beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

Nah, it's solid. Overkill, for sure - but solid.
If I can't make beer that's better than what I can purchase, I just won't make beer ...

tctenten said:
I am thinking I commission Grant to build me one.  Especially if it will be set it and forget it.
I hate to say it, but at the end of the day, there's much ado about moving liquid, which are sometimes boiling ...
All of it comes down to heating and cooling volumes of (what's essentially) water and moving it between containers ...
If you are comfortable w/ pumps, siphoning, and otherwise dealing w/ liquid transfers and compressed gases - it's pretty easy ...
I'm having to learn plumbing crap every step of the way, which makes it seem inelegant ... and I had a decision made ahead of time that I wanted to do this indoors ...
Over time, we'll see how that pans out, but it was important to me in the beginning, and it's still something I enjoy about the way I'm doing it ...
What's been a failure, is that I haven't been able to leave it unattended while brewing all that much - which I was hoping was going to be the result of the temp-controller and the choice to go electric over gas ...
And, there's wasted time from the difference in speed at which electric boils water compared to gas burning ...
I don't regret setting up for 2.5-3 gallons right now, though, because I can't even drink it as fast as I want to brew it ...
And yet, because of the time it takes, I am looking at ways to make multiple beers off one wort by pitching different yeasts, racking on pureed fruit or whatever, and/or dry hopping with different hops ...
It tasted good out of the hydrometer and the brew fever got to me in the middle of the night last night ...

I had to throw a tank on the Darkness Everybody stout ...

Darkness Everybody stout - the initial, investigative pour ...


It's great. I'm pretty sure this one's pretty nice ... on anyone's scale.

Not sure I can find the figs anywhere in the finished product, but I am getting the liquor barrel qualities from the barrel-aged rum they were soaked/sous-vide in ... and hints of coffee are spot on.

Danielle even liked it, if only on for it's dessert-like qualities.
It's genuinely good. It's not nearly as chewy/syrupy/decadent as something like Marshal Zhukov or Founders Imperial ...
We'll see how it is in a few days when the carbonation is right.
It's got big ass bubbles right now, and it's under-carb'd ...
I bet I can get the first fully-right pour on Friday night, which isn't to say I won't have some tomorrow night ... and/or later ...
Too bad it's not my 5th keg of stout ... I kind of resent all of the light beers taking space (except Wheebz saison) ...
My life mission is to be able to ferm stouts at room temp w/ the saisons by using a scheduled CO2 over-pressure ramp-up ... and to end up naturally carbonated, closed-transfer to the smaller service keg, and put in the two keezers ...

I'm considering just adding an air-conditioner to the room, tbh ...
Added a cheap submersible pump ...


It'll sit in a bucket w/ tubing, a splitter, and these guy's on the ends ...


Recirc pbw + saniclean for cleaning my picnics/lines ...

I don't leave the picnic taps on the kegs any longer, once I'm done w/ that beer, that day, I pull them and rinse them.
grantmichaels said:
Just woke up to Danielle trolling my FB page that I should rename it face-down couch nap stout ...
Lol I believe there's already been taken by a few beverages.
To quote Eric from Billy Madison, "Did you fall asleep, or pass out?" Lol.
Ozzy2001 said:
Lol I believe there's already been taken by a few beverages.
To quote Eric from Billy Madison, "Did you fall asleep, or pass out?" Lol.
Ah Billy Madison ... "Want to touch the hiney" ...

That's my brand of sophomoric humor ...
I *love* Van Wilder ...
Ozzy2001 said:
My favorite part is the guy in the background that says he thinks he's had them before.
I was looking for that quote ...
Mmm ... this is warm ... I've had it before ...
Something like that, LOL ...
Fucking hysterical ...
That scene late in the movie w/ the dude shitting in the garbage can slays me.
This beer is so good, that 1) I'll be waiting and watching for fresh figs to reappear at the grocery store to make more, and 2) that I'm compelled to send some to Wheebz for a more critical analysis ...
7 for 9 drinkable beers. The other two were both sub-par attenuation (when bottling, before kegging), and in once instance I'd cooked the mash.
3 for 9 have been great with 1 that's yet to be tried.
Best two beer's yeast were White Labs vials, WLP001 and WLP566 ...
Maybe I'll put the regulator back on the 3rd tank (meant to be a full-spare, but fuck it) and throw it on the Charliewine later on \m/