You're missing Right Said Fred's "I'm to sexy"
Now it's turning into a chick flick with a mushy gushy oh so lovey ending... *puke*
What's funny is 4 pages into this thread, and only ONE post from Ted. I think WE look silly going on and on...
Only one friggin hug? I HATE ya'll!!!
LB I feel that your "One final point" is somewhat directed at me. Allow me to respond. Growing chili's isn't just a hobby to me either, it's also a passion. I suspect it's that way for a majority of the people who frequent this site. To the rest of the world I'm sure most folks would consider it the same as growing flowers--a hobby. Whether we believe a face or personality represents us doesn't really matter. It isn't our decision to make--it's the publics. People will associate what they see with the hobby. Just look at the AFLAC duck. When you see it or here the "AFLAC" catch phrase you immediately think of insurance. If Ted's face or antics were seen often enough and he was dealing with chili's every time how long before people automatically think of peppers when they see him? I'd rather be represented by the duck. Thanks.
Hey mega...I was directing those comments to everyone, in the spirit of objectivity as it relates to personal choices. Go back and re-read it...I think you'll find I'm not calling anyone (or everyone) out at all. If it came off that way, I apologize for poor wording.I hope you werent directing those comments to everyone else here on this forum!!! There are some people on here who never once put Ted down. I myself being one of those people!
Patrick...I promise anything I said was not directed at you at all...or really any one person. I can't say how you should feel about someone like Ted...that's up to you, and you are 100% withn your rights to assss anyone you wish, in whatever manner you wish. It sounds like you and I feel a lot the same way, so I can at least understand where (I think) you're coming from. Honestly, I only paid attention to one specific person that was railing on him, and I talked to him directly...not in a parenting or teaching way...just friend to friend...and it wasn't any big deal at all. Everyone has a right to their opinion and Ted painted a bull's-eye on his ass...the whole thing was a damn shame. I have no problem with Ted showboating...I have no problem with some people calling him to the carpet. It is what it is...I just hated to see the whole thing go that way.
Hey mega...I was directing those comments to everyone, in the spirit of objectivity as it relates to personal choices. Go back and re-read it...I think you'll find I'm not calling anyone (or everyone) out at all. If it came off that way, I apologize for poor wording.
LunchBox, apologies if I stepped across any lines.
Good...because you certainly did. We now have video footage of YOU cutting in front of Sally Smethers in the lunchroom back in 5th grade.'re a fowl one, you are...
Google Smegma. I bet you will regret it almost as much as the time you googled two girls one.....never mind.
Forget I posted. Carry on with the plan of the day.