• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Genetikx 2018

First time doing a glog but have followed others for years now. I don't expect monster 5' plants being just north of Chicago but I do expect to have a good time in the dirt and to neglect pulling weeds a time or twelve. The goal is grow a ton of peppers for sauce and maybe even get into powders this year.

We're currently rocking a 4' 4 tube hydrofarm T5, which I think is an awesome fluorescent. In the past I've supplemented with regular shop lights in the seedling stage and for overflow but might get another proper T5 soon. First time growing in this new house so hopeful to avoid mites, aphids, and the like. I'll end up throwing some plants in the backyard and then also claim a spot at the community garden.

Best of luck to all the awesome grows here at THP. Hope everyone has a great 2018.

Here's the grow list, subject to change just a little bit

Aji Amarillo
Aji Pineapple (WHP)
Andy's Chocolate Reaper Scorpion (WHP)
Bahamian Goat (AJDrew)
Bahamian Goat (Fiogga)
Bahamian Goat (WM)
Bih Jolokia X Sugar Rush Peach (WHP)
Blue Christmas (D3)
BOC X Aji Pineapple (WHP)
Brain Strain Yellow (one from my seed stock, one for grow down)
D3 Goat Giant
D3 Goat Yellow #4
El Scorponero #6 (D3)
EOB Mustard (I have just one seed lol, fingers crossed)
Fatalii White (WHP)
Flexosoum (Romy)
Habanero Mustard
Habanero Peach (AJDrew)
Habanero Peach (Paphlady)
Habanero Purple (WHP)
Jalapeno Biker Billy
Jalapeno Zapotec
OBEAH (Bumpy Lobed)
Omni Bonnet (D3)
PDN X Bonda Ma Jacques (PaulG)
Peach Ghost
Peach Ghost SS
Scotch Bonnet Allen Boatman (WHP)
Scotch Bonnet Belize
Scotch Bonnet Chocolate (WHP)
Scotch Bonnet MOA
Scotch Bonnet MOA (WHP)
Scotch Bonnet P Dreadie Select (mpicante)
Scotch Bonnet P Dreadie Select (Trident)
Scotch Bonnet Yellow
Scotch Brain
Scotch Brain Long X Yellow BBG7 (Trident)
Jala flowers in Chicago, in February..smh

Here's a weird one...secondary seed germed with fully formed cotys under dirt, didn't see it until I went to repot today

I'm at 72 plants potted up with a soon-to-be tray of 18 ready to go next weekend. You can see those along the side still in tiny cups. Good news, I'm done germinating.
PtMD989 said:
They are looking great. Any tips for a rookie damp paper towel sandwich bag germinater?

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Mine took longer than usual in paper towel this year. There's a certain balance of being moist but not too most... But I'd rather have too moist than too dry. I've basically switched to using tupperware and when I do, I like a little bit of water that can slosh around. I did notice my baggies had little to no air in them. In an attempt to try everything, I added some air to all the bags and they started poppin. May have just been time for them to pop anyway idk. Thanks for stopping by and good luck!
jedisushi06 said:
How many how many seeds germinated?
I couldn't get these to germinate at all
EOB Mustard - only had one seed

I don't keep track of germ rates because if I have 20 seeds and only need 2 plants, it could be a 20% grrm rate for all I care. I will say most varieties were close to 100% germ rate in tupperware. Your puerto rican yellows are ridiculous lol
TrentL said:
Haha flowers in February.. man, oh man. That thing is gonna be busting at the seams of a 2 gal pot by the time it's plant out time.
Chilidude said:
Now now, they look too good for their own good.
Walchit said:
They are looking great!
Devv said:
Well done!
Those are saaweet looking plants ;)
Thanks guys! Appreciate everyone stopping in
Final grow list, going live with 90 plants...50% more than I planned on

7Pot Nebru (3)
7Pot Yellow Long (2)
Aji Amarillo
Aji Pineapple (2)
Aji Puerto Rican Yellow Habanero (2)
Andy's Chocolate Reaper Scorpion
Bahamian Goat (4)
Bhut Jolokia Peach (2)
Bhut Jolokia White
Bhut Orange X
Bih Jolokia x Sugar Rush Peach (2)
Blue Christmas
BOC X Aji Pineapple
Brain Strain Yellow (4)
Carbonero Cream (2)
D3 Goat Giant (3)
D3 Goat Yellow #4
El Scorponero #6 (3)
Fatalii White
Habanero Mustard (5)
Habanero Paper Lantern
Habanero Peach (2)
Habanero Purple
Jalapeno Biker Billy (3)
Jalapeno Zapotec
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Jonah Yellow
Omni Bonnet (4)
Orange Yaky
PDN X Bonda Ma Jacques
Scotch Bonnet Allen Boatman (2)
Scotch Bonnet Belize (3)
Scotch Bonnet Beth Boyd (2)
Scotch Bonnet Chocolate (5)
Scotch Bonnet Jamaican Long Yellow
Scotch Bonnet MOA (6)
Scotch Bonnet P Dreadie Select (2)
Scotch Bonnet TFM x Yellow Pixie (2)
Scotch Bonnet Yellow
Scotch Brain (4)
Scotch Brain Long X Yellow BBG7 (2)
Genetikx said:
Final grow list, going live with 90 plants...50% more than I planned on

7Pot Nebru (3)
7Pot Yellow Long (2)
Aji Amarillo
Aji Pineapple (2)
Aji Puerto Rican Yellow Habanero (2)
Andy's Chocolate Reaper Scorpion
Bahamian Goat (4)
Bhut Jolokia Peach (2)
Bhut Jolokia White
Bhut Orange X
Bih Jolokia x Sugar Rush Peach (2)
Blue Christmas
BOC X Aji Pineapple
Brain Strain Yellow (4)
Carbonero Cream (2)
D3 Goat Giant (3)
D3 Goat Yellow #4
El Scorponero #6 (3)
Fatalii White
Habanero Mustard (5)
Habanero Paper Lantern
Habanero Peach (2)
Habanero Purple
Jalapeno Biker Billy (3)
Jalapeno Zapotec
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Jonah Yellow
Omni Bonnet (4)
Orange Yaky
PDN X Bonda Ma Jacques
Scotch Bonnet Allen Boatman (2)
Scotch Bonnet Belize (3)
Scotch Bonnet Beth Boyd (2)
Scotch Bonnet Chocolate (5)
Scotch Bonnet Jamaican Long Yellow
Scotch Bonnet MOA (6)
Scotch Bonnet P Dreadie Select (2)
Scotch Bonnet TFM x Yellow Pixie (2)
Scotch Bonnet Yellow
Scotch Brain (4)
Scotch Brain Long X Yellow BBG7 (2)
Solid list!!