• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Gassy's 2012/2013 Glog thingy

Well, Spring has arrived here in the Land of Oz and it's all starting to happen. I thought I would quit being a lazy bones and start a glog this season. Even though I'm so far behind where I had planned to be at this point, things are running along smoothly enough. I released some Neoseiulus californicus predator mites about a month ago to take care of my broad mite problem and so far, they are being amazing. A month later and I have yet to see any new signs of broad mite activity. It is still early days though and time will tell just how effective the little buggers are. And of course, I still have to get on top of the fruit fly problem (not looking forward to that one). With Spring here and new pods forming, the little bastages can't be too far around the corner. :(

A few piccies to get the show on the road. Not gonna backtrack or anything now... just some random shots of some of what's going on.

Rooster Spur - putting out first pods:


Aji Amarillo x Yellow Trinidad Scorpion F2's:


Naga Jolokia Purple x Hot Summer F1:


Naga Jolokia Purple x Hot Summer F1:


No chemicals in use here anymore - ladybug and lacewing eggs: :cool:



NOT Dorset Naga - coming into third year:


Trinidad Scorpion ButchT - coming into third year:


CGN 21500 - coming into second year:


CGN 21566 - coming into second year:


Pimenta da Neyde - coming into second year:


Thanks for looking! :dance:
Everything is looking pristine Gassy. The cgn21566 is a beauty! What are those beasts in the clay coloured pots in the background of that pic?
Everything is looking pristine Gassy. The cgn21566 is a beauty! What are those beasts in the clay coloured pots in the background of that pic?

Thanks Pr0ds! They would be the Aji Amarillo x Yellow TS F1 overwinters. They do look impressive from a distance and all blurred together in that shot, but up close they are tall and not as dense as they appear. ;) There is actually a third smaller one behind those two too. My original plan was to keep only one for the purpose of backcrossing with Yellow TS (which is now done :D), but they are good tough, hardy plants and I like having 'em around. I have such a hard time culling plants... makes me feel like a murderer! :lol:

Podding up like a champion :onfire:

I would like to take credit for that... but the buggers do better when I'm not touching 'em all the time. I try hard not to these days... and it's really paying off. :D

CGN 16941 ripenin' action


Purple Summer F1 (temp name ;)) loaded


White flowered Aji Am x Yellow TS F2 finally podding


The other Aji Am x Yellow TS F2


Aji Lemon x NOT Dorset F1


Rocoto Aji Largo continues to produce despite the heat and intense sun here



It's one hardy pube, I'll tell you that! Previous pubes I have grown have died under less extreme conditions than this one is being exposed to!

Conjoined twins


Thanks for looking! :dance:
Very nice Gas, you have some interesting crosses going!
CGN 16941 also looks great, i've read it should be sort of natural annuum x chinense hybrid. Already growed/sampled it?


Californicus again and another that targets thrip and whitefly larvae (and will munch broad mite as an alternate food source if their preferred food sources are unavailable).

Please be sure to let us know how Montdorensis goes.

Whitefly has been savage in North-Western Sydney..........never had this problem when living in Esk several years ago. :doh:
Awesome Crosses Gassy the second pic of the Aji Am X ts yellow f2 is awesome! what great looking pods. i have never seen elongated pods that pinch in on the end to give a sort of tail. awesome
Great stuff, G! The Aji x TS is an intriguing cross.
Will be watching that with a lot of interest!
A little harvest...


CGN 16941


Little Monty mite :D


You rarely see conjoined twins... Will be watchin to see that one grow...

I wonder if it will grow extra bushy for me? :D I get the feeling it doesn't work that way though. I'm guessing it will eventually start to look like a normal plant as it gets bigger. :mope:

Very nice Gas, you have some interesting crosses going!
CGN 16941 also looks great, i've read it should be sort of natural annuum x chinense hybrid. Already growed/sampled it?



Thanks Datil. Had my first one the other day. :D I was actually expecting it to be thick walled like a Jal or something, but it turned out to be just the opposite... very thin walled. So thin in fact, they are starting to dry on the plant before they even finish ripening! It has an interesting taste which I can't really describe. Good heat too. It gives me a good back-of-the-throat caining that fades into a mild roof and sides of the mouth burn.

Please be sure to let us know how Montdorensis goes.

