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Gojii & Ginger Habanero sauce

One of our members was extremely kind and sent me almost a lb of gojii berries. I ended up eating all but maybe a couple ounces just straight out of the bag, but I decided to save some and give cooking with them a shot. I'm going to attempt to make a pretty thin consistency sauce, a little thicker than tabasco. I figure no garlic or onion since this is a fruity sauce. Also going to kinda stick to an asian theme since thats where gojii berries come from, hence the ginger.

I'll post pics and results as well as a recipe as best I can.
Reconstituting the dried gojii berries. This is going to be pureed into a thick base.


Rest of the ingredients:

I simmered the gojii berries in just a very little bit of water, I let this reduce off as much as i could, and I ended up with this awesome gojii berry caramel substance. Its delicious, I licked the spatula clean lol.

Habaneros sliced in half. Screw gloves & a spoon, I de-seed mine with a fork & paring knife. That way I remove seeds, not placenta.


Best device ever invented:


A few drunken whacks later & tada


Gojii berries pureed with a bit of white wine vinegar using an immersion blender. I take back what I said about that chopper, immersion blenders are the best thing ever invented:


Purees the shiat out of things.
Tossed everything into the cup with the gojii puree, hit it with the blender or a couple minutes, poured it into a sauce pot and added:
juice of 4 or 5 big ass limes
sifted thyme leaves
pinch of salt
some fresh ground pepper
pinch of saffron
fat pinch of ground allspice
turbinado sugar
bit of rice wine vinegar

pH test = < 4.0 pH


All finished. Man this stuff kicks ass. Came out exactly how I planned it, thin enough to run but still semi-thick. Sweet but not cloying, and you can taste all the ingredients. Didn't over do the ginger either, which is easy to do that stuff's powerful.
This stuff is a lot better today now that the flavors of the ingredients have had time to blend. The vinegar mellowed the bite of the ginger out a bit, but the overall flavor is more pronounced. Damn good heat but not silly hot, nice lip burner but doesn't really snatch you by the sack and give you the business.

Overall I give myself a 7/10 for this attempt. Pretty damn good, definitely a keeper but could use a bit of tweaking. I really dig the Gojii berry puree as a base. Gives a good flavor/sweetness/texture/color.
Dude this rocks. What do goji berries taste like? i almost bought some because of your posts, but now i think i will go through with it. I've been looking for an ingredient for my next sauce. Is it goji? hmm

and that hab closeup is sick! the globules of cap are just...wonderously frightening.