grant this is awesome,keep it up
Dairy is a treat for me these days and I dont miss it at all. I would drink 3 or 4 glasses of milk a night and put cheese on everything. went cold turkey and it has made a huge diffrence," I still once in a whie will slam a pint of ice cream" but thats no ones business 
dont eat much red meat either and try to eat lots of veggies. Pickles have been a life saver. Ill munch a jar a day sometimes. Great guilt free snack if you get the right ones. youre doing great and just keep it up.

dont eat much red meat either and try to eat lots of veggies. Pickles have been a life saver. Ill munch a jar a day sometimes. Great guilt free snack if you get the right ones. youre doing great and just keep it up.