beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

Pitching one of these this weekend, not going to bother w/ starter though ...


nozzle from china came large ...




def brewing over the holiday weekend, once or twice ...

i was going to wait for the new kettle and pump, but fuck it ...

i heard my beard demand that i brew ...
I have never had home-brewed beer.  When you feel like you have the right one….I'm gonna send you a SASBE…or whatever it takes…to get a bottle up here.   Kind of fascinated by the whole process, but I think that might be the tipping point with the wife if I started that.
The one gallon that I did get to drink was VERY enjoyable.
There's something to be had for it not having to survive a distribution chain, certainly.
It was just a kit, and still I was compelled to drink it ahead of most of the commercial beers in my fridge - despite wanting to have it around to share w/ friends ...
I drank it all.
You can play w/o having to spend money, too.
I have a feeling you already have a stock pot ... how many gallons or quarts is your biggest? ...
The fermenter can be a bucket w/ a hole drilled for an airlock from your fermenting stuff ...
It can be inexpensive to see if you like doing it ...
The $ starts flowing when you want to make styles that are harder in your climate ...
I have a 20 qt stockpot on hand.  It's not really the money, it's more the time and space aspect.  No time to do it, and the space to store more crap.   She was understanding when I had 125 pepper plant on our table in the sunroom for 2 weeks, and my aerogarden on the kitchen table for a few months…but if I start brewing I think that may send her over the edge.
You can make a nice 2.5 or 3 gal batch in four hours, and put it in a 3 gal carboy from that kettle ... and yield about 25 bottles worth of beer, or 8-9x 32oz swing top's ... a 2' x 2' footprint would suffice, to store it ...

And that's all-grain, I think you can save a considerable amount of time and space by doing extract batches, I just didn't go that route personally and have no experience with doing it ...
Anyways, don't piss off the Mrs ..
grantmichaels said:
You can make a nice 2.5 or 3 gal batch in four hours, and put it in a 3 gal carboy from that kettle ... and yield about 25 bottles worth of beer, or 8-9x 32oz swing top's ... a 2' x 2' footprint would suffice, to store it ...
And that's all-grain, I think you can save a considerable amount of time and space by doing extract batches, I just didn't go that route personally and have no experience with doing it ...
Anyways, don't piss off the Mrs ..

Maybe it will be next up....but down the road a bit. Still want to get better at bread making and getting more use out of my starters. Right now I am reading the book that was recommended on that audio link you sent me.

Sometimes I do things just to piss off the Mrs. I do not subscribe to the happy wife, happy life theory. I am a more happy me, happy life type of guy.
Well, you seem to be doing a lot of Dance Dad, so I think you are fine w/ whatever you want to do ...
Poor Danielle, though. Danielle cleans up after everything that I get into ...
While I have a feeling in the long run I'll have one freezer setup w/ a collar, and a second as long term storage of kegs, and only a single one in use as a fermentation chamber - for this summer, I have a feeling the second aforementioned freezer will be a second fermentation chamber, while I get going on outbrewing my consumption ...
So, I've got parts coming to make two relatively full-on dual stage controllers based on the STC-1000+, and one simpler, single stage controller for the 3rd unit, what will ultimately become a keezer down the line.
Next step is to figure out if there's O2 in the tank, as shipped. I doubt it, but I figure I should check before I run to the gas place.
grantmichaels said:
While I have a feeling in the long run I'll have one freezer setup w/ a collar, and a second as long term storage of kegs, and only a single one in use as a fermentation chamber - for this summer, I have a feeling the second aforementioned freezer will be a second fermentation chamber, while I get going on outbrewing my consumption ...
So, I've got parts coming to make two relatively full-on dual stage controllers based on the STC-1000+, and one simpler, single stage controller for the 3rd unit, what will ultimately become a keezer down the line.
Next step is to figure out if there's O2 in the tank, as shipped. I doubt it, but I figure I should check before I run to the gas place.
I've bought a few bottles and they have always arrived full.  +1 you hook it up to a regulator with the tubing set up before going out for gas
1st major missing control is here, now ... the Bräu Supply temp-control for the kettle's heating element, the pump, fittings, and tubing, and the plate chiller ...
All that's missing now, are the controllers for the chest freezers ... and while they are functioning as freezers right now, that isn't really all that helpful as it turns out - for making beverages ...
I need to do all the hook-up's of the gas cylinders w/ their regulators ... ordered some tape, from Amazon, for that ...
I need to figure out how to work w/ the liquids in the kegs using the gas-assist ... a little late-night Youtube will take care of that, I'm sure ...
Other than that, I really just need to make the decision to brew this weekend and get yeast starters going on the stir-plate's in advance ...
Party time.
queequeg152 said:
home brew is bad for you.
i gained like 11 lbs in 2 months doing that shit.
stay away.
it certainly has to be counted ... I'm taking the Germanic POV that it's to be considered as a meal ...
People tried to get me to drink American light lager or whatever the fuck they all are for like 20 yrs ...
All that did was trick me into thinking beer sucked ass, depriving me of two decades of indulgence.
Offering people that shit is deceptive and morally and ethically irresponsible, and reprehensible.