Gerrrrrrrr!!!! Moles!

Anyone else have any exsperiance or some help for me with this problem? And just to put this out there im not against "capital punishment" :) ....actualy in this case i realy just want them gone :)
+1 Traps are the only things that actually work. You have to find the main tunnels first. Moles feed on your worms, not your roots. If something is eating your roots, it's probably voles. Kill em all!!
I've seen them, but they haven't gone after the garden yet. My Wirehair Fox Terriers kills anything that comes into the yard which includes moles, mice, cats, squires, skunks, turtles and rabbits so far. They're 22 lbs of solid muscle with incredible speed. What can I say…we haven't had any critter problems since we acquired our dogs.
I have a killer outdoor cat that takes out multiples of moles, voles, golphers. But I decided to establish a "no crawl zone" in some new raised beds.

A wire product actually made in USA, avail at HD:


Nice raised beds. I also built a couple like that due to a major vole problem. Hardware cloth is definately the only way to go, I hope. I also noticed a major drop in activity after getting one of those solar powered mole and vole stakes. Anyone else have experience with these? I hope it works.
Last time we had a problem with them we tried the poision and such but finally ended things by rolling the whole yard with a nice heavy lawn roller haven't seen em since. Knock on wood
But seriously, I have heard sprinkling epsom salts around the area deters raccoons, it may be worth a shot.
The one thing that I have found that works is a poison. The poison is in the form of rubbery worms. You dig into the mole burrow, place a worm in there and cover it back up. The theory is that the poison worm mimics the moles food source, he eats it and dies. My parents (and you know how old people are about their lawns) had a big problem with them. They were really tearing up the yard. He went down and was recommended these poison worms. I placed the whole box of six worms for them. That ended the problem right there. I have tried the metal spike traps several times but they are less than 100% effective. You will get an occaisional mole but you will miss many more and it takes weeks to get them all. This year, I bought 3 boxes of the poison worms as I have had a huge problem the last two years. I pretty much gave up on them last year just stomping down the runs every time they appeared. I have a country lawn so I am not real anal about it but it is getting worse and worse and becoming a problem with mowing so I am putting out poison worms this year. They are expensive but if they take care of my problem, I am willing to pay for them. I dont know if there are more than one brand but the brand I am familiar with and use is "TOMCAT". Check out this forum discussion on the worm poison that I am suggesting.