• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GNSLNGR 2013,14, and 1 to grow on 2015!,..Just some pics of another on the go "grow"

The grow begins....pictureless. Because everyone should be able to "minds eye" a picture of dirt. Dirt on the road.....
in the back of an FJ for afew days -parking managed by sun light availability.3 days later 1 65 watt halogen to keep em warm.
On the tenth day(10 days after germ beganso closer to 2 weeks), I head back to the ranch-metaphorically thinking...or typing-whatever;)!

Over watered, because got over dry, sink or swim kids.....if you make it, you will rule!
At this point , they're being fed with 2 strip flourescents and a 90 watt grolight.
One cat thought , awesome, it is warm, the humans fuss over this spot, so I will sleep here.I gently extricate cat, for it knows not what it does. I assume waking up in the air will get my point across, as far as "must not sleep there".Seems to work.Uno , my ever watchful Jack Russell Valkyrie Familiar, drives the exclamation point home by chasing "Lira"up the nearest tree.Not much damage due skillful cat handling ;).

3 weeks....getting a watering schedule dialed, most sprouts have returned to their precat status, and yes some got helped back "up".2 or 3 were brutally uprooted in frustration, which I played off as "Let that be a lesson to the rest of you!".No time for the sissy stuff this year.The missing plants have been split and put into 12 Oz'rs.
4 days after this, all potential plantlets were transplanted into 16/20oz cups. Yes I know"Its way to early said the choir"!!!!
Tough shit, hit the dirt, time to drive back to Houston.So I packed up the truck "and they moved to Beverly....", well Houston.
The next pic you will see one tupperware tray, the little kids get to stay home with the evil princess;).

I talk all this smack , and then notice when I get to Houston that the vibration has toppled half of the plants(narrow bases of the 16 oz cups walking around....ahhh F*ck,"We have casualties on the ground, I need air YESTERDAY! I say again...".Shit , Its 23:30.
In 30 minutes, they have been recupped and dual large bore IV'd.To prevent further damage, I seak out plastic cups at the nearest late night Indian owned gasvenience station.....What about beer you ask?....HeHeHe-I left home fully loaded, on ice, I hate driving around late at night looking for beer. I don't really like doing it for cups either, but you what you gotta do, or won't have a grow.The cups were(and did) to provide buffers for the tippers, and were placed inverted in various places to prevent VIT during additional transit required.Photo bucket crapped out so this is it for episode one.
Have a good one-

Addition relevant comments:
I believe new grow seeds for this round are all Chinense, and in order of appearance:
First up 1. Peach Bullets -R Alber; 2;Melissa's Black Scorpions Tongues -3 days.
Second up 3. Carolina Reapers-Pepper Joe/Ed Currie; 4. Bhut Jolokia X 7 Pot Douglah-Matt G; 5. 7 Pot Browns-OBN; 8. Bhut Jolokia x Cleo's Dragon-R Alber;-5 days
Third up 9. Jay's Peach Bhut -OBN; 10. Brain Strain Orange-OBN; 11.White Fatalli-R Alber; 12. TS Yellow x Bhut Jolokia Yellow-??, 13. Bhut Jolokia x Chocolate Hab-Matt G-7 days

