• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GNSLNGR's Not the shortest grow log anymore!

This isn't really a grow log, just a few pics of a grow in progress....the seeds were started Mid February, and went into the ground a week ago.......


Purple Bhut

Red Brain Strain

Chocolate Scorpion(Cappy)

Douglah x Butch T

Monster Infinity


Trinidad Scorpion Red x Giant White

Peach Habanero

Overwintered Jam Hot Chocolate

40 in the ground with 20 yet to go! Overwintered plants: White Bullet,Yellow 7's,Chocolate Bhuts,Giant Bhuts, and a Naga...are all podding up;)!
Wow, those are some great pictures and beautiful pods! Those spikey ones look especially mean. There was a bit of snow on some parts of the ground up here today, but it'll be gone soon. Just to let you know what you're missing up north.
The Bitch Maker (lol) Primo...it was whats for dinner(mid rats)..

The Polar Queen departing....off into the big wet blue....

f**k this shit- this pic gets flipped every one of the almost 20 tries to get it right side up. Next Go log will be on Chiligrower only.
Loving the spiky douglah and the douglah. X butch TS f3s are freaking amazing. What are the backgrounds on those are they your crosses and strains. Always love spiky freak type podz
The Douglahs are 1 plant imparticular- I believe these seeds came from THSC ;)

Same goes for the DBT-munched that sharp little DBT...but will be goin spike specific for remaining seed collection this year.

Yeah - I love those spikes-they started mid season- both plants I will be cloning if they didn't catch a freeze day before yesterday. PM info if you want some seeds;)
Frost there already? Are you using a mobile device with photobucket to make these updates? If so,what device and what version of PB?
Nice looking pods btw.
Not yet I hope ,just heard mention from friends at home .....
The Updates are from my computer-after editing/saving ..they go to photbucket, almost all are upside downed or sideways.Then I edit then "up" there....and THP flips em another way-no consistency whatsoever.Thats the aggravating part...THP used to correct em-we just have so many people here now thats its basically becoming an add driven marketing device-so to big to mess with us freebies..shrug.
SHEEEEEEIT!...oh hell, I just needed to vent that shite, I'm usually crunched for time, and when it keeps flippen em around , it makes my teeth GROW!...and then they need to gnash, and do the WILD THINGS!
About week -ten days at most; :dance:...got a fridge and wife to receive anything perishable.

Tonights Primo....the last one I brought with me was pretty vicious...W-H-E-W!!!!!!!!!!! Good thing, down to one med little Yellow 7, and my store bought Habs.
Thank you Dave. Yesterday I got a box from you and one from buddy.

The 7 "Black" X[sup]2[/sup] was good but I think it was the Douglahs that kept it from being great. I must say though it has some serious heat and will be enjoyed.

The Red X[sup]2[/sup] is spectacular. Do I taste liquid smoke? I can swear I taste tamarind too? Please do tell.
Man look at those evil looking spiked pods. Those are freaking scary!

I wish I could help with your photo issue but it's never happened to me. I use photobucket as a host site too.

Man those are some wicked looked pods. Ouch!

Hey Dave your inbox is full, been wanting to PM you so make some room eh?
Thank you Dave. Yesterday I got a box from you and one from buddy.

The 7 "Black" X[sup]2[/sup] was good but I think it was the Douglahs that kept it from being great. I must say though it has some serious heat and will be enjoyed.

The Red X[sup]2[/sup] is spectacular. Do I taste liquid smoke? I can swear I taste tamarind too? Please do tell.

What book you reading there?
Just started perusing your glog, Gunner, sorry to be away for so long.
Wanted to make this note before looking at the rest. Speaking of drip
irrigation; I don't like the drippers for the reason you stated. You need
three emitters on a plant to make sure the roots grow all around the stem.
I use 1/4" soaker hose attached to my 1/4"drip lines and make a ring
around the plant then the water forms a cylindrical seep down the root
ball and out the drain holes in the pot. The whole root ball gets wet, since
the water spreads out as it seeps down; I have read it will spread 4" as it
drains through. Has worked very well with my containers, especially the
larger ones. I usually let the soakers run 1-3 minutes depending on the temps.

