beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

tctenten said:
I think it is the thought of me cluttering up the house with more "stuff" that will annoy her.
That's why you need a dedicated brewing room.

tctenten said:
At your leisure.
Ordered a couple of odds and ends needed to round out a kit for you (triple-scale hydrometer etc), the question I have is re: a pot ...
Would you like one of my 2 gal SS pots (I bought two, don't really use any longer, and certainly don't need two any longer), or would that be more of a nuisance than useful (ie if you already have one)? ...
RocketMan said:
That's why you need a dedicated brewing room.

Nice bat-cave! I took over the extra bedroom over here ...
tctenten said:
I wanted you to give me a list, not you supply me with everything. I assume you mean 20 gallon pot? I have a 20 and 16 gallon, both SS.
You'll be all set for 5 gallon batches w/ with either ...
I was planning to send you a box w/ the stuff to make a gallon or two, which I think is a good place to start for the 1st couple of batches, personally ...
Much easier to do something the 1st night for only like 3 hrs, with manageable quantities of boiling water to contend with etc ...
If you want to go bigger, though, straight away (longer to boil, heavier, harder to manage indoors, longer to chill, more bottles to fill etc), Ozzy/RM might be better initial teachers ...
I make 2.5-3 gal batches, for instance, because I want to have a variety of homebrews in my cold storage ... I like variety.
So, I'm happy to send you recipe, instructions, grist, yeast, hops, a glass fermenter, BIAB bag, mini-auto-siphon, triple-scale hydrometer, lid, stopper, tubing, airlock, bottles, bottle caps, capper, sanitizer, PBW, irish moss, citric acid etc - because I have duplicates or depth in each from buying quantity once I knew I was going to brew indefinitely ;) ...
Then, you can experience the process once, and think about how you might want to proceed (from pimping Igloo's to buying that $2500 all-in-one or a brew sculpture LOL) ...
You might say - fuck this ...
I really hope I get to launch this thread.
I say that because it's totally possible that I won't get to brew again after this coming weekend.
I have enough work done ahead that I can keep my plan to brew again this coming weekend, pretty surely, but I'm not sure that I'll get another opportunity again before Thanksgiving weekend =/
Actually, let's be honest - there will be opportunities ...
They just won't be easily forecast   ... they'll appear out of nowhere and I'll have to decide to take advantage of the tiny window of opportunity ...
Usually in the middle of the night, too, I'm sure ... LOL.
At least I managed to find 30-40 TV episodes to watch, to keep my spirits high! =)
The 1st was quite inspiring ... the Brew Dog guys and the Stone owner brewing a batch on a railcar ... totally my jam ...
I'm actually thinking about exploring my dark secret Wheebz-disapproved stuff during this period ... sous vide mashing, boiling on an induction burner here at my desk, no chill etc ...
Whhhaaaaaa ... I want to brew each weekend, still.
I'm hoping to do my DFH90min clone next weekend as long as my sack of 2row comes in this week. It's nice to have some I can drink while I wait for fermentation and brewing time.
Ozzy2001 said:
I'm hoping to do my DFH90min clone next weekend as long as my sack of 2row comes in this week. It's nice to have some I can drink while I wait for fermentation and brewing time.
Totally understand ... exact reason I can't tell you the FG's on my Darkness Everybody and Charliewine batches ... they're chillin' ... in the pipeline ... 4x ahead of them, LOL!
I have to run and get my CO2 tank refilled again tomorrow ... and then I guess I'll have to do the whole soapy water gas-leak check process thoroughly this weak ...
I did learn that one is supposed to use a different kind of seal on the kegs than the round one's sold by virtually every homebrew store ...
There's something called a double-seal, or quattro seal, or x-ring seal ... and this is what should be used on the gas post, specifically ... I just ordered some from McMaster-Carr ...
I'm going to buy a 3rd tank while I'm there, too ... so I have a full-spare at all times to protect from what happened this weekend ever happening again ...
My next four are determined, just not the order of them ...
1) Wheebz sekret stout - it's another biggun' ...
2) A kolsch or something fun using the fresh cascades and that indie yeast from Bootleg Bio ...
3) A 3 gallon batch made from 3x kits from BBS that are a Blueberry Red Ale (never have had, sounded interesting though) ...
4) A Oskar Blues Deviant Dale's like Double IPA using Cal Ale and balls out Columbus hopping ...
And then, for balance, I'll need to brew a run of stouts/porters ...
tctenten said:
Just read the first chapter, takes you through the whole process. Certainly seems like it is within my capabilities.
It's totally within your capabilities ... LOL ...
I wouldn't say that it's easy to do everything without making mistakes straight away, but it's definitely not conceptually difficult ...
I think I'm 7 for 9 now ... instead of 1 for 3 ... which I mention to highlight that all of the beer I've brewed has been drinkable beer ...
I lost my initial batch because I tried to use carbonating tabs and there was too much residual sugar from a poorly attentuated beer (likely because I made it TOO COLD the 1st night after I brewed before I had the freezers) ... that batch I put a frozen two liter bottle of watter into a small volume styro cooler w/ the one gallon fermenter, and it went below 55F for a straight-pitched, unstarter'd yeast drop ...
I lost my 3rd one-gallon batch because I cooked the mash - totally my fault, an accident where I forgot and left the oven at 170F while the pot was sitting in the oven to stay warm while mashing ... I was supposed to warm the oven to 170F and turn it off ... oops.
So, it leads to beer each time, really ... but you have to execute all of the steps right to get a good beer ...
The 4th batch was the open-fermented batch that I kept warm and heated and double-pitched the yeast on ... that was the no-chill batch ... it's got a little bit of a wild and ester-y and a little bit phenol-y taste ... could be from the yeasts, could be from the no chill, could be from the invaders (it's moderately funky), could be great (haven't tasted in weeks and was evolving), and could have fermented TOO WARM, with that fermwrap on it w/o a temp controller (lol) ... it was hitting like 92F-95F inside, I imagine while fermenting ...
Anyways ... you can do it.
tctenten said:
Just read the first chapter, takes you through the whole process. Certainly seems like it is within my capabilities.
Yeah it's really not very hard. You just can't skip anything even if it seems like a waste of time. Watch some YouTube vids too. Seeing the stuff being done really helps understand it. Northern Brewer has some good ones.
Ozzy2001 said:
Yeah it's really not very hard. You just can't skip anything even if it seems like a waste of time. Watch some YouTube vids too. Seeing the stuff being done really helps understand it. Northern Brewer has some good ones.
I think it comes really easily for people who are deliberate and follow directions well ...
This is not me.
freshly dried hop cones:

