia cyansescens (which are deadly illegal in Aussie) but Coprinus comatus. none the less both are edible to a certain degree albeit the first mentioned one would show you the secrets of life :rofl:

Thanks Chilinferno!

The Bhut is just a regular Bhut AFAIK. I gotta say though, they are some of the gnarliest looking Bhuts I've grown!

No learning the "secrets of life" for me these days anyway..... ;)
Ooh shiny...


Harvesto. I'm pulling pods every day now... it's great. :D


Fruit fly are starting to get really bad though. They are no longer sticking to a select few varieties and I've just about found at least one pod on every plant with punctures. :(
Hi Gassy
Just waded through all 12 pages of your glog... Looking great! I'm a big fan of Annuums too, though a lot of that is because up north it's a lot harder to grow the long season chiles. Check out my trade list, and if you see anything you want just give a shout. Cheers!
Hi Gassy
Just waded through all 12 pages of your glog... Looking great! I'm a big fan of Annuums too, though a lot of that is because up north it's a lot harder to grow the long season chiles. Check out my trade list, and if you see anything you want just give a shout. Cheers!

Hey stickman, thanks for dropping in!

Some interesting varieties you got on your trade list there (especially the annuums!) but I think I'll have to give it a miss at this stage. I'm already growing more than I can handle! ;) Hit me with a PM if there is anything I'm growing that you may be interested in though. Don't have spare seeds for everything but happy to throw some seeds your way if I can!
Gassy, what's the story on that beetle? Is it friend or foe? It looks like it would be a plant-eater, but I don't know enough to say for certain. Nice looking harvest shot, though! I guess some pods escaped the throes of the dreaded fruit fly. Good luck killing off the little pests.
Misc. Chillies - Purple Summer F1, Kung Pao and Hot Summer

Rooster Spur

Guntur Sannam

Pritavit. Had to pick early as the bastage fruit fly started getting to it! :mad:

Stonker Spanish Nagas

First ripening Bonda ma Jacques. I'll be spittin' chips if this thing is full of maggots! I bagged it pretty late.


Piri Piri

Goats Weed. What a cool plant!

Thanks for looking! :dance:

Gassy, what's the story on that beetle? Is it friend or foe? It looks like it would be a plant-eater, but I don't know enough to say for certain. Nice looking harvest shot, though! I guess some pods escaped the throes of the dreaded fruit fly. Good luck killing off the little pests.

Don't know. If it is foe, it doesn't seem to be causing any noticeable damage. It appears to just like hiding within the foliage. Funny bugger. It'll spend a day or two on one plant and then move on to another. Just when I think it's gone, I'll come across it on another plant.

Yeah, thankfully I had a good run before the fruit fly arrived. The bastages are in full swing now though so pretty much the only pods I'll be getting are the ones I bag. Sucks but you do what you gotta do! There's only so much I can bag but I'll be damned if I let the bastages get all my pods!
serious gas are you already getting fruitfly? I really hope I don't get them this year

Yeah, unfortunately.... the miserable sh*ts.

Was it you that had them last season too? Or was it you who had the possums? Thankfully that's one thing I don't have to worry about anymore since I moved... bloody possums! Although I did see one the other night creeping along the power lines. That's right... I'm watching you... keep moving!
yea I had tomato plants in my aquaponics system and fruitfly just smashed all the tomatoes and a few of the chilli plants I had growing, I am hoping that they don't come back this year I let our chickens free range a heap so I'm crossing fingers especially seeing i'm just getting green pods
I would be bagging some pods just in case. Even if the chickens are doing a good job, don't forget the fruit fly will still come in from outside the yard. ;) Why is SE QLD so cursed??
Yea tell me about it, if the fruit does start getting bitten I'm going to fruit fly mesh my whole system, I need those chillis for sauces :D
Spanish Naga

Purple Summer F1

These things are a real winner. I've been drying the pods (or should I say they've been drying themselves ;)) and they end up with this fantastic rich flavour which I reckon will be awesome in Indian curries. Easy drying, great flavour and a nice compact, heavy-bearing plant. Not too bad on the eye either. At this stage they might just take the place from Sannam as being my number one curry chilli. I'm definitely gonna continue to grow 'em on and just hope I can get the desired traits in future generations.

And regular Hot Summer pods:

Nothing great IMO (flavour not all that and very leathery) but I do like the shape.

+1 beautiful peppers and very nice pictures, impressive quality from that powershot A480!

Thanks WalkGood! Yeah, it doesn't do too badly for a cheapie point and click. Really bad focus though. You can take a hundred shots of the same thing from different distances, angles and all that, and still not get the focus right.