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Got burned.....

Well I have read about you guys when you get burned by deseeding or just handling the peppers, and at first I laughed about all them (sorry to all you guys who got burned bad, like eyes, and you pebbles and what not.), and to my shocking discovery is I was getting some seeds out of thier bags that I stored them in and my nose got itchy, and I had touched, hmm oh I don't really know. I want to say little above 100 seeds. So I rubbed under my nose and wow, after a few minutes under my nose it started to sweat, and it started to have that burning sensation like you had touched a lighter that was on for a few minutes. Wow, it didn't burn so bad but golly it was a irritating sensation and a kind of like needles just poking at it for a while. While some of you may be thinking wow, what a wimp, I probably am.... But I had no idea that seeds had contained some heat enough to give a burn haha. Yea,I think I'll stop my rambling on about it, just thought I'd share my little burn with you guys :). Oh I started more seeds, and the seeds that 915river (thanks for the seeds if your reading this! :D) I had thrown them in some paper towel to try to germ. as well as many more, some of the varieties that I can remember is, Chocalate Habanero, Tepin, White Hot Habenero (those little white bullet size habaneros if any one knows what I'm so poorly trying to explain...), Antilles (915river), mystery seeds that I received from him from when I ordered from him, Orange Habanero, Carribean Red Pepper, Pretty Purple Pepper (like the name says, purple peppers! :D). And I beleive those are the ones I'm attempting to germinate... A definitely wrong post in the wrong place but I didn't really want to take up more space and make more to read.... But anyways hope you enjoyed a laugh about this.... and I'll think about grow log...
it's a learning experience! i got daves insanity in my eye last year. that sucked . then a week or 2 later i was deseeding some bhut jolokias and sue enough , right back in my eye again. that was much worse than the daves insanity. i thought i might go blind! rubber gloves are awsome!
When I was sorting out seeds to send to folks I didn't use gloves. Sure enough touched my face in a couple of places and for the next 10-15 minutes the fire was there. You can't trust any part of these mutha's, they'll get you every time.
Somehow even when I use gloves I get burned and in the worst places usually too. I heard a funny term for that before...anyone able to let me in on it so I don't have to use the vulgar version of "burnt scrotum" LOL
Somehow even when I use gloves I get burned and in the worst places usually too. I heard a funny term for that before...anyone able to let me in on it so I don't have to use the vulgar version of "burnt scrotum" LOL

what kind of gloves to you use? only nitrile gloves will help stop capsaicin from going through. this is according to someone here =D
I do like nitrile gloves and I'm going to have to start using them- I dont notice the pepper oil on my hands but now I know how much I touch my face! I have found that washing with milk does remove it. I thought one night I had washed thoroughly but I had not quite....face and hands arent the only thing sensitive and it is not fun to have your navel piercing on fire....