gday from ballina australia

hey guys... just dropping in to introduce myself.
my name is david and i am a bit of a newbie to the chilli world but i have very quickly fallen in love with everything about them!!
i am trying to grow habaneros and bhut jolokia here on the northern coast of nsw and i am having problems with it..


id love it if anyone around my region could give me some info on what i should be doing to grow great plants here..

i make my own sauce....

and have had some small successes with pods earlier in the season...

but now after a massive amount of rain my plants are looking woeful...

any tips on soil types and when and what fertilisers to use would fantastic!!
cheers and im loving this site!!


Hay David

I have no knowledge of that particular area, so for what its worth:
woeful meaning Deplorably bad or wretched, had to look that one up.
looks like your soil is heavy maybe clayish, is that true?
leaves will fall of if the plant has wet feet for an extended period of time and will rot.
Maybe buckets are the answer, something more controllable.

Cheers, SC
thats been the general consensus.. clay soil and the fact that the garden has been built on top of an old septic tank.... i think i will have to expend some cash on some pots and good soil next week....
its so good to be able to chat to people from all around the world about chillis!!
Yes it is David, like yourself I get to chat with people from all walks of life.

There is a really a fantastic family here. you will get some great advice I'm sure and there is a ton of help already written.

Once again welcome to the family, You have some nice looking peppers there and your label is fantastic.

Keep it hot my friend!! SC
Hi David!

I'm new to THP, too. I don't have the background to help you with your soil issue (this is my first season growing), but I had a quick question regarding your sauce.

The only times I've ever heard the words "demon seed" were in relation to the Dean Koontz novel and movie of the same name. Were your chiles forcefully impregnated by a computer?



yeah... ive worked in the cooking industry for years and thought i may as well put my pods to some use!!

its a very simple sauce consisting of habanero pods, salt, tomato puree, whole black peppercorns, vinegar and garlic...

i just chop the chillis up and add everything to a slowcooker for around 4 - 6 hours and then puree the solids...

has a really nice initial citrus sting from the habaneros but the flavour stays with you as well as the bite..
@ nick..... rofl :rofl: dude i didnt even think about dean r koontz!! i love the guy! dude i promise if they were impregnated by computers id be a bloody millionare!! the right program and my chillis would be 10,000,000 on the shu!!!
@ nick..... rofl :rofl: dude i didnt even think about dean r koontz!! i love the guy! dude i promise if they were impregnated by computers id be a bloody millionare!! the right program and my chillis would be 10,000,000 on the shu!!!

Dude, I was going to say. They just built one that can beat people in Jeopardy. Once computers are popping out chile babies all over the damn place it's a sign of the end-times and we should all just pack our damn bags.
Hey David

Welcome here :welcome:
I had the same problem with a bunch of my plants recently. Because we have had the hottest summer in 33yrs here in Perth I was stressing that when I was at work that they would die and have overwatered them without checking on them in between. After all the leaves were falling off thought i'd better have a look in the greenhouse and realised the pots were still soaking wet after 2 days of no water.

Dewfinately worth investing in some good soil or growing in pots perhaps.
Good luck with them.
G'day Dave, welcome from Brissy!


Go the Dean Koontz! (even if you didn't get the name from him :lol:)

I must have read 500 of his 1000 books.....
i love dean koontz... i cant believe i didnt pick up on that!!

@wildfire... yep thats what ima gonna do!! pot the sick little buggers and throw some fresh soil, dolomite and gypsum into the garden and get it ready for next season.....

meanwhile... i guess i can still cook em!!


David G'day from Sunny WA, :dance: :welcome: :woohoo:

I replied to your problem in your other posting.

We have the opposite to your problem here, sandy soil and NO rain.

Roll on winter.
im with you on the winter thing... gives me a chance to relearn and resow.... i got given a magnificent book called "the complete chile pepper book" by dave dewitt and it has some incredible info in there... the only problem is its based around the northern hemispheres weather and soils etc... anyone know of a good aussie book or ebook i can get my hands on?????

Hey there

If you want useful information on growing then this is the place!

I've had my plants that are all in pots under shadecloth because of the heat and I've still lost a lot of the babies, but once they get to a certain size they can take a bit more roughness. If you are going to use pots then mulch them really well so they don't dry out as quick.

@ Spicy Chicken I read it in another post and I have to agree.... Your avatar makes me hungry! :drooling:

edit: oh yeah and I really Fear for Julie Christie !! :eek:
David you can't post pics like that! you melted my bloody computer screen,LOL

Man that looks hot hot hot. If I had to eat all that I would just buy a milkin cow and set up camp right underneath, Flat out like a calf drinking.
Looks real good , SC
@ spicy chicken..... mate ive still got minor burns to the face after stupidly standing over it while it was slow cooking!! end result is quite fruitier than you'd expect though... the heat is up there without blowing the back of your throat out but it lingers for oooohh sooooo long.......
@ Spicy Chicken I read it in another post and I have to agree.... Your avatar makes me hungry! :drooling:

edit: oh yeah and I really Fear for Julie Christie !! :eek:

LOL Megamoo

I throw in a plate of southern fried spicy chicken and some corn on the cob, fresh steamed greens and a plate a cherry pie,LOL to bad the avatar is 50 kb limit.