Don't be too quick to judge folks around here. Take some time and get to know everyone, then judge us!
I get a kick out of these types of posts, the "I don't like the way this thread portrays some people and I don't think I want to see anymore of them".
Active Posts 242 (11.32 per day)
that works out to having been a member for 21/22 days something like that... I can't say as I know everyone, but I know a railroad when I see one.
Even if I didn't appreciate the guys "reviewing" "skills", sense of humor, or general approach to people (I did watch a few of his videos btw), and even if the guy was over the top, that doesn't give us license to treat someone badly.
I'm not singling any one out in particular, if you feel singled out, well then that is probably just your guilty conscience speaking

As we have been really concerned about the "public face" of our hobby, forum, obsession, and industry, AND as someone asked what everyone thought a relative new comer might think, I decided to speak up.
Considering it was my first day on this part of the forum (though I've talked to most of you before, and like... well... most all of you any way

) and this thread was my first impression of the off topic parts, I hope you can see how I came to the conclusions I did.
I'm not leaving (or judging) THP as a whole haha... That would be silly. BUT it does make me leery of the offtopic parts.
Thats not to say I won't become a part of the silent majority, nor does it mean I'll not speak my mind here in the future... But as was said, I have enough drama IRL, I don't need or particularly want it in my hobby... I enjoy learning from people, I LOVE that there are so many well respected people from the hobby that are relatively active on here. Overall its a great forum made up of mostly great people.
I get a kick out of these types of posts, the "I don't like the way this thread portrays some people and I don't think I want to see anymore of them".
It had nothing to do with how idiot was "portrayed" and everything to do with how he was treated. Haven't we matured enough to get along with someone we don't particularly like?
*shrug* take it for whatever its worth. I digress.