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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. Windy 40-60F weather. I spent much of yesterday outside enjoying Mother Nature and working with tomato seedlings. More of the same today after an AM meeting. It’s almost time to visit a nursery for annual flowers to fill the sad looking pots. Almost. Around here we’re getting ready to jump the gun and plant, but know May brings many surprises.
Enjoy your day. Stay safe and healthy.
Good morning. It's 46F on its way to 75F. Nice with a few clouds. One meeting today at 1130. After that, heading outside to mow. We're forecasted to get rain TH-SUN (with multiple rounds of severe WX). I need to get the mowing/trimming completed today. Not sure what's on this evening's menu. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. 41-60F, a nice Spring day with no moisture. Slowly the seedlings will get potted up, slowly but surely. Community Garden meeting/dinner this weekend, with one new couple. Coffee group, errands, then back to those seedlings.
Enjoy your day with family and friends. Take time for your pets - they can surely make your day brighter.
Good morning. It's sunny and 62F, on its way to 69F. Should be another pretty day. The shed is done! Long live the shed! I've got a couple of old metal shelves I'll put in it, then start moving stuff in. No rush on that. Need to get back to the garden prep, but have to run some errands today. We'll see how much time is left for the garden. Hope everybody has a wonderful Wednesday. Be safe out there and enjoy the day.
Good morning. It's cloudy and 47F, on its way to 58F. Calling for partly sunny, and very heavy pollen today. Not good for allergy sufferers, like Mrs DR. It's been a brutal Spring this year. We went and had Margarita Wednesday (?) last night. They were good, but I think I'll be slow-rollin today, ha. Probably play with the plants a bit. Hope everybody has a terrific Thursday. Be safe out there and don't forget to celebrate something, lol.
Good morning. Congrats to DR’s new shed being completed and ready to use. I’ve been watching the storm going through Harry’s neck of the woods - good thing nothing is planted yet. That hail scares me since it’s almost a given here, just not as intense until last year.
The weather will soon turn to rain so I’ll take advantage of a beautiful AM and finish potting up and cleaning up some of the flowers and pots, readying for the annuals.
Enjoy your day. Love your attitude, DR “celebrate something”. New shed, sunshine, rain, grandkids.
Good morning. It's cloudy and 48F, on its way to 64F. Again with the high pollen today. Not much sun, but still should be an ok day. Finally got back to the garden prep yesterday. Measured and staked out the rows/paths in the newly tilled section. Now it's shovel time, and a lot of it - yuck. I've still got at least 3 weeks before plant-out, so I'll get it done. Need to re-pot some tomatoes this morning, then off to the garden I go. Hope everybody has a freaky good Friday. Be safe out there and enjoy your day.
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Good morning. It's 56F on its way to 75F. Severe T-Storms this afternoon. We had crazy severe storms last evening with sustained 50 mph winds and gusts to 70 mph. We lost (1) apple tree and down by the road we had a section of a large red bud tree snap off and it took out our mailbox when it fell. I've got hours of chainsaw work ahead of me. My plan is to get started on that by late morning as it's still lightly raining now. I will need to completely replace the mailbox. It's always something. The wind was soooo strong that it blew over my pellet smoker on my walkout patio. Incredible. I'll need to check on the house roof too. Anyway, I've got an hour or so of office work to do this morning. The grandkids will be here this evening. We're thinking about camping out in the basement with the kiddos as the Tornado threat is significant this evening (it's all part of living where we do). Pizza tonight. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Rain, rain, and more of the same with hail and wind added. Nothing like Harry, but the Eastern Plains got hammered yesterday. Temps will be in the 30’s at night so I’ll bring the sun bathing trays inside for a few days. So sorry for your weather damage, Harry. Heavy winds are very scary. Enjoy the time with grandkids.
DR has the great attitude about chores. I’m not there yet.
Have a wonderful day in spite of the weather. Maybe it’s time to bake cookies after errands. Stay safe, enjoy family get togethers.
sucks about the extra work Harry, hopefully I wont have any this hurricane season. Had a good time last evening, buddy rolled out this morning early headed to Georgia. I ran some errands and wife picked about 7 pounds of black berries. We have a solid acre of them. One of my favorite foods that I can not eat due to my DVT. Sonya is going to make a ginger bread or something with them? i remember the good ol days when I would go out in the morning pick a bag of mushrooms and a pound of berries for breakfast every day for months. have a great night and good morning.
Good morning. Rain, hail, snow, and more of the same. The reservoirs should be filling with all this extra rain. 36-43F. Lunch with the girls and our Community Garden dinner is tonight. Not going to cancel either. Maybe I’ll make cookies between events to warm up this old house.
Enjoy your day. Celebrate something - good health. Stay safe and strong.
Good morning. It's raining and 50F, on its way to 64F. Some of Harry's weather has slid this way again. Calling for cloudy with occasional rain. That's ok, I got plenty of futzing to do in the house. Sorry to hear about your trees, Harry. I was thinking you might want to save some of that applewood for the smoker. It's great to use on chicken. Then I read about your pellet pooper. Hope it didn't get damaged, but if that's your only smoker, I don't know if the applewood chunks would do you any good? They just poop apple pellets? Dunno. Anyway, I hope everybody has a super Saturday. Be safe out there and wear eye protection!
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Good morning. It's 70F on its way to 80F. Last evening we had tornados to the north and to the south. More of the same severe WX today. We're in the severe WX bullseye today. 5-6" of rain is the forecast through tomorrow too. Yesterday, I was able to cut up the red bud that snapped and got it hauled to the brush pile. Heading out to get a new mailbox in a few minutes. The apple tree that blew over is going to have to wait. Nothing else is going on. Big breakfast mid-morning. Fajitas this evening. Beverages throughout the day. Be safe and be good.
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Good morning. It's raining and 50F, on its way to 64F. Some of Harry's weather has slid this way again. Calling for cloudy with occasional rain. That's ok, I got plenty of futzing to do in the house. Sorry to hear about your trees, Harry. I was thinking you might want to save some of that applewood for the smoker. It's great to use on chicken. Then I read about your pellet pooper. Hope it didn't get damaged, but if that's your only smoker, I don't know if the applewood chunks would do you any good? They just poop apple pellets? Dunno. Anyway, I hope everybody has a super Saturday. Be safe out there and wear eye protection!
For smokers, I've got a REC-TEC pellet pooper, a Masterbuilt electric smoker and a trailered barrel smoker. The REC-TEC blew over but it looks fine. For sure I will save the apple wood.