• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Gassy's 2012/2013 Glog thingy

Well, Spring has arrived here in the Land of Oz and it's all starting to happen. I thought I would quit being a lazy bones and start a glog this season. Even though I'm so far behind where I had planned to be at this point, things are running along smoothly enough. I released some Neoseiulus californicus predator mites about a month ago to take care of my broad mite problem and so far, they are being amazing. A month later and I have yet to see any new signs of broad mite activity. It is still early days though and time will tell just how effective the little buggers are. And of course, I still have to get on top of the fruit fly problem (not looking forward to that one). With Spring here and new pods forming, the little bastages can't be too far around the corner. :(

A few piccies to get the show on the road. Not gonna backtrack or anything now... just some random shots of some of what's going on.

Rooster Spur - putting out first pods:


Aji Amarillo x Yellow Trinidad Scorpion F2's:


Naga Jolokia Purple x Hot Summer F1:


Naga Jolokia Purple x Hot Summer F1:


No chemicals in use here anymore - ladybug and lacewing eggs: :cool:



NOT Dorset Naga - coming into third year:


Trinidad Scorpion ButchT - coming into third year:


CGN 21500 - coming into second year:


CGN 21566 - coming into second year:


Pimenta da Neyde - coming into second year:


Thanks for looking! :dance:
Some very nice tasty looking peppers there gas, I've decided I'm moving out of qld!!!! when I win the lotto... Seems like the Ghetto for Fruit Fly :D

I had a dog a few years ago that would eat my anahiem chilli's, I could only get pods that where over a 1 meter high.
That Spanish Naga is friggin loaded eh, none of our dogs are allowed in the chilli area, wagging tails tend to knock flowers off. :P


If only flowers being knocked off were the worst of the problems the shit was causing....... ;)

Some very nice tasty looking peppers there gas, I've decided I'm moving out of qld!!!! when I win the lotto... Seems like the Ghetto for Fruit Fly :D

I had a dog a few years ago that would eat my anahiem chilli's, I could only get pods that where over a 1 meter high.

They don't call 'em Queensland fruit fly for nothing...... ;)

I believe they might be a nation-wide problem now though. I know they've at least made it down to Vic (yeah.... sorry guys!). Don't forget about the Mediterranean fruit fly in other parts of Australia too!

What pisses me off about the dog even more is that's it's not even my dog (and I didn't want the bloody thing here!). This mutt's been eating my chillies too. Must have eaten a superhot the other night. It was hanging around my plants and all of a sudden starting rubbing it's snout on the ground like crazy. And did it learn.......? Nope, still biting pods. :rolleyes:
hahahehehehe love it on a more serious note If it ain't your dog ring up a chinese restaurant :D

Nah its Korean`s that eat dogs not the Chinese, i know this as my ex GF is Korean & one day she said "would you like to try Lassie surprise Mez" :rofl:

oh yea I shouldn't of said chinese because I can't back it up I have an indonesian friend who eats dogs though :) Chow mein Dog
Best grub is, Thai No1 then Chinese followed by Indian, sorry Gas on the food hijack. :P

Dog optional, Chow Mien is a Chinese dish by the way.

lol I know chow mein is chinese it just sounded better than Rintek Wuuk dog optional aswell :) hehe sorry gas Hijacking more LOVE U WLONG TIME hehe
So is it a girlfriend's decision to have the dog?... I figure you're getting something out of the arrangement to keep the thing or you would've strapped it to a rocket and sent it into the heart of sun by now :P

Women get very jealous of the attention given to chillies. There are many posts on THP about people going away and trusting their woman to water the plants only to come back and find devastation. The dog could be part of a cunning plan... :think:
So is it a girlfriend's decision to have the dog?... I figure you're getting something out of the arrangement to keep the thing or you would've strapped it to a rocket and sent it into the heart of sun by now :P

Women get very jealous of the attention given to chillies. There are many posts on THP about people going away and trusting their woman to water the plants only to come back and find devastation. The dog could be part of a cunning plan... :think:

Ha! If it was a girl's doing I could find a way to live with it. Chilli nut I might be, but I'm a bigger sucker for the female kind. ;)
Your peach scorps look quite a bit different from the ones I have. What's the deal with your tovarii....toast? 23 days and mine haven't popped yet.
... They don't call 'em Queensland fruit fly for nothing ...
When the State of FL was fighting fruit fly (side note probably to appease the orange growers) they sent around gestapo teams that went into your yard without your permission and cut down what they saw fit to kill and remove. No spaying, no rights ... one guy came out to chase dem off with his gun ... they booked him, cooked him and killed all the trees they wanted to. My aunt had one of the best producing seedless orange trees, no fruit fly but they chopped it down just in case, no reimbursement or nada ... really sucked and to this day AFAIK there's lawsuits against the state. That said I've yet to have an issue with them here and hope the best for you guys cause I would probably call it a season :/ ... btw you guys rock for tuff'in it out, best of luck in da war :)

... What pisses me off about the dog even more is that's it's not even my dog (and I didn't want the bloody thing here!). This mutt's been eating my chillies too. Must have eaten a superhot the other night. It was hanging around my plants and all of a sudden starting rubbing it's snout on the ground like crazy. And did it learn.......? Nope, still biting pods. :rolleyes:

I had a dog issue lately with digging in ground plants and damaging them. Both my dog and neighbors mutt that cruises thru da yard, I filled a gallon of water with pods I split up and soaked the ground around my grow, even leaving 1/2 pods on the ground, marking my territory, hehe. With what I had left I put into the kids squirt gun and pepper spray the bad behavior ... dam things are fearing dat gun now and I stopped using it weeks ago, lol. I haven't seen any digging any more and hoping it sticks

*love dem new shots mon, keep dem coming :).
look at the size of the Peach "TS" Hybrids!! Going off Gassy!! Also loving the look of the Chicanna Purple !! Looks like a birds egg or something weird. Whats the story with that??
I agree, man. Those pods look great. How's the taste on the Wasps? Cool looking pods. So are the Chicana Purple and the TS Hybrid. What is the TS hybridized with?
Your peach scorps look quite a bit different from the ones I have. What's the deal with your tovarii....toast? 23 days and mine haven't popped yet.

It's a hybrid so I guess that can be expected. ;) Is your one from Ajijoe or is it from someone else?

23 days is still early. ;) Although the mites are having a field day on it, mine is still kicking. Apart from C. praetermissum, the other wilds I have grown so far have all been surprisingly tough!

When the State of FL was fighting fruit fly (side note probably to appease the orange growers) they sent around gestapo teams that went into your yard without your permission and cut down what they saw fit to kill and remove. No spaying, no rights ... one guy came out to chase dem off with his gun ... they booked him, cooked him and killed all the trees they wanted to. My aunt had one of the best producing seedless orange trees, no fruit fly but they chopped it down just in case, no reimbursement or nada ... really sucked and to this day AFAIK there's lawsuits against the state. That said I've yet to have an issue with them here and hope the best for you guys cause I would probably call it a season :/ ... btw you guys rock for tuff'in it out, best of luck in da war :)

Damn, that is seriously messed up! I wish the council would do something here.... but certainly nothing like that! The release of sterile males or something would be good. Maybe a spot of public awareness too. Of course, not everyone will jump on board and do their part, if even a quarter of the people around here with fruit trees :rolleyes: but a handful of fighters are better than none!

I had a dog issue lately with digging in ground plants and damaging them. Both my dog and neighbors mutt that cruises thru da yard, I filled a gallon of water with pods I split up and soaked the ground around my grow, even leaving 1/2 pods on the ground, marking my territory, hehe. With what I had left I put into the kids squirt gun and pepper spray the bad behavior ... dam things are fearing dat gun now and I stopped using it weeks ago, lol. I haven't seen any digging any more and hoping it sticks

*love dem new shots mon, keep dem coming :).

Thankfully I'll have some peace from the dog over the weekend! Maybe even longer. We have found someone willing to sit it. They will take it for the weekend and if all goes well, they may keep it for longer. :D

Cheers mate!

look at the size of the Peach "TS" Hybrids!! Going off Gassy!! Also loving the look of the Chicanna Purple !! Looks like a birds egg or something weird. Whats the story with that??

Aye, they are some stonkers, eh? Man, and do they taste good! Don't know if I'm just imaging things but I swear these things even have a peach taste undertone. Really nice aroma too. The Chicanna Purple I obtained from Vladan. Don't really know anything about it except it apparently comes from Chicanna, Mexico.

You're da Man Gassy! Nice looking pods!

Thanks stick!

I agree, man. Those pods look great. How's the taste on the Wasps? Cool looking pods. So are the Chicana Purple and the TS Hybrid. What is the TS hybridized with?

The taste differs a little on some of the Wasps but typically it's a perfumey taste. Suprisingly pleasant for a perfumey taste though. They all have a very strong aroma too. It hits you the second you start cutting into one! I don't know the parents of the "TS", it is not one of my creations. If I am not mistaken, I believe it is one of Ajijoe's crosses and I can't remember now if he revealed the parents or not. Not sure I agree with the naming (but I've stuck with it as that's what it was sent to me as) but it sure is something else! I'm really digging the taste and scorpion shaped pods or not, I really like the look of this phenotype.

I need to see some of those funky little yellow flower pumpkins :P

Haha. No little yellow pumpkin flowers ATM.... and didn't end up even seeing any little, uh, pumpkins. ;) The sun here ended up really giving the plant a beating and burned the crap outta it. I put it in a more shadier spot and it has since started putting out some nice new growth but no buds yet. I might just see some pumpkins yet before the season is up!

Those scorpion hybrids look killer Gassy... Keep em comin

Cheers Portuge!