• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GNSLNGR's Not the shortest grow log anymore!

This isn't really a grow log, just a few pics of a grow in progress....the seeds were started Mid February, and went into the ground a week ago.......


Purple Bhut

Red Brain Strain

Chocolate Scorpion(Cappy)

Douglah x Butch T

Monster Infinity


Trinidad Scorpion Red x Giant White

Peach Habanero

Overwintered Jam Hot Chocolate

40 in the ground with 20 yet to go! Overwintered plants: White Bullet,Yellow 7's,Chocolate Bhuts,Giant Bhuts, and a Naga...are all podding up;)!
You are right, GS, I could've put any of a number of names in his place!
Agree totally there!

Sorry to hear about the Douglah sauce funk. That had to suck a little.
I'll bet that won't happen again!

Did you get your picture woes sorted out? I haven't had that problem
as long as I edit then upload to PB.

Enjoy your shore leave, buddy.
Always good to "get back" again! Trippa -will be seed processing over the weekend , how the hell did it get to be December again already!???

Paul- I wish it was a consistent issue , so I could pin the culprit down! I transfer em from the iphone, edit with M-soft Office Pic Manager(far from the ideal tool-but usually the most expedient, as all I do is crop /rotate and lighten/darken)-they almost always rotate when they get to photobucket- so I "re-edit" there, and then they run about a 50% chance of rotating again when they get to THP.

Roger your comment as to interchangeable names!
Lawyers ,Politicians, and "reporters" all effectively do the same thing, they filter ,manipulate the facts, omit /ignore any mitigating info, generate controversy ,provoke conflict and division, and just outright lie sometimes-all in the name of personal and political gain...at the expense of the general populace.The first 2 you take for granted as guaranteed liars, the 3rd group unfortunately does the most damage-as no single person, irregardless of how "intelligent" they are, can determine a valid conclusion from a premise fueled with incomplete or incorrect information. Turn it into an emotional issue-and some very intelligent minds otherwise can turn in to easily manipulated mush! You will never meet a reporter(who admits it) in a bar/pub,where as occasionally you will meet a politician, and lawyers always love to tell you they are attorneys, so wherein lies the most dangerous serpent? It is the one you do not see or suspect, and never meet "as such"-the snake "so to speak" in rabbits clothing.The "medians".
Roger your comment as to interchangeable names!
Lawyers ,Politicians, and "reporters" all effectively do the same thing, they filter ,manipulate the facts, omit /ignore any mitigating info, generate controversy ,provoke conflict and division, and just outright lie sometimes-all in the name of personal and political gain...at the expense of the general populace.The first 2 you take for granted as guaranteed liars, the 3rd group unfortunately does the most damage-as no single person, irregardless of how "intelligent" they are, can determine a valid conclusion from a premise fueled with incomplete or incorrect information. Turn it into an emotional issue-and some very intelligent minds otherwise can turn in to easily manipulated mush! You will never meet a reporter(who admits it) in a bar/pub,where as occasionally you will meet a politician, and lawyers always love to tell you they are attorneys, so wherein lies the most dangerous serpent? It is the one you do not see or suspect, and never meet "as such"-the snake "so to speak" in rabbits clothing.The "medians".

Shoot, when I was a kid they just reported the news... now they selectively report and tell you what to think about it too...When was the last time you saw a media outlet reporting the full contents of a bill before tCongress in its original language? In my opinion, the devil's in the details in the form of bill riders.

Gallagher says that if the opposite of "pro" is "con", then the opposite of progress is Congress...
Wow. I can't believe you lumped my honorable profession in the with likes of politicians and reporters . . . and with such a broad brush! BTW, do you know what lawyers use for birth control?

Their personalities! :P

Roger your comment as to interchangeable names!
Lawyers ,Politicians, and "reporters" all effectively do the same thing, they filter ,manipulate the facts, omit /ignore any mitigating info, generate controversy ,provoke conflict and division, and just outright lie sometimes-all in the name of personal and political gain...at the expense of the general populace.The first 2 you take for granted as guaranteed liars . . . .
Haha MWCH! I feel the same way when people badmouth teachers.
Unfortunately, I have no problem thinking of bad examples that make the
accusations seem true. Whole 'nother issue. But there are some real
gems there, as well. I can't help thinking the same is true on your turf.
Okay-where the post went , I don't know, so here's a repeat:

LOL-Jeff, I should add present company excepted for the aforementioned, except anyone in the media. We all have bad examples of our professions walkin around-and it does suck to get lumped with worst of , but thats who really I was refering to.....I wouldn't let one the "new breed" of deep sea divers wipe my ass if I sat in a bucket of shite!Even if they pulled their pants up and quit that stupid"Yo dawg" I'm so street" shit.No concept of personal accountability whatsoever...."So what if I f**ked it up,I made just as much money to splash as you did", "dues?I don't need to pay any dues", uh oh-almost ranted there. If you are one of the good guys, YOU know it.Problem is the bad ones never figure it out!Paul hit the nail on the head-we hate that they are out there, but no one knows better then us , as to who they are!....CAPISCE?