cascade hops (freeport bum's)

leaf hops:

columbus 2 oz

pellet hops:

HBC 438 experimental 1 oz (x3)
aus galaxy 1 oz
cz saaz 1 oz
ger polaris 1 oz
ger northern brewer 1 oz
ger tettnang 1 oz
ger hull melon 1 oz
ger magnum 1 oz (x2)
uk challenger 1 oz (x2)
us fuggle 1 oz (x2)
us northern brewer 1oz
us golding 1 oz (x2)
columbus 1 oz + 4 oz
equinox 1 oz
falconer's flight 7 c's 1 oz
citra 1 oz (x2)
galena 1 oz
amarillo 1 oz
pacific jade 1 oz
sorachi ace 1 oz
zythos 1 oz (x2)
wakatu 1 oz
strisselspalt 1 oz
simcoe 1 oz
hallertau 1 oz
hallertau mittelfruh 1 oz
willamette 2 oz

yeast vials/smack-packs/packets:

ecy-11 belgian white
bootleg biology arlingtonesis
white labs wlp940 mexican lager
white labs wlp566 saison II
white labs wlp001 cali ale
white labs wlp090 san diego super yeast
white labs wlp862 cry havoc
white labs brettanomyces claussenii
white labs brettanomyces bruxellensis trois
wyeast 3711 french saison
wyeast 3724 belgian saison (x2)
wyeast 5151 brettanomyces claussenii
safale us-05 (x3)
safale s-04
saflager w-34/70
saflager s-23
safbrew s-33
safbrew abbaye


15 lb thomas fawcett maris otter
11 lb briess pale ale malt
10 lb pilsner malt as "simple saison"
5 lb 2-row pale
3 lb weyermann munich malt
1 lb weyermann acidulated malt
1 lb weyerman melanoidin malt
1 lb weyermann caramunich III
1 lb weyermann carafa type 3 dehusked/debittered
1 lb weyerman roasted barley
1 lb best maltz red x
1 lb briess carapils (x2)
1 lb briess caramel 60L
2 lb flaked oats (maillard malts)
1 lb flaked oats love2brew
1 lb briess black
1 lb gambrinus honey malt
1 lb briess caramel 60L
1 lb dingemans biscuit (MR50)
1 lb dingemans chocolate (MR900)
~11/16 lb pale chocolate
~.5 lb black roasted barley
~.5 lb carapils
~.5 lb crystal 15
~.625 lb black patent


briess golden light dme
briess pilsen light dme
briess cbw golden light lme


1 lb lactose
1 lb cascade beer candi syrup (vanilla bourbon molasses)
3 oz hungarian oak chips - med roast
4 oz french oak chips - med roast