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Going to be offline as of Friday….don’t panic

moyboy said:
Igg sent me a PM and told me he was meeting a girl at these gigs....He seemed pretty excited and told me she is really hot.....

He sent me a pic which I thought was nice of him........He did mention that the pic was taken at the wrong angle.....but I can't see any problems....

imaguitargod said:
Well, this looks like it's my last post until after the event. I've got a tranqualizer in me so I can sleep and am about to polish off my 8% abv beer (that aged Founder's beer from my cellar) so I'm going to be hitting the hay in a little bit.

My clothes are packed, my homebrew too, car's cleaned out, money is sorted, maps and directions to all the places are in order (including directions to the breweries). Tomarrow all I have to do is get up, eat breakfast drink coffee, poo (very important), shower and leave! Pray to the car gods for me and shoot some posative vibes my way. See you guys in a few!!!!

uh huh...and the checks in the mail, and I'm sterile, and the truck is paid for....

Salute', TB.
boutros is trying to dethrown IGGY.
imaguitargod said:
Tomarrow all I have to do is get up, eat breakfast drink coffee, poo (very important), shower and leave! Pray to the car gods for me and shoot some posative vibes my way. See you guys in a few!!!!

We'd better also pray that you don't mix up the order and don't poo in the shower.
thehotpepper.com said:
boutros is trying to dethrown IGGY.

No can do! I'd have to hire some staff to get close/keep up. Just catchin up on some meet n greet in the welcome section!
MrArboc said:
Are you back or did you "forget" the directions from the breweries?

:lol: Ya, I got back at 11:30 PM last night. Been VEEEERRRYYY busy. I've got 250 pictures to sort through and crop/resize and 4 days worth of events to write up and review. I'll post when I can on the site.

My car made it alright too. Thanks for all the good vibes folks!
IGGy was gone?

No wonder this forum loaded faster these past few days!!!

Errm... :welcome: back IGGster. :)

BTW, how did you and your new sweetie make out?
Hey IGGY the boss pulled a swifty on you when you were gone, he is bloody sneaky. Don't tell him i told you though.
Those had to be the slowest four days of my life. I think my peppers even stopped growing. The universe has been out of balance too.

By the way what's an "IGGY"? Welcome home dude.
patrick said:
Those had to be the slowest four days of my life. I think my peppers even stopped growing. The universe has been out of balance too.

By the way what's an "IGGY"? Welcome home dude.

An Iggy is me. Imaguitargod got shortened to IGG, then someone added a "y" to get IGGY and it just caught on. I think I have the most nicknames of anyone here (Igg, Iggy, imaguitargod, Passow)
I don't know if it was me that started calling you Iggy, but thats what I call you...