I dont know how to say it, without sounding like im trying to diss US, well anyway im not. Many times, when it comes to products, if youre from Europe and want to find out if a product would be something to consider, with "your" standards, organic, non pesticide, non carcinogenic, non toxic blabla, omri, blabla, and so on ... then you would not be giving "okeys" just cause something is being used in the US. I dont want to sound like im dissing, cause im not, and i dont want to make a toplist of different things im thinking about, but i luckily can say with certainty that it may be so, that american commercial agric. can use the products to get more crops, faster or, whatever it is, but that dont mean that it is okey, you would never ever ever be able to sell veggies in EU that have been exposed to hormones, it doesnt matter how harmful it may or not may be, you wouldnt be able to sell it. The big difference between US and EU is that you can sell products in US without telling the retail customer that it contains xyz... I will not take up more examples, i only say this. Monsanto sells milk from the cows of Frankenstein in California, and they dont even have to tell you!
I love US, but there is not any possibility to tell this in a way that would sound different. Cause its how it is, the products gets approved there, but not here.
Peace, hugs and kisses to all US THP'rs