• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GNSLNGR's Not the shortest grow log anymore!

This isn't really a grow log, just a few pics of a grow in progress....the seeds were started Mid February, and went into the ground a week ago.......


Purple Bhut

Red Brain Strain

Chocolate Scorpion(Cappy)

Douglah x Butch T

Monster Infinity


Trinidad Scorpion Red x Giant White

Peach Habanero

Overwintered Jam Hot Chocolate

40 in the ground with 20 yet to go! Overwintered plants: White Bullet,Yellow 7's,Chocolate Bhuts,Giant Bhuts, and a Naga...are all podding up;)!
Haha! A pack of 6 Cairns is a terrified thought!

I love Jack Russells--Ours was crazy as hell. She could "climb" our pecan tree, when the squirrels would come down to taunt her, by running at it so hard that the inertia would carry her 6 or 8 feet up the trunk..like those guys that run up a wall and do a back flip at the top...

Bonda plants are podding up real nice, so, when you're ready...hollah!

Okay- you leave me NO CHOICE! Here goes....
Shane and Andy- close as I got to visual on rows.the lattice is on the east sides only -thats the side that gets the hottest.The lattice just keeps mulch in place over the weed barrier, and serves to reflect some of the sun till the plants are big enough to shade the root zones.Look at the next row-you can see the lattice above the first row. There are 3 raised rows, and 2 diagonal rows on one end.Where these rows come together is the overflow area. The pic below that, with resident pepper guardian -Koi-big silver cat is sitting in the trench behind a row.Sorry no better examples -but get the gist. Tis is from where the rows turn diagonal, but you can see the end of the outer most row lattice to the left- there is a piece missing ,as I was adjusting the drip lines.

Okay I lied-can't find it.

Last "pull" before Isaac...

Some pods supplied to raise the stakes at the St Martinville Kiwanis Club Pepper festival.Giant Bhuts,Black Nagas,Red Douglahs....
The Giants Bhuts did em in ,never got to the Black Nagas or the Red D's

Infinity raging back after the storm-see broken nodes...

Chocolate scorps turnin'

Post storm Scorps- They are splitting from the water-

Bucking Fugs....Assassin Bug orgy ;)

Purple Bhut#2...

Star of Bethlehem.....a flower for the ladies;)....a bump will move this along...
Damn Pia, caught me not subscribed to my own log!Next ones for you;)!They are loaded on photobucket already......

Patrick-just take the blame -this is all your fault :woohoo: ....and those assassin bugs will fly off with a honey bee right now-you just don't know how many times I'd try to catch that on "not film"!

Gary -you said it, I don't disappear til the 15th, :fireball: -we need a hollerin e-con!
Fierce creatures....all 1.25" of bug eating fury; newly hatched gecko......

2 weeks after the storm-taller one is an unplanned scorp( -possibly from Douglah Butch T seeds or lone survivor Red Brain ,cept the pods aren't "brained"enough ,more smooth, who knows)...that runner just shot up,
it topped 6 'before I left. I will cut it back most likely.

The Purple Hab.....not like the brownish colored Purple Hab, or the Purple Bhuts....tastes like Red Carribean pods, the plant is fairly robust.Foliage is a good bit darker than the P. Bhut, with smaller flowers.Good eater.

Yellow Brains- ;)

Devil's Tongue Browns-different type of pod shape then the others.

Black Nagas-post storm pods.

Douglah X Butch T and Infinities showin their guts;)

Brown 7's....

Larger version of the red mystery pod

Another newly hatched beastie, a tiny Anole.

Have a good one-
Amazing peppers you got going.......imagine if you got to spend some time at home with them....work takes us away too much.
There's not way I can pick a mess of Bondas and get them to you before Monday...The pods that are set right now have your name on them, and I will save them for you.
I' m in till Weds :dance: :dance: :dance: now-either way Gary, what ever works best for you-no "HOOP" Jumping re'd-time to saddle up the Flyin' Brick and shag it on home!
Dave my man, Looking pretty nasty bro! Sorry to hear about the Storm, but looks like you had nothing to worry about.

Those Bonadas make a mean sauce man, they have such a great flavor. Next go around, I will defintely plant more than just one plant!
+ 1 with Jamie and Matt. I am definitely going to plant more than one of each of my plants next year. That red mystery is gorgeous. Almost to pretty to eat. Douglah's Butch T's and Infinities look inedible. That oil is just sitting there waiting to torture you. Great pics :fireball: :fireball:
Dave...I planted two each of the Devil's Tongue Brown and Black Nagas you sent. One for two of each came out looking identical to the ones you posted. The other Devil's Tongue came out red and one of the Black Naga's was stunted and odd shaped then croaked. The three survivors were some of my favorites this season! Thanks for the seeds brother! Very fun growing them...your plants look like they needed a trim anyway, so Isaac may have done you a favor! Great looking pods/plants brother...Enjoy the time off brother!
Great looking plants!!! Nothing like a good orgy yah know. You always leave feeling good but don't know who to thank. We have assasins up here but no anoles or skinks. I never knew geckos were indigenous to Loozyanna. I would trade ladybugs for those critters anyday.