G'day from Oz

G'day from Pampoolah in NSW (mid north coast). I have just begun a commercial chilli farm with only 6 varieties and 3000 plants, and maybe eventually move up to maybe 10. I would like to chat with you about your experiences, particularly growing. You might like to check out my site www.chillichef.com where you will find my contact details.

Where in SA are you?

Chilli Chef

G'day from Pampoolah in NSW (mid north coast). I have just begun a commercial chilli farm with only 6 varieties and 3000 plants, and maybe eventually move up to maybe 10. I would like to chat with you about your experiences, particularly growing. You might like to check out my site www.chillichef.com where you will find my contact details.

Where in SA are you?

Chilli Chef


Sounds interesting. You just going to just sell the peppers? Make sauce and chilli products? sell plants? Hope it goes well for you.
Welcome from mackay qld. That's a lot of plants, I set out for a huge start, as nature would have it my plants have been culled to around 30, which is a perfect amount of superhots and the like. Good luck this season.