I appreciate your comments lunchbox. I also think you need to be careful when making broad generalizations. Many people contributed to this topic and it wasn't nearly as black & white as you seeem to assert.
I agree with you in one sense - people here behaved poorly (for example, the poll) - and i think it's apparent that Ted also behaved poorly. You should know since you brought him here that Ted has a "big" personality. That doesn't always sit well with people. That Ted chose to put himself out there like that (for better or worse) invites all sorts of reactions, positive & negative & everything in between. And that's ok.
That Ted chose to react to the negative with more negative seems like a poor choice to me, but in my opinion he doesn't get a free pass for it just because he wasn't the 1st to throw a stone.
And at the same time, not everyone said the same things here and I don't think it's fair or right for you to lump everyone together just because you have a personal connection to Ted.
I actually came into that other topic as a fan of Ted's - check his "10 peppers in 10 mins" topic to see my several positive posts. I found him entertaining. I thought it was a schtick, akin to a fear factor episode, but entertaining nonetheless.
That said, when i popped into the now locked topic to see what the hubub was about, what I saw was Ted baiting people and acting fairly obstinate. That may have just been a timing thing, but that's what i saw. Again - Ted's a big personality - it's what he's put out there. He also put out there that he's gaining visibility as a voice of this profession/hobby. Some folks took issue with that - folks who seem to have worked hard at growing/selling/reviewing peppers. People who have spent many years doing it remarked that Ted's self-promotion to "reviewer/voice of pepperdom" bothered them, presumably because they did more than simply upload a clip or two to YouTube. And that is their right to express as an opinion as much as its Ted's right to say he's gaining momentum in a seemingly boastful manner. Those things are equally true.
I say this not to take a side - I agree that some of the members were way over the top with Ted. But equally I think Ted was over the top with some of the aforementioned pepper people. It is a two way street.
Then the topic got locked & Ted posted this dramatic goodbye? Sadly that only served to instigate further.
All that said, I still enjoyed Ted's videos and I find this entire exchange to be kind of silly & sad. He coulda stayed, told those who didn't like him to "suck it" and kept on doing what he was doing. Or he coulda left without a word if he no longer wanted to grace THP with his presence.
But instead he chose to put this out there & perpetuate things. Naturally those who liked Ted will post some defense of him or "shame on you" resoonses & people who didn't care for Ted had yet another topic to bash him (along with the ammo of the "board suicide" itself).
Look, I'm new here & I don't know you - just had a beer & read your response & felt reflective. Ted's presence certainly didn't impact your rep with me as you don't have one with me. For about 8 years i moderated at another forum though (not pepper related) and I've seen a good number of "Teds" over that time.
For better or worse your friend has a polarizing personality. And like I said - that's ok. But if you're going to be that kind of board personality, you also need to have exceptionally thick skin and not be so reactive.
Just one man's observation. I bear no one Ill will - your defense of Ted and analogy to biking was eloquently put, but maybe not entirely accurate. Seems like there's blame enough to go around. I think this entire "goodbye" topic was unecessary & toxic from the start and frankly that was 100% on Ted.
Good luck to Ted & to you & to everyone here. Hopefully in time all this will quietly pass and no hard feelings are harbored by anyone as a result. They're just words on a webpage, after all.