• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Giant Pumpkin+veg. GLOG!!!

I don't notice much smell on the flower, but after handling the flowers there is a stink left on my hands. I'm not sure how to describe it. The closest thing I can compare it to would be slightly sweet raw mushrooms.
I agree with your answers. Yeah I don't know what it is, it's just it's own smell I suppose. Very interesting though. We all pick up on different smells. Robbie I too get that mushroom/ earthy kind of smell on the stems of the flowers and inside. 
The pumpkin has slowed quite a bit, in fact it hasn't put on any growth in 2 days. I know now it's my soil, temps are supposed to get in the upper 100's soon so not sure how much longer it will last. 
Pepper plants have bacterial leaf spot so I've removed everything that has even the smallest speck. Tomatoes are doing pretty good, they are alive but I don't notice much growth. Sunflowers have died and so has my squash. Not a good year. 
18 mounds of pumpkins!!!!
I think I have a pumpkin. It was hand pollinated on May 28th, and has grown quite a bit since. The pumpkin that flowered while I was gone has not grown at all. I also have several pink bananas growing.
The patch. I had to turn the camera to get it all. The corner of that fence is the property line. So far no vines have gone into the neighbor's yard.

This pumpkin was pollinated on May 28th.

This is the biggest Jumbo Pink Banana. Pollinated May 25th.

This Jumbo Pink Banana was pollinated on May 29th with flowers from the Atlantic Giant.
ThePepperTrent said:
The pumpkin has slowed quite a bit, in fact it hasn't put on any growth in 2 days. I know now it's my soil, temps are supposed to get in the upper 100's soon so not sure how much longer it will last. 
Pepper plants have bacterial leaf spot so I've removed everything that has even the smallest speck. Tomatoes are doing pretty good, they are alive but I don't notice much growth. Sunflowers have died and so has my squash. Not a good year. 
It seemed to be growing nicely not too long ago! Thats a shame!
Yeah, you live and learn I guess. I may try to make a fancy covered raised bed for next year seems to be what I need for around here. For right now I am just trying to keep what I have alive. I am going out of town for 4 days this weekend, those days are also supposed to be the hottest so we will just see how it goes.

Garden update. I actually just found a sunflower that wasn't dead amongst the weeds surprised I didn't notice sooner it is pretty big. Was nearly dead though. So I got it transplanted out of the overgrown yard next to my pumpkin, turned on the water for an hour so the soil could soak a bit and the thing perked right up! It looks great now! So at least I have one left. Tomatoes got a new container, still looking pretty healthy. 8.41 World record is the healthiest plant so far, it has stayed kinda short, looking at pictures of other people's plants the 8.41 does that. I kinda like that seems like it will be a real strong bushy plant. I haven't taken pictures of it yet but my rooting experiment was a success! The cherry tomato soaked up so much water I had to top it off nearly twice a day, then just a couple days ago I noticed these brown bubbles on the submerged parts of the plant, next day roots just shot out like crazy. It has put on a bunch of flowers already and a few have opened. Can't wait to get that in some dirt!

That is all for now. Noah your patch looks awesome. That's gunna be a lot of work but super fun can't wait to see what it will look like when then vines take over! :D

Oh and BTW the AZ record pumpkin was beat on Saturday! New record 486 pounds. Congrats Dean!
I decided it was probably time to transplant my giant tomatoes. So I did. They seemed to have liked the change, the plants are putting on some very noticeable growth. Very excited to see what happens with them, especially the world record plant. All looks good, pumpkin still has not grown 1 inch. 
ThePepperTrent said:
I decided it was probably time to transplant my giant tomatoes. So I did. They seemed to have liked the change, the plants are putting on some very noticeable growth. Very excited to see what happens with them, especially the world record plant. All looks good, pumpkin still has not grown 1 inch. 
just stopped in its tracks huh? Must be something in the soil that it doesn't like!
That is what I am thinking, yup just quit growing strangest thing. I wonder if possibly it feels like it cant move the roots around or what. I certainly will do things different next year. I wanna try out one of the 1000+ pounders (453kg+) next year, see what happens with that. I am going to go ahead and keep the plant going, it could just be a little hurdle that it needs to get over. Until the thing drops dead I will keep it going. The foliage looks healthy and so does the vine so I have no clue. Will be gone all weekend starting tomorrow, so hopefully everything stays alive during the hottest part of this year so far!
Absolutely stunning!

Look what I found at the market while out of town....


I saw it and thought of you Dave :D

First time trying it, yes I watched videos about how to eat it correctly lol. I absolutely love the stuff! Had some this morning with toast, butter and thinly spread Vegemite. Great stuff. Thank goodness I now know they carry it local.

So here's to you and a huge orange kin! Congrats...
haha thanks!!  
Can't stop looking at the pumpkin every time I walk past!
I'm glad you looked up how to eat it!  If you put too much its horrible!!
I can see how it would be too. It's very good in moderation. Of course it is a bit different, but very tasty. It's no peanut butter that's for certain. Well today I come back from my trip will be posting picture of my plants, dead or alive lol.
So I am home finally. Was a tiring trip for sure. Obviously I had to check my plants lol. Something is happening to them, can't quite put my finger on it...


Has it grown? The secondary is longer than the main, I don't even know where the secondary came from, must have grown while I was gone. Well I know it's not dead now lol.

Female on the secondary.


Sunflower standing tall and looking really nice...
Almost two feet (60.9 cm) tall.


Giant tomatoes putting on some nice growth, they have loved the weather. Left to right is 8.41 MacCoy, 4.5 Evans. Can't wait for these.


The peppers are doing much much better after I cut the leaf spots away. They have put on some new branches and a few have started to bush out more. No pictures of them until they look good :P