beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

Charliewine ferm at 56 hrs for WLP007, and 72 hrs for Wyeast 1099 ...
Still chugging along today, but winding down a little bit ...

I had to rebuild the double-regulator apparatus and refill a CO2 tank today after having one escape last night ...

So, I am pretty sure I found the problem ...


See that plastic bushing? ... grommet? ... seal? ...

Only found this bag in the box this morning, too late!


I took one apart to see how it works, so I think that's what was wrong ...
LOL ...



I tightened up shop ...



Hopefully that was it ... released tanks of CO2 cost $25 ...

A little hold-me-over birthday-stout present from my sister ...


And the bits to hook up the BeerGun ...


Looking forward to sipping on Wheebz saison, and fingers-crossed for that BBS Summer Wheat that I made w/ the over-ripe apricots ...


Checked and tank was too much lighter than it should be ...

Uh oh.

Who's an idiot? This guy.


See what's wrong?


Herp Derp ...


Some more wrench and gas tape BS, and ...




Dare I say - too much? I didn't know it possible ...


Got some remaining grocery store items for executing Wheebz sekret stout this weekend, and the grain bill/yeast should arrive tomorrow!
Tasty, but too chocolate ... too far from "beer" and close to dessert, although I didn't know it was possible to feel that way until I tried it ...
It's an exciting day beer-wise, actually ... Wheebz saison, and the Summer Wheat ...
I thought I brewed both technically well at brew time, and both had massive krausen formations w/ foam blowing off like cray-cray ...
I had them at 30-35 psi overnight, and I just rocked them a little bit and dropped them down to like 12-15 psi for the afternoon ...
My original open-ferment saison has been in the fermentation chamber, so it's been at 67-68F, and it's discharging a little bit of liquid from the keg each couple of days, which I believe is from increasing counts of acetobacter from being open-fermented ... I suspect that beer has taken on some vinegar-y-ness that will require it to be dumped ... I stopped pouring it a few weeks ago, once the porter was available ...
I think I'll be finishing the porter this weekend, and terminating the open-ferment beer regardless ...
And those two kegs will go to the Darkness Everybody and Charliewine batches, and I've got one more for the stout I'll brew this weekend, and then we'll see what's what after that ...
First draw of Summer Wheat was yeast-city ...

Can't comment.


So. Much. Yeast.


See the film?

We'll see where things are at next couple glasses, that one was yeasty ...
Wheebz saison - so nice.

Has a nice, albeit light malt, and perhap a little bit of spice, or a faint straw-like quality ...

There's a little bit of sediment, but nothing that's getting in the way of enjoying it ...

First time tasting this one?  

Yup. It was super sediment-y (it drew up all the cold-crashed garbage) ...

The liquid post has a dip tube on the inside that draws the liquid from like 1/2" to 1" off the bottom, so it works as it's becoming empty ... well, that's where the clumps of protein, hop material etc all go ...

I'll evaluate it better later when it's more carb'd up and w/ less yeast in the glass ...
Wheebz saison (this one) and the Chocolate Maple Porter, easily best.

The Grapefruit Honey Ale was third ...

I'm on the fence about the open-fermented one, and we'll see about the wheat in the next few days too.

I have a few weeks (at least) to wait to know about the two big one's, Darkness Everybody and Charliewine ...
pour the next glass? ;)

it only takes 2-3x before you've had the majority of it!
The bad ...

The keg overpowered picnic tap, I guess ...


Probably because while I turned pressure down, I didn't purge the kegs of the higher pressure from overnight =/

The good news ...


Tastes nice, yeast clearly purged ...


Learning all the lessons along the way ...
Ready for this one to be history.
Batch004: BBS Jalapeno Saison (sub peno w/ orange zest, sub dry yeast w/ WLP565 & ECY-08) - Acceptable, estery-y, phenolic-y, possibly accruing aceti of late.
Batch005: BBS Chocolate Maple Porter - Pretty Great.
Batch006: BBS Summer Wheat (w/ some Apricot at flame-out) - Good.
Time to put this puppy to bed ...
Batch007: Wheebz Saison Recipe - Killer.
Saison Dupont-like, and awesome in any context. Tasted great forced carb'd in a 2L, and better yet out of the keg ...