Gone for a week and when I got home this is what I found

Skyjerk said:
My favorite remedy used to be to just keep on drinking and stay ahead of the hangover. :)

Found a better way to avoid the hangover, though.

I just dont drink at all and therefore I have
no hangover to cure :P

I found out the last rememdy is the best. However, there are still times where for some reason I just have to keep having another drink! Especially if for some reason I'm drinking Jameson. For some reason I can just pour Jameson on the rocks and it seems like I can always drink more.:shocked::lol:
If you go actually go to bed that night, nearly all hangovers are gone by 3pm anyway. It just seems to be a magic time when they disappear :)
andres said:
You don't make micheladas with clamato... that is just wrong. Plain tomato juice or vegetable juice (preferably fresh) is all you need. It's all in the seasoning. And it is the most delicious cure for hangovers on this green earth

Andres how you no.. ;):lol: