beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

stirrrrrrr ...


never have used this stuff ...


well, it's not 1.75 lbs, or 1.75 grams, so let's hope it's 1.75 oz ...


let's make this kit, two-fer ...


i was lazy, i rinsed the unsanitized erlie w/ boiling water, and dumped it ...

then i finagled that extract into the flask - a pita because of the humidity ...


Looks like I used 600mL ...

Thought to ice-bath ...


Pitched two unsanitized yeast packets w/ unsanitized scissors ...


I pitched it hot, just under 100F, because I needed to do something ...

Kai says it's OK, but might generate some phenols ... fingers crossed.


swirlin' ...


ohai beer and couch, you win on this rainy day ...


i'll pre-boil sous vide some beer after a while ... probably.

Apples still to hard to press, moved them all into the bathroom (lucky we just use the ensuite!) to get all warm and soft.  
Just as well, between smoking, trading, cleaning the car and sauce making, bumper is buggered!  
Phenols this early on is no biggie, but 37c is pushing the limits of the yeast, they need 27c to reproduce and be happy.  Keep an eye out for krausen and all should be fine.  Once it has cooled a bit, drop some more yeast in just in case.  
Gettin' smarter ... Woke up and drain-poured that starter ...
1) I didn't boil the extract for 15 mins, I just added boiling water to it ...
2) The yeast was likely bunk ... not surprising considering I drain poured two gallons I made using Brooklyn Brew Shop's kit yeast ...
3) I have loads of "better" yeast, shipped w/ ice, from more reliable vendors ...
1) Make a new one, today, using one of my Wyeast or White Labs Saison yeasties.
2) Use the ice remaining in the bags intended for brewing, to chill the boiled DME (later).
3) Work a little bit tonight to make the time/space to brew the beer tomorrow using the starter I make today.
Starter worked as intended - signaling shitty yeast or process on my part, saving me hours of wasted effort.

I call it a win.
Actually, on second though, I won't make a starter, I'll just pitch the liquid yeast direct, since it's designed for a 5 gal batch, I'm sure I'll have pitching rate enough for 2 gal batches without mucking about ...
Even better.
wheebz said:
you will have more than enough with no starter
yeah, i realized that and didn't bother ...
i might brew in a bit ...
been mucking about w/ my real camera trying to see if i get that feeling (i haven't had in some years) ...
*considering* taking real pictures for my brewing escapades to check out blogging, but only if I can stand to deal w/ shooting (tripod/lighting/post) ...
we'll see ...
I think I might try again, to brew today.
It would have been irresponsible yesterday, as I was still really exhausted (more mentally than physically) from my ~90 hr work week.
I'm well-rested and all the down-time on the couch watching Amer. Odyssey has me pretty fully recovered now, though, and I'm pretty sure I sense the hype/mania building - which I'll happily ride towards 2 gal in fermenter if I can break free early and fetch ice before I beer ...
LOL ...
Still can't brew without ice, immersion chiller or not.
Fucting Florida.
take the 940, do an initial pitch at 62 degrees, drop it to 55 12 hours after pitch, let that bitch rock out until around 65-68 attenuation, bring it to 62 to 63 for a diacetyl rest for 2 or 3 days until its terminal and it passes a VDK test (diketones), transfer to secondary and then drop that ish down to 32-34 and hold it there for like 14 days, SOOO GOOD
make a pils recipe using all pislner malt and some cara-pils and thats all you need, do a 20 min, 15, 10, 5, and WP addition of your favorite low AA hop, I really like hallertau or styrian, and you will have one of the best pils on the market
put it at 18-22 IBU's, with an OG of like 10 plato
check your water profile for this one, make sure you are as neutral as possible, like having ZERO minerally things in your water, and it will be awesomme
if you can get your hands on some German Saffir, or some Aussie Summer, or some New Zealand Wakatu hops, use those, and i promise if you do it right, its going to be epic

time to start working on a biabacus spreadsheet for brewing this Wheebz' ditty. cold storage en route - only missing pid-control, yet ...
that was seriously like the most rudementary lager thingy I can do
you wanna seriously rock out, you figure out a ferm temp chamber, and add pitching rates and oxygen rates to your shit, and I will make you the best lager in the world
I'll have freezer's saturday, already have an O2 tank w/ reg, filter, & wand ... and stir-plates. Not sure when the new kettle & pump are coming, yet ... really, just need to order ranco's or johnson's ...
grantmichaels said:
3x 7.2 ft^3 chesties coming Saturday, completing my homebrewery for the time being with the exception of adding kegs along the way ... woot.
3 7.2 cu. ft. chest freezers? That's just sweet, hold it, ones for peppers, right?
grantmichaels said:
I'll have freezer's saturday, already have an O2 tank w/ reg, filter, & wand ... and stir-plates. Not sure when the new kettle & pump are coming, yet ... really, just need to order ranco's or johnson's ...
WOW, I think that's the fastest I've ever seen anyone be come addicted to a hobby, but then it is one HELL of a hobby to become addicted to :cool:
Cheers Bro
I looked at CL every day for over a month, and there's almost nothing here in my area - and the stuff that is, is somewhat oddly priced such that it's relatively equal to the price of a new one at Best Buy ...
Best Buy dreams of me coming back, and sends me shit all the time, and I happen to have their CC (empty, but open), and was able to get zero percent financing for a year + free delivery for an order of $400 or more ...
I really wanted two to start, but it takes three to hit the $400 in product mark for free delivery ... so I'll have three ...
Dry aged steak time =)
But yeah, I'm pretty much done acquiring things for a good while - save grains, hops, yeast, and some kegs anyways ...
wheebz said:
you wanna seriously rock out?
wheebz said:
you figure out a ferm temp chamber, and add pitching rates and oxygen rates to your shit, and I will make you the best lager in the world
all remaining kit will be here between Saturday and middle of next week ... and then, "Fuck Yes," I'd like to try a big beer!
I hear I need to a big imperial stout going early, as it can be like 8-12 months to finish out, I guess? ;)
I think my rig shipped out of BC today ...
I'm planning to receive the freezers Saturday, and to spend next week working out temp-controls and getting recipes lined up and grains and hops ordered ...
Starting the weekend after this one, I shall be just brewing all summer ...
I think I'll go ahead and a smoke a butt and some turkey breasts this weekend, to put some fowl and swine in vac-packs ...
Aiming for two sessions, each a 2.5/3/5 gal batch depending on how big the beer is, each week ...
I can't drink that much, but it should put some in the kitty, and give me some beer to share =)
Just have to be patient for like 10x days or whatever, LOL ...
Got tracking info tonight, so they are headed out from BC as of today ...
Should be able to get an estimate of when they'll arrive tomorrow, once it updates ...
Officially excited, now ...