Great looking harvests and pod shots, Gunner.
Sorry everyone is so upset about the election.
I think it's all a bunch of crap. Both the Republicans
and Democrats are lying anal sphincters, and I'm tired
of the way they tool us around to further the cause of
their rich friends. As long as we have this screwed up
system, it doesn't make much difference who's elected.

Romney is a clone - just another rich bitch in a suit.
Hey all-
A quick week and a half home and then off to the land of secure "cleared" server only data access-read "no external access", and so no surfing THP except by iphone. I don't have the patience for tiny screens and all the fingering you gotta do to cover a single page. Back in Houston, bearing seeds and pods for seeds to harvest and send out....
Brian- Got the powder-thanks man!As to the "Black "-yep, roger the Douglah comment-most likely I will go to Choc Bhuts and a few others(Choc scorps, Kavals...and we'll see how the Armageddon f3 grow out as well. You would not believe the funk that overpowered everything after dumping a bunch of pureed fresh Douglahs , that placenta tastes like ass-and I almost shit canned the batch when I did that.I ended up up doubling up the flavor base portion and going to 7 Pot Browns and powder to get the heat back up. Cooking it back up to temp after that got rid of most of the funk, so I canned it to let it stew for a while.Funny thing is, I filled a jar immediately after adding the puree(for a heat/taste testing)-and forgot to bring it up to temp, and brought it with me to Houston along with the canned stuff. Well it fermented a bit, and when I broke it out it tasted like DOUGLAH ASS.I wouldn't let anyone have any after that(I didn't figure out the uncooked stuff fermenting until I got pressured into giving someone a jar anyway , and the person insisted on paying for it after they tasted it, and even wanted 2 more jars... so I checked out the jar, and it wasn't funky WTF???) and was gonna shit can the project again "till next time". Then I checked out the jar I brought for me in really good light...and saw the tiny bubbles-fermenting!If that friend hadn't insisted on sampling some, that whole bacth woulda gone in the dumpster.You do not want to go with Douglahs for mash-talk about magnified funk!The target with this was BBQ'D(real bbq, not the cooked with bbq sauce stuff )Pork.
The Red X2 ...smoke flavor was from adding the cherry smoked scorp powder you sent with a sauce order I had saved, along with some powder from Jamie.Normally I'll roast/smoke some of the pods lightly before pureeing, but I like the flavor intensity that powder brings versus just using fresh pods-it comes without the high water content of pods;). I don't like liquid smoke.
Paul-yep, both sides are full of shit, but basic accounting/flood of entitlements totally disqualified the Dems here-they basically bought the election with OUR f'kin money.It will always be a lesser of 2 evils- we're talking politics here.Voting for the "lesser" is still very important- and the Dems have just as many "rich guys in suits" as the Rep's, they just "misinform" and "misdirect/redirect" anytime it even gets close to them(Harry and Nancy), and it is okay to be a rich dem pitching themselves as champions of the "poor", and the media backs em up always. I put a rich guy who doesn't lie about it, over rich guys that aren't honest about it.Revenue earned by business performance interests trumps revenue acquired dishonestly through political wheeling and dealing.Nuff said.

As to the drip watering...it saved my year, but with the shortcomings mentioned-so better with then without, but I will be trying to decide as to the mode of improvement for next year.I like the ring or loop with 3 drips or 4, buried say ....4" down, 14-16" diameter loop around plant, tee'd off the main drip line.I am definitely gonna flood irrigate the rows as often as practical-and between the 2 practices, hopefully the amount of roots that come to surface(the heat and the shallowness combine to make for a quick wilter)will be reduced, and a deeper, more uniform root ball will be developed.

Jamie: I slack, therefore I am!

Patrick-PM away!I'm guessing the pic flipping is some minor software incompatibility between ,Iphone/laptop/website-drives me f'kin NUTS!