• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Gator don't play no sh!t! New glog old seeds


Here we go, it has been over 5 years since I’ve done an honest grow, and unfortunately most my genetics seem to have gone south. My seed binder sat in a hot box in garage for too long after our move, and my collection has been gutted!

On to the the positive! I was able to get some plants to pop and currently have young plants of the following.

Farmers Market Jalapeno
NuMex Orange Spice Jalapeno
Tiger Jalapeno
Bahamian Goat
Coyote Zan White
Red, yellow, and chocolate Devil’s tongue
Naranja Picante
Random hot garden cross (think Naga and Bonnet)
Aji Arnaucho
Ahi meloconton
Aji Largo
Aji Limo
Moruga Reaper
Mini Red Rocoto
Turbo Pube
MOA Scotch Bonnet
Texas Long Horn
Mustard Fatalii
Home Sweet Home Pepper (sweet cross from the garden the wife makes me plant each year. Definitely has Rainforest Chili in the cross)
Garden Jalapeno
Sweet banana
Mixed bells
Handful of other unmarked seeds

I’m incredibly late to the game as most plants only have 2-4 true leaves now, but I’m planning to keep half in the greenhouse to potentially dodge the brutal south Florida Summer sun while risk the rest in the gardens.

Pictures and updates coming shortly! Stay tuned!

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skullbiker said:
I grew some of those a few years ago. If I remember correctly, the plants were a little fuzzy. I never grew them again as not a single pod had the slightest bit of heat/spice. I will see how yours do.
Interesting, will update once pods form. Wonder what the pepper has in it that causes the hairs?

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PaulG said:
The little hairs are called trichomes.
Here is some good info about their structure
and function:
Too much advertising to wade through,
but the info is good.
Good read, definitely agree could have used a few less advertisements however. So trichomes are obviously prevalent on Cannabis and even our pubescens show the hair/trichome phenotype. Definitely interested to see what genetics in this annuum caused the trichomes/hairs. Interestingly enough Pubescens do not grow well in my greenhouse, far to hot in south Florida heat. This plant however, has proven very vigorous this far, although it expresses strong Annuum genes and potentially carries no Pubescens genes.

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Nice read catching up on your glog, Gator.  That Farmer's Market Jalapeno looks a lot like a rocoto with how pubescent it is.  It's one I plan to grow soon too - I'd like to compare it to Chile Rayado, which I'm growing for the first time now - so I'll be interested to see how it progresses.  Your HSH should be a particularly interesting one too.
Hey, I'm curious as you mentioned it; what kinds of fishing do you like to do around Stuart?
CaneDog said:
Nice read catching up on your glog, Gator.  That Farmer's Market Jalapeno looks a lot like a rocoto with how pubescent it is.  It's one I plan to grow soon too - I'd like to compare it to Chile Rayado, which I'm growing for the first time now - so I'll be interested to see how it progresses.  Your HSH should be a particularly interesting one too.
Hey, I'm curious as you mentioned it; what kinds of fishing do you like to do around Stuart?
I would like to say we do a lot more catching but luck has not been great this year thus far. Rather luck has been poor for me, others are finding success. Lately we’ve been inshore looking for tarpon and snook. I used to do a lot of offshore trolling but I think I’m beginning to enjoy inshore more.

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Ghost Pepper Revolution said:
Nice grow, good to see another FL grow on the books. Land looks good too  :cheers:
Thank you!

Disaster hit today. We have had 12 inches over the past week and last night we had an additional 10.5. Things are FLOODED! All my plants went scuba diving. I didn’t grab a picture at first because I was in disaster control mode. Not only my pepper grow but all my mother plants (1,000 plants) for our businesses are swimming. The baskets are a new addition to the greenhouse and acting as our Noah’s Arc so the plants. Have 2 pump going full blast right now trying to pump out our farm, unfortunately close to 60 more additional acres are now flowing into our property.




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Really sorry to see that, PG. But glad you are
able to get some of the bags up off the ground.
Those things must weigh a ton. Will you be able
to get all of them up? A thousand plants sounds
Any way to dig a drainage ditch to help drain the
water from your plot?
PaulG said:
Really sorry to see that, PG. But glad you are
able to get some of the bags up off the ground.
Those things must weigh a ton. Will you be able
to get all of them up? A thousand plants sounds
Any way to dig a drainage ditch to help drain the
water from your plot?
We can’t dig yet because we are feet underwater, but we have a plan which involves damning off a man dig pond/canal on the back of our property and creating a burm around the back corner where water came in. As off now all we can do is wait, our pumping hasn’t shown improvement on our property. I think we are moving water but we have to drain other before we will drain. In 6 years and 2 hurricanes this is by far the worst. I’m wondering if some of the new house construction has changed the way water flows around us. As far as getting plants up we were able to get the best 350 up out of the water. I will also have my phone alarm set every 2 hours tonight to refill the pumps with gas. Going to be a long night. Beer does help though!

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Bad news: IT IS STILL RAINING!!!! EVERYTHING IS FLOODED! I badly need to pot up another 25 plants but I can’t even think about mixing soil and attempting to pot things up when I’m working 24/7 moving water out of the farm. 90% of my property is 1 or more feet under water. Spoke with an Old Timer down the road, and he said this is the worst he has ever seen. (35 years at his farm.)

Good news: all the cuts I culled off the seedlings took and roots. 100% success rate, and check out these roots is 6 days. Not bad at all, granted making plants get roots is literally my business.




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Wow, you are the king of cuttings, PG!
How do you get them to produce those 
incredible root systems? I don’ recognize
your rooting plugs.
PaulG said:
Wow, you are the king of cuttings, PG!
How do you get them to produce those 
incredible root systems? I don’ recognize
your rooting plugs.
Those plugs are a awesome product! They are called an Ellie Pod, I’ve heard other names for them as EZ pods and Jiffy plugs. Regardless they are a thin paper like material with a mixture that the nursery who makes them supply’s.

For roots I have a fairly specific clone procedure, but the biggest trick of the trade is monitoring wetness of the plug and humidity of the greenhouse. I will have to upload some pictures of clones with roots coming all the way up the stem 5’ high. It’s rather spooky looking!

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PaulG said:
I’d like to see/read more about your process.
Awesome results!
Simple breakdown:

Day 1: Cut plant and place cut in RO water let sit for 24 hours.

Day 2: take cuttings and trim leaves to appropriate level. ( normally 2-4 true leaves) I base this on the type of plant and honestly how I feel when cutting. Make new diagonal cut on stem with a clean razor blade. I also scrap the stem and cut any nodes that will be buried beneath the soil. I will put the blade in the crevice of the node and cut down, 2 reasons for this.
1. More surface area of cut where roots can grow.
2. Any additional vegetative material beneath the soil is at risk of fungus infection.

Dip clones in rooting hormone. I use Dip n’ Grow diluted to 13-20x). If anyone recommends another product (like clone-x they aren’t doing it right).

Spray clones with plant and rooting hormone/ seaweed extract. This kicks off the plant to say, “grow roots!” I use a product called Cytoplex. 

Day 3-4: Mist plants for 6-15 seconds every 10 minutes. I have this automated.

Day 4/5 or as needed: spray with weak nutritional. I use a product called On- Gard.

Day 5- Roots appear: monitor and adjust as needed.

This is rather basic approach and the plants get a few other products if needed but that is a basic approach one can take for rooting.

Also do not water or rather over-water clones. Plants will not grow roots if they have two much water, you need them to want to stretch out for water. They are like fat children, if you do not stress them enough they will simply not grow roots, and just be lazy. 
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