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GeorgeJ's 2013 Tokyo-a-grow-grow - finishing off this season

Hey all.

First time growing from seed.
Thought I would start off with the grow box I built.

My apartment is so cold that I've built this box to sit in the closet and using a heat mat To keep things warm throughout. Not enough space or money to do everything separate.

So I built this box from Styrofoam and aluminium insulation sheeting. Managed to get everything from the 100 yen shop (japans version of the dollar store).

Here's it from the outside, in the closet (no gay jokes please) :

On the inside there's a 50w fluorescent strip light I got for free with my axolotl tank. It's suspended from bamboo canes on wires, so I can adjust the height of the light as well as hopefully flexing in an earthquake.
To the left hand side, a small fan (also from an aquarium) which is pretty gentle to help toughen up the seedlings and prevent damping off.


It was alot brighter before putting the heat mat in, so I may put some thin aluminum foil over it. Thoughts?

I'm gonna prep the seeds and pots, so that's it for now.
Yeah trying to do it my feel too. I'm picking every cup up and inspecting.
I know my last post sounds like I'm watering regardless, but they aren't all running on the same clock. I'm also taking note of how moist soil looks below the surface, which is a plus of translucent cups. I'm checking twice a day and making the call if they're thirsty.

All the Habanero died, wilted and dried, regardless of watering. I think perhaps bad genes cause it's not like I gave them a bad time.
Yeah, I mean, ALL died. 4 sprouted, looked fine, got upright. Next check they are like a shrivelled blonde hair stuck in dirt.
If that had happened to any others I would be more inclined to think I did something dumb.

Can't say I cried too much.. I have some habanero over wintering great, some ultra hots doing great and white and Maya red habaneros in the dirt right now that are gonna grow up huge and go to the mother in laws allotment.

My wife and I can't feel habanero any more, cooked my habanero stew a few days ago with 4 habanero in it, we couldn't feel much heat.. Bit of a prickle on the lips, but she thought I forgot to put the habs in the stew.
Serves us right for putting ghost pepper powder on most of our meals ;) she's a champ, most japanese people get the sweats at Tabasco, she would drink Tabasco to cool down after I make a chilli con carne with jays ghost scorpions :)

And cause of the extra space, I might sow a few more varieties :) got plenty thanks to you bro.
Hey G,
I bottom water the trays and saucers, so the top usually looks try. The key when to hydrate is to check the weight of the cups or containers. When they're light weight then they're ready for a drink. I'm dealing with two grow areas, one more humid than the other. Its tricky to be spot on but less water is better. I ocassionally lose a bottom leaf or two due to overwatering. With the high humidity in the house the water has no plave to evaporate.
Sorry to hear about the lost seedlings. At least you have a backup plan..............spare seeds
Yeah, trust. I'm not just watering by numbers. Every pot is different.
For example, schedule was to water this evening, but by feel I'm leaving it until the morning, but two of them were light and I gave them a drink.

Having a cup of water there to help with humidity has really helped.

Yup, I honestly think this second flight of seeds should be more successful. I'm happier with the soil medium, learned from mistakes etc. How I've arranged the grow box has also changed. Only way to learn is experience unless you have a lab to use.
Dorset naga is taking first place in the beauty pageant now.


An overhead view of butch t and 2 naga


They're really lushing up now there's a bit of air circulation. I'm only running the fan for a few hours in the evening. The germination box is in my bedroom closet, so the noise is irritating.
The fan can be annoying, but after a while its just "white noise" and would help me sleep. THE LIGHTS ARE A DIFFERENT STORY! So glad I have my grow room in the garage now! Last year I felt like we lived in a lighthouse. Good luck on your next round. The survivors look great! Those seeds could have had bacteria/fungus on them that made them damp off...happens.
The grow box is in the closet, so I can't see the lights. The lights run over night and off for 6 hours in the daytime. For two reasons, so I'm home when the lights are on and because it provides a little more heat, seeing as my apartment is coldest at night.

Perhaps bacteria Yeh. I peroxide them all. Not that bothered about losing the Habanero, it means more room for ones I've not had before :)
Bought my camera about 5 years ago, takes amazing shots! The macro setting on it is great for getting close ups.

I have a Canon ixus 80 IS. Imo, the newer generations of the line don't take as good snaps as the one I have.
Gonna be a sad day when this camera breaks.. It's been round the world a few times!
The plants look healthy,
Just curious, why leave any additional space between the top of the soil and the rim of the cup...I see others doing the same? The seedlings will become leggy. I would leave only 1/4" of free space at the top.
Sure you can set the plant deeper in the soil at the pot up (for stability) but the roots will only travel down from the original root zone. Results smaller area to grow. (Bigger root zone, bigger plant)
First set of leaves with more on the way....nice.
The new camera sounds great !
In honesty, the reason was because I didn't know any better, as well as I ran out of the soil I mixed :P

The second flight, I didn't leave as much space.
I'm not too worried about how they are leggy, I'm gonna Bury the stem a bit when I transfer. They're not out of control leggy either a, so I'm not worried.
Here's the troops today

One of the bhut jolokia isn't looking too good. It's small and turned very dark green.

Found this today. First of the second flight of seeds to sprout is the 7 pot Burgundy :)

L: Bhut R: scotch bonnet

L: butch t R: Dorset naga

Peach Ghost Scorpion

Newer recruits, 7 pot Burgundy - one with triple cotyledons


Also hooking, another 7 pot Burgundy, 2 Jamaican Hot Chocolate, white habanero, Maya red.

Hoping those brown 7 pot come up soon! And the rest of them of course!
Looking good! Hooking 'em up left and right! Last year I had a bunch of triples...this year none??? Always fun...may do triple first and second true leaves also..even more fun to watch!