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Gibberellic Acid

lavish said:
Ive been using it for soaking the seeds. The past 6 months ive been doing that, beside sterilizing seeds with hydrogen peroxide. Before every germination.

Im going to continue the hydrogen peroxide, but im going to stop with the GA. I dont claim that it neither is harmful or harmless. Some of the supplements i have on my shelf is cause of reading too much hydroponics magazines etc. :) GA is available in US, even though it is not considered safe for humans according to MSDS. It wont ever be approved for selling in stores, in EU. Anyway, maybe it is safe, maybe not, maybe a little unsafe, but, why risk... It can be that its safe if used with very caution and moderation. We should not forget that agent orange was an auxin! So we never know. I myself are going to stop with the GA, cause I dont feel good using it, first when i started buying supplements and growing indoors, everything i saw looked exciting and cool and whatever... hehe, but, well now im trying to keep it more and more simple :)

You're right... when I read about it I got all excited, and actually I still am! haha I plan to experiment with it and see what happens. According to literature it's been around for years and is commonly used in farming! And while the MSDS says it's not safe for humans, I'm sure an MSDS for Ammonium Nitrate would say the same. Lots of things used in food processing, gardening, etc are very harmful to humans and animals alike... The key is like you said, use in moderation and as specified by label instructions. As for agent orange, well wasn't that used specifically for stripping trees of leaves, intentionally harmful? I dunno, we'll see what happens.
I've done alot of work with acid, and Gibberellic acid. GA is great for hard to start seeds and most of my expeince with it was with Carnivorous plant seeds. I highly recomend it.
Yeah, Neil from TheHippySeedCompany got me interested in worm farming after he told me his main nutrients are from worm tea, and that worm castings were used when making soil mix, and the size of his pods are enormous.
MiLK_MaN said:
Yeah, Neil from TheHippySeedCompany got me interested in worm farming after he told me his main nutrients are from worm tea, and that worm castings were used when making soil mix, and the size of his pods are enormous.
Sounds good, do you know of any good sites about DYI worm farms? would'nt mind starting one myself
cheers :cool:
Ring your local council, they always have some sort of green type products or solutions.

I know in the council I live in they sell worm farms at cost price, and also gave me some contacts of people in the local area that can sell 1000 worms for about $15.
ExtremeBurn said:
You're right... when I read about it I got all excited, and actually I still am! haha I plan to experiment with it and see what happens. According to literature it's been around for years and is commonly used in farming! And while the MSDS says it's not safe for humans, I'm sure an MSDS for Ammonium Nitrate would say the same. Lots of things used in food processing, gardening, etc are very harmful to humans and animals alike... The key is like you said, use in moderation and as specified by label instructions. As for agent orange, well wasn't that used specifically for stripping trees of leaves, intentionally harmful? I dunno, we'll see what happens.

If the effects only were on the plants, then i would feel safer when using auxins, which i anyway do. I maybe heard made up stories or something,the reason that i mentioned agent orange, was cause i heard that even american soldiers got effected by being exposed to it. I heard that, some of them got disabled/disfigured children.
lavish said:
If the effects only were on the plants, then i would feel safer when using auxins, which i anyway do. I maybe heard made up stories or something,the reason that i mentioned agent orange, was cause i heard that even american soldiers got effected by being exposed to it. I heard that, some of them got disabled/disfigured children.

This is true, and very sad... it was in a sense a weapon developed for use in herbicidal warfare. It goes to show that too much of anything can be a very bad thing.
you are correct in your statement about agent orange and auxin...however they are two completely different compounds...the ones used as herbicides are synthetic auxins...


if you want to know about the actual mechanism of how auxin works, here is a link to a 1955 text that is very well written. Explains how/why/when/where auxin impacts growth. Available for free download...

And the chemical that caused the cancer etc. was a contaminant called dioxin, which was a by-product of manufacturing one of the synthetics used in making Agent Orange and other experimental herbicides. It's also a by-product of other checmical processes.

I probably have 100s of times more dioxin floating around in me than most people from swimming near Times Beach in the early 80's.

it has many uses, and you can actually make it from Plants.. Asprin if you look at the actual molecular construction is similar and the Poor mans GA , i use to use it to seed up my pot plants as it caused them to throw out male flowers, thus self pollenatiing the Plant to keep seeds pure hahahaha,, still waiting on some, but Hard to start seeds as IGG says is the Go, My scientist friend used it on his Miracle fruit seeds and they didnt sprout (as stated)

WORM FARMSSSSS dudes, Nova took some pics when here of my farms Have a couple of Bought 1's but the 1 made from 60ltr tubs works just as good. the Castings (poo) are shithot additive for garden/potting mix Plus can as said, make tea from for Liquid fertilser.. the Wee or liquid that comes from the Bottom , is that concentrated burnt a heap of seedlings so put all that in 20ltr drums and use like the liquid ya buy (10mls per ltr).. get roughly 6 ltrs aweek of concentrate more than enough and considering i use to spend like $30 a week just on feeding plants its the best thing ever did in garden.. been growing Years and NEVER seen shit like this season.. here is the Chocolate Bhut its just starting to Flower and nearly 7 foot tall in a 35cm Pot


Go Worms
I got my GA3 in today and I'm gonna start experimenting with it tomorrow. Currently I have 12 Miracle Grow Seeds that have been planted in my propagator for about a little over a week with no germination as of yet... I haven't lost hope for them though cuz these bad dads take a century to germ. Anyways, I'm gonna soak my remaining 10 Miracle fruit seeds in GA3 overnight and put them in the prop tomorrow. We'll see if this stuff is all it's made up to be. Also, I have an orange hab, a jalapeno, and a tomato seedling that I'm going to apply GA3 to as well. I'll take before and after pics and keep ya'll posted.
Alright... I decided that I'm only gonna try it on some tomatoes and my Miracle Fruit seeds for now... Here are some before pics:

Gibberellic Acid from United Nuclear - For the germination I used 1000 ppm of GA3 and I mixed up some 500 ppm for the tomato seedleings

Before Pics Tomato Seedlings


I'll update this every week.
Well, it's been a few hours since I've applied GA3... I must say it's working. Here is an updated pic of my tomato plant...


not trying to sidetrack the thread, but what about CLONEX. Does that contain any of the GA3. I know one says it's a growth hormone (GA3) and the others say its rooting hormones (CLONEX). and in tiny print of the pack of clonex lists this as their active ingredient (3 - indole Butyric Acid) it also said " This product is not intented for use on food crops that may be used for food" Anythought? I want to be able to eat my peppers!
This product is not intented for use on food crops that may be used for food" Anythought? I want to be able to eat my peppers!

Sounds clear to me.