• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GNSLNGR's Not the shortest grow log anymore!

This isn't really a grow log, just a few pics of a grow in progress....the seeds were started Mid February, and went into the ground a week ago.......


Purple Bhut

Red Brain Strain

Chocolate Scorpion(Cappy)

Douglah x Butch T

Monster Infinity


Trinidad Scorpion Red x Giant White

Peach Habanero

Overwintered Jam Hot Chocolate

40 in the ground with 20 yet to go! Overwintered plants: White Bullet,Yellow 7's,Chocolate Bhuts,Giant Bhuts, and a Naga...are all podding up;)!
That's some painful pods you got there, PS. They look so damn gritty :D About the Habanero Purple, from what I've seen on the net they don't actually turn purple but brown so the mystery continues...
Can I be part of the possee?? puhleese!! puhleese!! Damn bro, those Infinites, ButchT x Dogulahs, and regular Doughlas are stupid nasty. About the most interesting pods shots in a while!!!

Great update!
Jamie, what's up? back! I'm playing catch up on glogs-dude I am out of the loop from the last 3 weeks...I managed a few updates at least, but no recreational glog perusing etc. As for sauce....someone tossed out the remaining empty woozies(had 6-7 bottles left in a box) because SHE thought I used em all, and therefore my box was trash.So , now I get to find a good source woozies-this case was from a friend as a freebie. The last few I sent out I had to clean labels off some old empties-pretty funny really, as I didn't discover this until I had the box ready to go,pods packed...on a FRIDAY. YOU THREW WHAT BOX OUT???? :rofl: Canning jars require big boxes-and break way to easy-so woozies are the only way I'll send any now. Scoville Deville's is waiting on the same thing in case he's wondering......
Fernando, You said it man, after playing with a few of the first ones for a day or so, and putting off eating one...the time came and I cut one open for an update a few weeks ago-now there was no escaping it, so down the hatch that half went. Sweet for about half a second, then :fireball: . This one was worse. I now consider them fully tested, and they can make15 minutes seem like hours!
Shane, I wished you luck when I sent them :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ...I know they leave a mark, but they'll make a nice heat source for your Superman powder! Damn-I've been interrupted about 20 times during this post-what I'm supposed to work at work?WTF!!! Now you just need to eat the other 2 :party: !
Meat, they definitely roll as hot as they look- no trickery there. As to the hab bhut issue....I have seen a few different ones but never see the foliage-this plant still has a good bit of purple in it still,whereas the other ones turn greener and retain purple veining...but with pepper variations Idon't think anyone knows "for sure"!??Mystery deepens indeed. :high:
DeNNiZ, they won't let you down...every one I've eaten have been full bore Mofo's!Refer to testing comment above.

Gold, You ARE a posse all by yourself! :rofl: which automatically qualifies you!Yes- they are stupid hot! Very disturbingly reliably so at that.! I even thought a "little" one might be an easy mark, but I was the easy mark-even a little bitty one seems to be huge inside!

And just who IS that masked man?!!
Okay fingers crossed-I'm gonna try leave'n em-maybe they'll come out wrongly right?!!!

The heat I'm packin(someone will catch on to that one!?)-Douglah,Brown7(this one HURT),Red Dougy,Yellow 7's,Infinities,Primos,DBT,FatxCleos,Gold/white Bullets, UnknownYellow chinese(Damn good)
Nagas,Kavals,and a few choc habs.

Red Dougy-stem would be up

Head on Red Douglah-stem up??????

X-mas in July-many thanks Shane-GOOD stuff

The Moon pool- a big hole in the ship ,hatch is closed-playin mobile aquarium, when its open...its a long way down.

This is a "Glider" ready for launch, an AUV we dubbed Dorothy-it will track hurricane data for 4 mos during Hurricane season-piloted out of NASA in Stennis,Mississippi.This was playtime stuff before the real work.

so I'm learnin-
BUMP IT!!!....


I won't have time later so here goes some more...

The Black Nagas-this plant makes em long and shapely

These little Anole babies are everywhere-one of the reasons it takes a lot to get me to use the chems-but they'll be grown enough to shake the plants and chase off in a month or so...

Devil Tongue Browns turning

Close with the BROWN 7...the right half has pools of oil not just drops.....2 were enough -its sauce and powder from now on!
Gonna cut it short-hopefully the rest I'll post next time-
Have a good one-

Hey, Gunner! Good to see that you no longer have the
shortest glog! Of course, size doesn't matter, right ;)

You have some of the sickest pods on the forum, bud; I'm
with Andy, I had to stand back and scroll down your page
using a stick to push the buttons on my keyboard!! We
have nothing to fear but fear itself!

Really, Dave, great stuff; keep up the good work...
Great update Dave :dance: Those pods look like they will scorch some serious ass hair :flamethrower:

Love the shot of the mini sub . I envy your job on occasions :D
Nice pods brother! You had mentioned a comparison between your Black Naga and mine earlier. Mine are squattier than yours, but same basic color and texture. Same with the Devil's Tongue Browns you sent. Same color...looks like your pouring slow moving caramel in from the top that takes forever to reach the bottom of the pod.

My last duty station utilized uuv's...cool stuff, but maintenance intensive. Stay safe out there buddy!

Good Glowdy! your pod shots are lookin sick! That is some for real heat you are packin!. that Devils tongue is so rad! and fun on your boat ride.

Gnarly Red Douglah, they bada$$, but they taste like...well...bad a$$ -same term different reference(yes-I am bad.....but I did use the same word 3 different ways in one caption :dance: )

Just break in the NO ACTION, an undisclosed remote secure beach location...Yes, that is Jungle Rains White Lightning.
With some back up in the form of a Dorset Naga, Fat/Cleo 1,Fat /Cleo 2....and uhm-DUH :shh: ....BUT FIRST THINGS FIRST!

After the previous night's blood doning six mile run through the marsh, we want revenge ,no feet involved except on the gas pedal-YES, Suspension testing :rofl: we decide to take advantage of the secure location, this what a Red Stripe looks like shortly after going 97 mph on a deserted beach or so thats what I hear(shit eating grin/pepper/RedStripe toast to all of you)...somebody has to do this. I am sideways to reduce wind resistance and to keep the beer in the bottle-I am Just Guessing-its photobucket!

Now that we know we can make it back in a hurry if need be....Chow time.Jungle Rain White Lightning, Shrimp poorboy,and you can guess the rest.
I will review it later-for now -it is really good, with 4.5 heat rating(out of 10-this means more people can use it,Grant is no fool!)

Beach shot, because i don't have enough pepper shots....

Time to shag back to the ship....I'm just guessing again, but we to need haul ass, or we will fall off of this picture(ok this time I know its sideways-I'm editing)

The underside of a swallowtail, because this was supposed to go in the LAST update....check out its little grippers, don't worry -its not really upside down.

I am almost out of pods, this sucks.Unfortunately for me the remainders are 3 primos and an Infinity :onfire:
Beehunter...your seeds have been plucked and may actually head your way prior to sail Friday.

Have a good one-
1. Great update Dave :dance:

2. Looks like you are having way too much fun out there working ;)

3. Sucks you are low on pods. :confused:

4. I will be making some powder soon and will send some your way. :party: