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Well said LB! Not a fan of Ted...but that really doesn't matter to me. To each his own.

You reminded me of a double century ride I did once...my group consisted of a 55 yo on a crank forward, a female, a 65 yo man and two more of us guys well over 220lbs. A ton of people pointing and snickering...and anyone was welcome to hold our wheel and take a spot in our pace line. Problem was the finger pointers just kept blowing up and falling off. Great ride, thanks for reminding me of it, and thanks for your great perspective.

I appreciate your comments lunchbox. I also think you need to be careful when making broad generalizations. Many people contributed to this topic and it wasn't nearly as black & white as you seeem to assert.

I agree with you in one sense - people here behaved poorly (for example, the poll) - and i think it's apparent that Ted also behaved poorly. You should know since you brought him here that Ted has a "big" personality. That doesn't always sit well with people. That Ted chose to put himself out there like that (for better or worse) invites all sorts of reactions, positive & negative & everything in between. And that's ok.

That Ted chose to react to the negative with more negative seems like a poor choice to me, but in my opinion he doesn't get a free pass for it just because he wasn't the 1st to throw a stone.

And at the same time, not everyone said the same things here and I don't think it's fair or right for you to lump everyone together just because you have a personal connection to Ted.

I actually came into that other topic as a fan of Ted's - check his "10 peppers in 10 mins" topic to see my several positive posts. I found him entertaining. I thought it was a schtick, akin to a fear factor episode, but entertaining nonetheless.

That said, when i popped into the now locked topic to see what the hubub was about, what I saw was Ted baiting people and acting fairly obstinate. That may have just been a timing thing, but that's what i saw. Again - Ted's a big personality - it's what he's put out there. He also put out there that he's gaining visibility as a voice of this profession/hobby. Some folks took issue with that - folks who seem to have worked hard at growing/selling/reviewing peppers. People who have spent many years doing it remarked that Ted's self-promotion to "reviewer/voice of pepperdom" bothered them, presumably because they did more than simply upload a clip or two to YouTube. And that is their right to express as an opinion as much as its Ted's right to say he's gaining momentum in a seemingly boastful manner. Those things are equally true.

I say this not to take a side - I agree that some of the members were way over the top with Ted. But equally I think Ted was over the top with some of the aforementioned pepper people. It is a two way street.

Then the topic got locked & Ted posted this dramatic goodbye? Sadly that only served to instigate further.

All that said, I still enjoyed Ted's videos and I find this entire exchange to be kind of silly & sad. He coulda stayed, told those who didn't like him to "suck it" and kept on doing what he was doing. Or he coulda left without a word if he no longer wanted to grace THP with his presence.

But instead he chose to put this out there & perpetuate things. Naturally those who liked Ted will post some defense of him or "shame on you" resoonses & people who didn't care for Ted had yet another topic to bash him (along with the ammo of the "board suicide" itself).

Look, I'm new here & I don't know you - just had a beer & read your response & felt reflective. Ted's presence certainly didn't impact your rep with me as you don't have one with me. For about 8 years i moderated at another forum though (not pepper related) and I've seen a good number of "Teds" over that time.

For better or worse your friend has a polarizing personality. And like I said - that's ok. But if you're going to be that kind of board personality, you also need to have exceptionally thick skin and not be so reactive.

Just one man's observation. I bear no one Ill will - your defense of Ted and analogy to biking was eloquently put, but maybe not entirely accurate. Seems like there's blame enough to go around. I think this entire "goodbye" topic was unecessary & toxic from the start and frankly that was 100% on Ted.

Good luck to Ted & to you & to everyone here. Hopefully in time all this will quietly pass and no hard feelings are harbored by anyone as a result. They're just words on a webpage, after all.
Lucky Dog...I don't see where we disagree at all. I wasn't painting a picture with just 2 colors; Ted + on one side, and Ted - on the other. Not at all. I'm also not defending him, because there's really nothing to defend. He is a big personality...and people like that elicite a reaction. There are a number of people here that are rather polarizing, as there are on any forum. I'm also not saying his antagonizers should keep their opinions to themselves...they have a "right" to their reaction(s).

I guess the whole point is it made me a little sad to see such "drama" on a site where I never thought I'd see it.
all i know is my comp monitor was about covered in coffee at refering to the ole lady as Lunchlady! the edit was well deserved :)
I guess I should chime in here...since I encouraged him to join up. I have to say...I'm a little embarassed. I told Ted this place was the best...and many people shit on him. TO double up...I bring a "personal friend" into what I consider the greatest group of people on the planet...and now I'm the jackass.

So either way...this whole ordeal gets me down.

