So Ii transplanted this 9/12/2012 about three months ago but with the high temps its taken a while but finally this little brain strain is starting to swell and I've got my first super(with out having to buy them)lol well not exactly yet but its there:-)
(yellow brain strain )
Awesome! THe pod looks great! Nice shape. Gonna be hot as hellfire when you try it lol. I waited for one of my bhuts to be my first superhot pepper as well. MOre satisfying that way imo
Well son of a brisket ! thats one hell ov a nice looking darn pepper ! Congrats Mr. Smitty , atta way ov not giving up my friend !
Nice pod there,
I remember my first one it took for ever then one day there it was, I was so happy then the dang thing was eaten by some bug or grass hopper leaving just a half eaten pod, Boy was I mad and I searched every plant to see if I could find the culprit but to no avail. A few days later the plant decided to fill up with pods and I was happy again.
Nice pod there,
I remember my first one it took for ever then one day there it was, I was so happy then the dang thing was eaten by some bug or grass hopper leaving just a half eaten pod, Boy was I mad and I searched every plant to see if I could find the culprit but to no avail. A few days later the plant decided to fill up with pods and I was happy again.
Yeh. I smashed a grasshopper that was on my hab that sucker was like 2-3in long
I see that you live near my birth place and where my Brother was born of course a lot has changed since then, so have the peppers. Nice Pod there I bet you can't wait till they get ripe, the brain strains are crazy Hot. :onfire:
I see that you live near my birth place and where my Brother was born of course a lot has changed since then, so have the peppers. Nice Pod there I bet you can't wait till they get ripe, the brain strains are crazy Hot. :onfire:
yep been here myself since I was two of course been to a few states threw out the the years for a lil each time ,the peppers?been into growing for a little while but yep been waiting patiently for it to ripen hoping for it to ripen by Thanksgiving but dont think thats going to happen.
Congrats. Thats a nice looking pod there. Unfortunately for me, my first year of growing superhots was thwarted by a ravenous deer thats ate the majority of my plants in one night. Four survived but they look "winterized" lol