Failure to lauch :The Pumpkin (not a Butch T)....Bummer, and 2 others......?????
At the end of the next 9 day stretch ,all were tx'd to 20 oz cups, and nice rootage;)
The beasts of the bunch-Melissa's Black Scorpions Tongues, and Then The Bhut Jolokia x Cleo's Dragons, all of which had 6-8 leaves on departing for Ghana.
Dew- Roger , Uno is a Jack Russell, her Indian name is  "Ten Dogs"..LOL, she thinks trains ain't shit.She has also been lucky enough to have the presence of "Ten Dogs"- because some of the critters ETC, she goes after when "clicked on", could definitely eat her for lunch.That is the reason she is usually in a harness..for a handle!I love the sound of a Pit/BM mix-good balance.All my other dogs have been bigguns- Akitas , Neo Mastiff, Rotts, but if Uno was that size , I would be in jail most assuredly.....17# of 500# Monster.
Get an AR. ;)!You won't regret it.
Jeff-2 lowers, but need to scale up 1 and get an AR-10 , just because.Roger the Russian comment, I'm sure this Asshat in Charge has Putin quaking...with laughter;
But, hey , they need a good attention diverter,  bigtime , as they finish us off financially.
..As for the grow, its gone on a another ride and is back out to sea-hopefully this will be its last extended journey!
I just wish I had a video of Sidney, now gone a 9.5lb Rat, she thought she could whip an 80lb pit, or maybe she didn't care or know better. We saw her many times jaws clamped on the tail of a 1,200lb cow. Stiff legged like she water skiing, trying to take that cow down. She just wouldn't give in, now that's the spirit I love about Terriers.
Keep those gals a growin!
gnslngr said:
Jeff-2 lowers, but need to scale up 1 and get an AR-10 , just because.Roger the Russian comment, I'm sure this Asshat in Charge has Putin quaking...with laughter;
But, hey , they need a good attention diverter,  bigtime , as they finish us off financially.
Nice, my brother has an Armalite AR-10. It is a great weapon and his Eotech makes it nicer. The Asshat comment was the funniest thing I have read today. Too true.
Keep the mobile grow going :dance: this is a hoot.
Hi Kids....the update slacker is back.Last years plants pulled except for 4 or 5.....because 2 or 3 the pulled ones had some below ground shoots coming out. The new broods classes 1 through 3 , have made a few more "walkabouts"( they have about 1600 road miles, and 21 days of sea time at last count)
and this does NOT make for ideal grow conditions!If I could drag around some T-5's...things would be much farther along. 2 weeks ago, after their last "planes,trains, and automobiles" excursion, I decided to get 'em some T-5's(Nice call Patrick!). Nice kick in the pants for the kiddies- and none to soon, as the fungus gnats are laughing at the mosquito dunk watering.All have since gone to cups......except the very last starts.
So .....

The backseaters, enroute to their last ocean journey-

The passenger seat, same,same. The last round was the round ended container- with Mustard Bhuts,Pimenta Lisa's, and the Green Hornets ,among others.

Class 1 ,returned from the sea , and "cupped up"- initial sun conditioning(under double screens)

Alligator Bhut...... :rofl: , one of the locals.

The same brood as above, class one, a week after the T-5's.20 oz cups.

Pink Tiger, didn't care for the overwatering(last experiment with bottom watering- so now I remember why I don't care for that method, hello fungus gnats).King D got these for me , as customs loves my name and  take almost every out of country order. Stefans made it through luckily ;)