Back when I was racing downhill mountain bikes...I rode with guys that were pro (literally), and would be the first to offer you a beer after a ride, never talk about themselves, and totally open to anything. I rode with guys that were 100% adrenaline junkies, and no amount of time in the hospital recovering could redirect their passion. I rode with people that snickered at my setup...because I ran a non-typical parts list, and geometry. I rode with guys that would take ANY dare...I've had friends jump off the roof-tops of university buildings just to put on a show. Me...I rode because I enjoyed it...the rush, the friendships, the bikes, the scenery, the stories, the scars...whatever. It didn't matter.

Point is...I rode with A LOT of people that didn't enjoy the sport the exact same way I did. We were all there because we loved to ride.

I do not enjoy the hot stuff the way Ted does...never been much for the "college dorm-room challenge" type stuff. I fact, I see it as a waste of "good stuff". I think what Ted does is showboating, and self-promotion. I also know he's agood guy, with a good heart. We enjoy this thing differently...that's all. Hell, back in college...I never did a keg-stand...or a beer bong...because that's just not how I roll. I still hung out with those guys, and openly mocked them as they puked their guts up in the driveway, then kicked back for a relaxing beer.

You people are not morons...you see what I'm saying. I'd be a total ass to demand that someone treat my passion the same way I do.

One final point...I've seen the word "hobby" tossed around a bunch. Maybe that's why I'm at odds with both sides of this. Chiles aren't a hobby to me; they are a part of who I am. Furthermore...no one is the face of what I stand for, besides me. The same goes for you.
I hope you werent directing those comments to everyone else here on this forum!!! There are some people on here who never once put Ted down. I myself being one of those people!

Lucky Dog...I don't see where we disagree at all. I wasn't painting a picture with just 2 colors; Ted + on one side, and Ted - on the other. Not at all. I'm also not defending him, because there's really nothing to defend. He is a big personality...and people like that elicite a reaction. There are a number of people here that are rather polarizing, as there are on any forum. I'm also not saying his antagonizers should keep their opinions to themselves...they have a "right" to their reaction(s).

I guess the whole point is it made me a little sad to see such "drama" on a site where I never thought I'd see it.

Ya, your right too much drama here sometimes :) Hopefully its all done with! :)
LB I feel that your "One final point" is somewhat directed at me. Allow me to respond. Growing chili's isn't just a hobby to me either, it's also a passion. I suspect it's that way for a majority of the people who frequent this site. To the rest of the world I'm sure most folks would consider it the same as growing flowers--a hobby. Whether we believe a face or personality represents us doesn't really matter. It isn't our decision to make--it's the publics. People will associate what they see with the hobby. Just look at the AFLAC duck. When you see it or here the "AFLAC" catch phrase you immediately think of insurance. If Ted's face or antics were seen often enough and he was dealing with chili's every time how long before people automatically think of peppers when they see him? I'd rather be represented by the duck.

you know what just hit me...this thread reminds me of when CASI and ICS split...people just choose to do things differently...
LB I feel that your "One final point" is somewhat directed at me. Allow me to respond. Growing chili's isn't just a hobby to me either, it's also a passion. I suspect it's that way for a majority of the people who frequent this site. To the rest of the world I'm sure most folks would consider it the same as growing flowers--a hobby. Whether we believe a face or personality represents us doesn't really matter. It isn't our decision to make--it's the publics. People will associate what they see with the hobby. Just look at the AFLAC duck. When you see it or here the "AFLAC" catch phrase you immediately think of insurance. If Ted's face or antics were seen often enough and he was dealing with chili's every time how long before people automatically think of peppers when they see him? I'd rather be represented by the duck.


I see your point or what i think your getting at. But at the same time i think its not the same as a brand. I mean when you watch that show jackass do you think it represents all skateboarders or bikers? Or do you think all motorcyclist are represented by the guys on Orange county choppers? ofcourse not. and i think most people can spot the outliers when they see them. cooks and paula deen?
Well...I'll just say that I think a few parting jabs were in order. Most of the original posters stuck to that theme and used a little humor. Then it really started to get a little on the ugly side. The foundation of this site is built on the genorosity, willingness to help and above all else mutual respect the members have for each other. When that starts to break down we need to check ourselves (myself included).

Although I am a relative noob on here, I do ask myself as I'm reading through threads gone wrong what a new potential member would think if they just happened upon the site today. With the eye-catching title this thread has...it'll probably be read. Unfortunately, this thread is the exception to the rule around here, but first impressions are important.

Soooo, I wish you well Ted,
As well as everyone else here...
Man, this is like an awesome soap opera. I think I'll have my wife read this thread. Now all we need is an awesome return story to write Ted back into the thread.

Come back Ted, come back.

And these are the days of our lives...


I really cannot stop laughing about all of this drama. ROFL.

Please don't stop. I am sitting on the edge of my chair waiting for more.
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