Whitefly has been savage in North-Western Sydney..........never had this problem when living in Esk several years ago. :doh:

I'm holding high hopes the Monties will help take care of the thrips for me but I wonder about the white fly. I'm concerned that even if the Monties end up doing a great job of gobbling up all the larvae, the adult buggers will just fly right back in from somewhere else! Oh well, time will tell, I guess. Will let you know!
Another thing I want to try is "trap planting". :hell:

(and if neither monties nor trap planting works, then I'm moving to Esk! :lol:)

Awesome Crosses Gassy the second pic of the Aji Am X ts yellow f2 is awesome! what great looking pods. i have never seen elongated pods that pinch in on the end to give a sort of tail. awesome

Thanks bee. I must say I am happy with the way they turned out! As I am planning on only growing out two of the next generation of these though, whether or not they keep the shape--or even a similar one--is another story.

All looking fantastic, Gassy. Hopefully your conjoined twin does better than mine did earlier this year.

Thanks Doc!

Great stuff, G! The Aji x TS is an intriguing cross.
Will be watching that with a lot of interest!

Thanks Paul!
Looking good...those Snow Whites are on my list for the December starts.
That CGN 21566 is a cool lookin critter...have you munched any yet?Might have to look this one up....
....and what are those monsters in the terra cotta pots?

Have a good one-

PS. I had asked as to the Amarillo/TSY cross....guess I replied a page early , cuz I just noticed it above!
How can you be having a harvest already Gas?


I have had a couple of mini harvests already as well mezo. .... you must be close as well ... you would be what 1 month behind the coast in terms of seasons??

Looking great gassy ... you go boy!!
Ive got some tiddlers & a ton flowering but no harvests like Gas? how can that be were so close toghether?

Ive got some tiddlers & a ton flowering but no harvests like Gas? how can that be were so close toghether?


You are much further inland so you stay cooler at night due to having no large bodies of water close by to cool slower. Land cools down much quicker and heats up much quicker hence the larger fluctuations in min/Max temps inland areas experience. This would push your ripening out until the night temps start warming up. That would be my theory. Plus built up areas with large amounts of concrete stay warmer for longer then natural vegetation
Wow, learn something new every day (as they say) so coastal/suburbia living gets your plants fruiting whey before us guys inland, and im only 50k`s west of you blokes but yep smack bang in the wilderness & yes our daytimes have been up at 37 & ovenights down to 17 (in a 24hr period).

I had a later than ideal start to the season but still didn't expect to see anyone get a harvest this early! Nice work!

I did notice today that my green jalapeno pod is now the size of my thumb and has a brother hidden behind the next branch. :)
Also got a lot dead flowers that haven't fallen so probably pods. Starting to get really warm here in Perth now.
How can you be having a harvest already Gas?


Maybe it's because I don't keep my plants cooped up in a tent......? :P

You are much further inland so you stay cooler at night due to having no large bodies of water close by to cool slower. Land cools down much quicker and heats up much quicker hence the larger fluctuations in min/Max temps inland areas experience. This would push your ripening out until the night temps start warming up. That would be my theory. Plus built up areas with large amounts of concrete stay warmer for longer then natural vegetation

...or it could be that. ;)

Whatever your doing Gassy, keep it up... :shh:

I think it's got more to do with what I'm not doing this season... i.e. fussing over them like I usually do. ;)

Looking good...those Snow Whites are on my list for the December starts.
That CGN 21566 is a cool lookin critter...have you munched any yet?Might have to look this one up....
....and what are those monsters in the terra cotta pots?

Have a good one-

PS. I had asked as to the Amarillo/TSY cross....guess I replied a page early , cuz I just noticed it above!

Hey Dave, did you get any of the Amarillo/TSY's going or are you waiting on your next season?

The "monsters" are the Amarillo/TSY F1 overwinters (and you would known that too if you didn't miss a page :P). Not as impressive close up though.... very tall but not really dense with growth or anything....


They are really putting out some interesting looking pods in their second year....



Only have two of the F2's going but I'm getting some interesting results from them too. Most curious to see what colour the pods on each turn out.

Haven't had a chance to try the CGN 21566 yet. It's an overwintered plant but fruit fly just smashed the pods last season. :(

They are a very nice lookin' plant and I love the colour of 'em....


First time growing the Snow White. It's an interesting one. Even the colour of the immature pods is almost white...


The one thing I don't like about 'em though is a lack of uniformity of pod shape. They had better taste good to make up for it!