7 Pot Mojo Big Brown from King D

Black Chili, a chinense/anuum cross from Jungle Rain. A bit of a "name change", and these made it through as well :shh: .....
The last class has taken heavy casualties from fungus gnats, and are currently sitting under a portable light in the hotel room. These were the stragglers. VV7's, Chocolate Barrackpore's, Vladan's Viper are the latest casualties here. This weekend the strong ones will go to cups hopefully-the
slow class remaining will stay on as fungus gnat bait in the meantime.Pimenta Lisa's, and Mustard Bhuts have gone to cups before this trip.The Green Hornets are trying to hang-hopefully the "bait" will keep em that way long enough to move!2 Spikes, 2 7Pot Congo SR's, another Mustard Bhut and 3 I can't remember are looking to make it through... :party:
Time to get outta here , hit the gym , and then succumb to the siren song of coldbeer :woohoo:
Oh,Jeff- pic will have to wait but....a Browning Safari in .375 HH , and a Ruger No 1 Tropical in .45/70 have managed to make their way into my home;)!
PS.....so 2 days after transferring 24 members of class 1 to cups....I dropped the entire tupperware bin(the cups stay in these, on shelves) on the floor.
...a day of vigorous f-bombing for sure, but.....all but 3 managed to make it back into cups, though I'm sure I now will have a bit name changing to do when they grow out, as the cups were all labelled, and a few may have found their way into "another's cup" during recovery efforts. Oh yeah, talk about some JDAM sized f-bombs...!!!!!!! :onfire:
Well You sure have the grow on the run than down!
I'm amazed at the shape of the plants.
I hate fungus gnats, the bait does work, but takes awhile. Bringing them outside after a few doses works wonders as the mature ones go away and then no new ones appear.
Nice score on the heavy hitters, shot a .375 a few times years ago. A mean weapon!
Keep it green!
Ruger #1 you say? Pretty cool, but I never thought of you as a single shot guy. Of course a 45/70 is mean enough that you might only want one shot in that light weight rifle. :rofl:  A few shots of a 7.62x51R in a small M44 carbine are tough enough on the old shoulder, but the muzzle flash is sooooo much fun to watch. Haven't bought anything since the Smith Shield 40. Should be time soon for a new toy. Been thinking about an F class build on an AR lower. That will set me back quite a bit, but at least I wouldn't need to buy a new lower right away since I already have a couple.
Survivors look good, and yes, fungus gnats suck. I kept mosquito dunks in my watering can all winter long and even though I did have a few gnats, I was able to control them bastards.
When do you get home and actually get to plant them in the ground?
Nice pics as always Dave... especially adorned with the beads of water for the flash. :)  Are you planning on eventually getting your starts in the ground, or will you be carrying them around with you all summer? Good luck either way...
Dew-"I'm amazed at the shape of the plants."
Well, the ones I'm nursing right now aren't even close-3 were under an1" with tiny little first real leaves, and they had been that way for a week....
Today was D-day, run out and grab a small bag of MG Moisture Control Potting Mix, Perlite, skeeter dunks, and 20 oz cups-plants were sittin outside in the wind, outta direct sun.
Blackened Fish Taco's and a few Naughty Brunettes(beer) for my Easter meal-then back to the room with the supplies.The strong survivors-Mustard Bhut, 7Congo SR's,Vladan's Viper, 7 Pot Mojo Big Brown-all had 2 sets real leaves, plenty of root structure-easy transplants,knock off the old soil, replant, covering the top of the soil with a 1/2" of perlite-no problem.The 7 Pot Whites, a Mustard Bhut , the Lone Survivor Green Hornet Naga ,Bhut Jolokia x TS Cardi Yellow(Stinger Tailed F-2's),Moruga Satan, and SBB X Y7, Sepia Serpent , and the Chili Petins were tx'd also, but these were the wee gnat stunted ones, and that was a little dicey.Overall ,I believe we have successful mission profile.All this effort is kinda funny as I have 96 plants in cups at home, but I just couldn't let them go down without a fight. :rolleyes: .
Jeff- Well, hehe, don't tell anyone , but when I hunt critters , I hunt with 1 in the chamber only anyway-keeps you sharp.Unless we are talkin hogs...then I'm as more along what you suspected,LOL! The No 1 .45/70 is screamingly light-schnabel forend, carbine length barrel-Its gonna let me know it's there for sure. Its a full pound lighter then a No 1 in .270 I used to have-and that one would be pretty ornery when pushing 150 grn .277 bullets.She handles wonderfully though...I'll let you know in about 2 weeks :dance: .
Spice, that gator will let you get about 8 feet away before it hits the water, I was slow on the "iphone draw" though, hence the swimming pic.Better luck next time!
Stefan-My biggest concern was gettin the "Lisa's" to grow , when you said you named em after your daughter, the pressure was on!! I managed 2 transplants, now I'll have 3 Mustard Bhuts, and The SBB XY7 as well.. :dance:
Thanks for stoppin by-
Mighty fine group of plants there! Hope you beat out the gnats for once and all.
Vladan's Viper is a cool one. One I wanted to grow this year but didn't make it happen. Looking forward to seeing that one grow out.
Can't be easy bring up these young ones on the road. That's an accomplishment on its own.
Wow, Dave…Growing chiles in your car…My definition of a true chile head has just changed… :P  I can't help but think about the ancient Mongols, fermenting milk wine in animal skins while traveling on horseback. I would much rather rely on chiles for my thrills, however…:cool:
Really beautiful plants, and excellent photography. Thanks so much for posting!
Roger that Stefan , that I will(enjoy growing it)-I tend to be my own pressure cooker, keeps me sharp:).Scotch Bonnet Yellow x 7Pot Brain Strain Yellow, I think my bastardization came from the reading of a hastily scrawled list full of abbrieviated names :shh: .
Dang that sucks dropping a tray like that. I'm playing Name that pepper with my OW's, not a fun game.
Used to have a Rugar #1 in 7mm Mag. had a Leupold scope on it. Started out with a Tasco 3x9 but I wanted something with a little more reach out power so I picked up the Leupold 4.5-14 x 50mm. Made for a killer combination when I went hunting with my Uncle.
What's this "bait" you're talking about for fungus gnats?  Are you thinking bottom watering contributed to the infestation?  Great looking plants, anyway!