• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Giant Pumpkin+veg. GLOG!!!

Gunna post hog a little here...

Tomatoes are doing great, they are popping out of the dirt now. The Rahe has it's biggest leaf yet, at least soccer ball (football) sized pretty huge stems and nice thick stump. The flower buds are getting huge, the growth is taller. Started my 129" (327cm) long gourd seeds, those are for the siblings to have fun with, will save seeds though. So much happening at once it is hard to keep track.

Next picture will be of the Rahe vining probably.
I am sure, the nutes seem to hit  it faster that is for certain. I wish I had a better camera I could show you what I am talking about, but there is a flower bud on there about the size of a small river stone, if you look at the nodes too there are these odd yellow things coming up in between the new leaves. I counted all the new leaves coming in, there is 7, I don't know about you but I doubt it will put those out and not vine LOL.
Come on pumpkin! Just send a vine and fruit please!!!
You think that is the vine in the middle there Dave? :D



Yeah I know I said I wouldn't post pictures until the vine sent out. I couldn't help it, plus I think this counts haha
Just keeps going up!!  I think that leaf coming up the middle will be the start of the vine, should all follow out from there.  I think....hard to tell
I couldn't really get the angle I was trying to get and the lighting is messed up, but yeah about right there it is long, it has lots of leaves in the middle, my guess is 3-4 all in a clump, just a matter of time. The first and second picture, if you look to the left you can see one of the flower buds.
It was one month old on the 20th. It should be any time now.
Post hogging again!!!
I have been having the best time with these giant tomatoes. I remembered I had one 6.01 Boudyo seed, and four 4.5 Evans. Both highly sought after seeds, mainly for their genetics pulling out 4-5 pounders each time. I decided to start both because well, I have room lol. I soaked them Sunday, put them in dirt Monday, checked yesterday and I saw nothing, look this morning and I see roots on all Evans and the one Boudyo. Can't wait for the Boudyo because it is a descendant of the WR. Obviously a great seed. 
I haven't had germination on my long gourds yet, but they take longer than atlantic giants, etc. Up to 14 days. In the mean time I want to build a bigger trellis, so here is my design...

Kinda crappy  but hopefully you get the just of it. In the first picture I tried to mention that the 10ft piece is a pallet.
Since I haven't been able to germinate any of my peppers I went ahead and bought some plants from chiliplants.com. I am gunna use the bigger pots I have for my plants. I got the ones that I tried to germ but obviously couldn't; 2 Peach Bhut Jolokia, 1 Bhut Jolokia Assam, 1 Devil's Tongue then 2 Chocolate Habaneros for my dad. I can't wait for those!
Gourds are going to wait until next year. Just going to focus on my pumpkin, tomatoes and of course my peppers. Should be a fun season, the fun has only just begun. :)
BTW David, I saw in an earlier post you mentioned that you have giant cabbage seeds, did you end up planting them? Also, how is your tomato ripening going? 
Edit of the edit:
My 4.5 Evans and 6.01 Boudyo sprouted...
I then decided to check on my 190.5 Weston Watermelon, it has been two weeks and no germination so the other day I cracked the tip where the root comes out of to let water in. I use the same technique on my pumpkins. Well like I said I had a look this morning, I went to pull the  seed out and I couldn't, finally got it to where I can see the nice long root sticking out... So finally after 4 failed attempts I got this seed to germinate. Can't wait to grow these either!
My Dill's is still growing. It has a few tiny bud like things at the base, and I think it started to vine. It looks like it will head off in a slightly different direction than I first thought. I guess the wind may have twisted it the first few day it was in the ground.

I improvised a irrigation system. It is a small hose attached to a upright PVC pipe. It is not automatic, but it will make it a little easier to water and feed once the leaves start getting huge.
RobbieWT said:
My Dill's is still growing. It has a few tiny bud like things at the base, and I think it started to vine. It looks like it will head off in a slightly different direction than I first thought. I guess the wind may have twisted it the first few day it was in the ground.

I improvised a irrigation system. It is a small hose attached to a upright PVC pipe. It is not automatic, but it will make it a little easier to water and feed once the leaves start getting huge.
It should and will head the opposite direction of the first true leaf. If it doesn't do what you want, you can always train it. It looks like a great plant! I am excited  to see what happens. Both of ours look almost identical, lots and lots of tiny leaves forming right in the middle and the middle growth getting much thicker. Any time now! I cannot wait!!!
Any time? I meant one day... Went to water the beast and do my daily inspections and noticed this:

Tendril number one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You think it is vining now Dave? Heh Heh.

I do lol, is there anything I can do to kinda coax it along?

Forget one tendril, there is a good 6-7 of them. The middle stuff has clumped and gotten much much longer. We have lift off everyone! Next goal is pollinating!!!
I don't have any tendrils on my Dill's, but my Pink Bananas have a few. The stem is growing in a zig-zag pattern right now.
Speaking of pollinating, is the Dill's a C. pepo or C. maxima? I may try using some male flowers from the Dill's on the Pink Banana.
What a monster man haha. I really like the shape and color and it seems to be holding it. Can't wait to see how big that cabbage gets too. Have you gotten to taste your mater yet? I am interested to see what the flavor is like.
Been having all sorts of problems ordering from chileplants.com it declined the card at first, so I had to re-do everything. So now I am hoping everything goes right, it is currently stuck in "in progress" mode. Hopefully it changes status soon, I've never ordered from them before so I don't know what to expect. If everything goes as planned the plants will be here Wednesday next week. If it doesn't go as planned then I will try to get them shipped the following week. Whatever happens I am excited for these plants!